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1) Find the English equivalents in the text and use them in sentences of your own:

взятая напрокат машина; создать взаимоотношения; экономичный; незначи­тельный ущерб; следовательно; включать в себя; организовать личное интер­вью; альтернатива ч.-л.; отраслевая пресса; инструктивное совещание.

2) Find in the text the words which describe or mean the following:

1. happening or existing in many places, and therefore not special or unusual -

2. to include many different subjects, ideas -

3. a place where many people often go for vacation with hotels, swimming-pools etc. -

4. to make someone feel calmer and less worried of frightened about a problem or situation -

5. a television or radio show on which people talk about their lives and are asked questions-

3) Match the words. Use them in the sentences of your own:











4) Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. They apologized and reassured us that the matter would be dealt with immediately.

2. What alternatives are likely to reduce traffic?

3. Expensive foreign cars are commonplace in this Chicago suburb.

4. He invested S70.000 of his savings in a new store.

5. Many stores will let you make a purchase by telephone.

5) Find Russian equivalents of the following expressions:

a spokesperson for an organization –

a publicist -

the director of public relations –

the chief financial officer –

principal editors –

travel editors -

Explain the meaning of these expressions in English.

6) Match the words which are close in their meaning:











7) Match the words having the opposite meaning:











8) Insert prepositions where necessary (in; to; of; on; for):

to go ___ a tour

an alternative ___ smth.

to involve ____smth.

a spokesperson ___ an organization

___ terms ____results

to make call____smb.

to reach __smb.

to invest ___ smth.

9) Explain the grammatical structure of the sentence:

It would be very difficult to get representatives from national business and trade publications to visit the offices of a small company.

Write down two sentences of your own with the same structure.

10) Write down 6 questions covering the contents of the text.

11) Can you explain the following:

Regular background briefings of the business and trade press may not result in im­mediate publicity but they can build relationships that will pay dividends in the future.

12) Develop the following point:

Satellite media tours are efficient and save travelling time.

13) Render the following item in English:

Практика проведения при помощи спутниковой связи теле- и видеоконфе­ренций или спутниковых мостов, как их иногда называют, становится все бо­лее популярной.

British Telecom's Confravision была одной из первых компаний, применив­ших этот вид удаленной связи, причем, с появлением спутниковых систем свя­зи, еще более расширились возможности общения между удаленными партне­рами.

Особенно выгодно использовать телеконференции большим компаниям, которые находят, что это удобнее в плане организации и гораздо дешевле, чем поездки на обычные конференции своих менеджеров. Однако следует ном-нить, что этот современный метод связи больше подходит для особо престиж­ных и масштабных событий.

Великолепным примером может быть применение этой техники при прове­дении симпозиума под названием «Гастролинк». На конференции операцию с помощью эндоскопа, которая проводилась в Лондоне, могли наблюдать меди­ки в Нью-Йорке и громадная аудитория в Соединенном Королевстве и Ир­ландии.

Во время работы можно было непосредственно беседовать с консультантом, причем по аудио- и видеоканалам показ комментировал врач, находящийся в лондонском отеле «Портмэн», где в это время проходил симпозиум «Гастро­линк».

Эта дорогостоящая операция была оценена как очень эффективная но зат­ратам, поскольку использование такой техники позволило задействовать очень широкую и авторитетную аудиторию.

Совместно со своими европейскими коллегами British Telecom создала условия для проведения таких же мероприятий в Риме, Лондоне, Париже и Франкфурте. Те, кто желает провести интерактивные телеконференции с по­мощью спутниковой связи, теперь может, в случае какого-либо события, вос­пользоваться такой связью и, возможно оправдать затраты.

Text F

Previews and Parties

Press previews are often scheduled for events to which the general public is invited. Usually a preview is held a day or two ahead of the event so that reporters can write stories that appear on the day that the event actually occurs.

Press previews are almost routine for events such as the opening of new facilities -corporate headquarters, a hospital's new wing, a shopping mall, a department store, a restaurant, even a new toxic waste dump. In most cases, the press gets a background briefing and a tour of the new facilities.

Demonstrations of new products also lend themselves to press previews. This is par­ticularly true in the area of high technology, where sophisticated products can be put through their paces by the engineers who developed them. Many companies have a press preview of their products just before a major trade show. The advantage is that reporters from all over the country are already gathered in one place.

Planning a press preview is like planning any other event. Great attention must be paid to detail and logistics to ensure that the guests have a positive experience.

Previews may also include such things as a cocktail party or dinner. This kind of event is in the category of relationship building and networking. It allows company executives to mingle and socialize with reporters in a casual atmosphere. Ultimately, this helps executives feel more relaxed when a reporter they already know wants to in­terview them for a story. Unlike news conferences, press previews are often held after "working hours" when reporters are not on deadline.


A variation on the press party is the junket. Although the use of junkets has decli­ned in recent years, they are still part of the travel and entertainment industry. Junkets usually involve invitations to reporters for an expense-paid trip to witness an event or see a facility.

An example of a large-scale junket: Disney World in Florida invited 10,000 writers, publishers, and broadcasters to a three-day celebration of the park's fifteenth anniver­sary. Although large numbers of media representatives took advantage of what was said to be the largest "freebie" in U.S. journalistic history, a number or prominent newspapers blasted the event. The New York Times editorialized that the press was de­basing itself by accepting Disney's hospitality and questioned whether reporters could be objective about Disney operations after accepting an all-expense-paid trip.

Junkets, particularly when there is little newsworthy information, raise considerab­le controversy among journalists and public relations professionals. As a consequence, companies must carefully consider all aspects of sponsoring a junket and its possible negative effect on media relations.

Press parties or junkets, to be effective and garner media attendance, must be han­dled discreetly. It is against the code of ethics to have lavish banquets and expensive souvenirs simply for the sake of impressing the press. Journalists, although they may attend, generally "badmouth" the affair if they think there is an overt attempt to "buy" favorable coverage.

□ Vocabulary:

blast - резко критиковать

casual неофициальный

debase унижать

discreetly сдержанно осмотрительно

event - мероприятие

freebie (informal) - бесплатная поездка, угощение и пр.

garner (formal) - заручиться

hospitality - гостеприимство

junket - поездка на казенный счет (free trip), вечеринка, пикник

lavish - богатый, роскошный

logistics - материально-техническое обеспечение, логистика

mingle - общаться

networking - коллективная работа, объединение усилий

occur - иметь место, происходить

overt - открытый

preview - предварительный показ

put through its paces - проявить качества чего-либо

raise controversy - вызывать противоречие

for the sake of smth., smb. - ради чего-либо, кого-либо

sophisticated - сложный, изощренный

toxic waste dump - свалка ядовитых отходов


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