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Listening and speaking.

Task 1. Read this newspaper article: High-tech mystery

High-tech machines leave many owners baffled, according to a survey by electrical retailers. Nearly a third of those with video recorders and 57 per cent of camcorder owners do not use all the functions. The 16-24 age group understood the technology best, with 70 per cent saying they were the family expert.

A recent survey of video owners found that over 70% could not set their timers

Survey your group. Ask these questions:

1 Does your family have a VCR?

2 What is it used for?

3 Who knows how to set the timer?

4 Does your family have a camcorder?

5 What functions are not used?

Task 2. You are going to hear a short talk. The speaker will explain some of the

differences between conventional audio and video recording. Before you listen, note down any differences you already know.

Task 3. Now listen and complete this table to show some of the differences between audio and video recording.

Audio Video

Medium magnetic tape magnetic tape

Tape width 1/4 inch

Type of heads

Speed (cm/sec) 2.339 (VHS)

Scanning linear

Data recorded in 1 sec. 2 5 complete separate pictures

Task 4. Read this text and match each change in VCR design with its result, as in the example below.

The step from recording sound on magnetic tape to doing the same with video signals is one of increased band width. Early reel-to-reel machines used one-inch wide tape and made the most of the available band width by moving the tape past the head at high speed. Unfortunately, this meant that the transport mechanism had to be built to a high specification.

Improvements in magnetic tape and the use of helical scanning meant that far more data could be crammed into a smaller area. By spinning the head at a high speed, the rate at which the data could be stored or retrieved was increased. Aligning the head at an angle to the tape laid down the information as a series of slanted tracks. This allowed the cassette tape to be narrower and move at a slower speed, giving rise to the modern video cassette recorder.

Early VCRs were playback-only, but by building in a full-colour TV tuner, programmes could be recorded from the air while another channel was being viewed on a normal TV. The inclusion of a timer meant that recordings could be made and viewed at a later date. Early timers only switched the tape on at a certain time, leaving the VCR running until the tape finished. The latest machines allow a large number of on/off programmed times to be set so that viewers can go on holiday and not miss a single episode of their favourite soap opera.

Task 5. Study the chart. Find the results of the changes in design.

Design change

Example: moving the tape past the head at high speed.

1) improvements in magnetic tape and use of helical scanning

2) spinning the head at a high speed

3) aligning the head at an angle to the tape

4) recording information in slanted tracks

5) аll these improvements

6) the inclusion of a timer


The transport mechanism had to be built to a high specification.

a) The information was laid down as

a series of slanted tracks.

b) The modern VCR could be produced.

с ) Far more data could be crammed into a smaller area.

d) Recordings could be made and viewed at a later date.

е) The rate at which the data could be stored or retrieved was increased.

f) The cassette tape could be narrower and the tape could move at a slower speed.

Language study: Change and result

Study this design change and its result:

spinning the head at a high speed The rate at which the data could be

stored or retrieved was increased.

We can link a change and its consequence in two ways:

1. Spinning the head at a high speed meant that the rate at which the data could be stored or retrieved was increased.

2. As a result of spinning the head at a high speed, the rate at which the data could be stored or retrieved was increased.

We can use these methods when the change is a noun or a noun phrase.

Lesson 5

The Gerund

Герундий – это неличная форма глагола, обладающая свойствами как существительного, так и глагола. Выражает процесс действия.

Образуется V+ing

Характерным признаком герундия является наличие перед ним:

  1. предлога;

  2. притяжательного местоимения;

  3. существительного в притяжательном или общем падеже.

Герундий с относящимися к нему словами образует герундиальный оборот.

Формы герундия.







having driven

being driven

having been driven


1. Subject

Reading books in English is very important.– Читать книги на английском языке – очень важно.

There is no avoiding it. - Этого не избежать.

It’s no use going there. - Бесполезно идти туда.

2. Predicative

  1. after to be: His hobby is collecting stamps. – Его хобби – коллекциониро-вание марок

  2. after can’t stand, can’t bare, can’t help: She couldn’t help laughing. - Она не могла удержаться от смеха.

I cant stand her singing. - Не могу выносить ее пение.

  1. He gave up smoking. - Он бросил курить. (после глаголов, выражающих начало, продолжение и конец действия: to stop, cease, keep on, go on, continue, start, finish, begin, give up).

3. Attribute (after nouns + preposition)

I had a chance of meeting him.–У меня был шанс встретиться с ним.

She has difficulties in speaking.– У нее проблемы с говорением.

4. Object

  1. direct object (after verbs without prepositions)

I enjoy swimming in the sea.– Я люблю купаться в море.

He denies having taken the book.– Он отрицает, что взял книгу.

  1. indirect object (after verbs with prepositions)

I am afraid of diving.– Я боюсь глубоко нырять.

They depend on his coming in time.– Они зависят от его своевременного прихода.

5. Adverbial modifier of: (всегда с предлогом)

  1. time (with prepositions: upon, on, after, before, at…)

On coming home he lit up a fire. - Придя домой, он зажег камин.

  1. manner (in, by)

We spent the day in packing. - Мы потратили день на упаковку вещей.

  1. attendant circumstances (without)

We danced without speaking. - Мы танцевали молча (без разговоров).

  1. purpose (for)

The floor is used for dancing.–Площадка используется для танцев.

  1. concession (in spite of)

In spite of being ill she finished her work. - Несмотря на болезнь, она закончила работу.

  1. condition (without)

You can’t go there without being invited. - Вы не можете пойти туда без приглашения.

  1. reason

I feel better because of having spent a month at the seaside. - Я чувствую себя лучше, потому что провел месяц на морском побережье.

Note: В функции обстоятельства герундий используется после предлогов in, at, on, after, before, etc…

Герундий с последующим существительным указывает на назначение предмета, отвечает на вопросы «для чего? для какой цели?» и переводится либо существительным в именительном или родительном падежах, либо прилагательным. Выполняет функцию определения.

a smoking room – комната для курения;

a boiling point – точка кипения.

Compare: Participle: a dancing girl no changes are possible.

Gerund: dancing shoes shoes for dancing

riding clothes clothes for riding.

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