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My Future Profession – an Economist

I’m a student of the Economics department. After graduating from college I’m going to qualify as an economist. Nowadays the profession of an economist is one of the most important in our country.

An economist should have a good training in economic theory, mathematics and statistics. At the college we are taught various general and special subjects, such as Management, Accounting, Marketing, Finances, Statistics, Computer sciences, Foreign Languages, etc.

An economist needs some knowledge of the world because business is connected with the world economy. Some knowledge of political and economic history will help us to understand better the economic laws of the development of the society. The profession of an economist includes various activities. The graduates of our department work at enterprises, in industry, business, banks, etc. You may continue your study at a University if you want to become a highly qualified specialist.

Being employed in industry and business, the graduates of our college work as managers, as executive managers, sales managers, financial managers. Some of them work as accountants.

Knowing the economic laws of the development of the society, economists can solve many problems which they are faced with in this country and we hope a good economist is able to contribute to the process of the country’s development.


Polotsk Trade-Technological College

Polotsk Trade-Technological College was founded in 1959.

It is housed in 3 buildings in which there are many classrooms, labs equipped with all sorts of technical teaching aids, computers, a library with a reading hall, a sport complex, a modern assembly hall, a canteen.

The teaching staff of the College consists of 77 teachers. About 2000 students study at present at the College. All students who come from other towns and villages are provided with hostel accommodation in a comfortable hostel.

There are two departments at our College: the day-time department and the correspondence department. The correspondence department gives the opportunity to obtain education without discontinuing the work.

The college graduates acquire the qualification of an economist, an accountant, a commodity expert, a mechanic, a programmer technician. They can work in the consumer cooperative organizations, in different commercial organizations, state trade enterprises and public catering.

The academic year is divided into two terms. At the end of each term students have an examination session. During the session they take credits and exams. During the terms the students attend lectures and seminars. They have vocations twice a year.

Every year more than 500 specialists graduate from the College and the main task of the students is to do their best to become highly-qualified specialists.

The College has contacts with many educational establishments.


The belarusian trade and economic university of consumer cooperatives

The Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperatives was founded in 1964. Today it is one of the leading centers of economic education in the country.

There are two departments at the University: the day-time department and the correspondence department. The day-time department comprises 3 faculties: the faculty of economics and management, the accounting and finance faculty, the commercial faculty. The correspondence department comprises 2 faculties.

The correspondence department gives the opportunity to obtain higher education without discontinuing the work. The University trains specialists in the following majors: economics and management of an enterprise, world economy, finance and credit, accounting, analysis, audit, commodity research and commodity expertise, management, commercial activity, audit and revision, marketing, management of information resources, logistics. The graduates of the University acquire the qualification of an economist, an economist-manager, a commodity expert, a marketing expert, a manager-economist of information systems, an expert in logistics. The graduates of the University can work in the consumer cooperative or­ganizations, marketing services of industrial enterprises, banks, etc.

Each faculty has its own dean's office. The course of studies lasts four (five) years at the day-time department and five years at the correspondence department. The academic year is divided into two terms. At the end of each term the students have an examination session. During the session the students take credits and exams. During the terms the students attend lectures and seminars.