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PR zakharova_3.doc
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1) Find the English equivalents in the text. Use them in sentences of your own:

уделять время ч.-л.; то же самое количество времени; высшее руководство; выступать по радио и телевидению; подсчитать; на всех уровнях; представлять свою организацию; улучшить навыки; некоммерческий.

2) Find the words in the texts which describe or mean the following:

1. to call smb for a formal meeting -

2. a number of people or things of the same type that happen or follow one after another -

3. someone who hopes to have a particular job or intends to do a particular thing -

4. to force someone to leave their job -

5. raised area that you stand on when you are making a speech -

6. something that happens as a result of a particular action or situation -

3) Translate the following words into Russian. Use them in sentences of your own:

1. succession in succession

to succeed smb.

to succeed in doing smth.





2. to volunteer (v)

to volunteer one's services

a volunteer


4) Match the words. Use them in your own sentences:











5) Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. A board was convened to judge the design competition.

2.1 heard a succession of loud bangs outside.

3. The company fired a top executive for his role in improper financial dealings.

4. Reporters shouted questions as the Major mounted the steps of City Hall.

5. We are very much aware of the consequences our actions will have.

6) Match the words having the opposite meaning:











7) Complete the following sentences from the text and translate them into Russian:

1. This is encouraging many executives.....

2. More executives are taking courses.....

3. It was once said that any chief executive officer.....

4. This can be done by recruiting volunteers.....

8) Explain the grammatical structure of the sentence:

1.... chief executive officers used to spend three-fourths of their time running the organization

2. ...others may need to be found.

3.... who might be willing to serve.

Write down sentences of your own with the same structures.

9) Insert prepositions where necessary (as; on; at; to):

to focus___smth.

to spend time___smth.

___a consequence

to appear____TV

___all levels


to mount___ a rostrum

to devote time___ smb.

10) Write questions to the following answers:

1……………………………..? Companies and associations convene close to a million meetings annually.

2…………………………..? Today the public is demanding more open corporate disclosure.

3. ………………………….? Yes, PR Reporter does an annual survey of how much time top management spends on public affairs.

4……………………………..? In most organization there are people who are able and willing to make speeches.

5………………………..? Yes, the employees may be a good source of speakers.

11) Paraphrase the following sentences:

1. Companies and associations convene close to a million meetings annually.

2. This is encouraging many executives to mount the speaker's rostrum.

3. ...creating a major boom for consultants.

4. Percentage goes up every year.

5. Some of the would-be speakers will be known.

12) Can you explain the following:

1. The United States is a society of speakers and audiences.

2. Today the public is demanding more open corporate disclosure.

3. Companies rushed into speech training for executives.

4. If the organization is some sort of nonprofit group, the membership at large may contain a number of potential speakers.

13) Sum up the text. Write down one sentence.

14) Render the following text in English:

Входящие в комплекс средств паблик рилейшнз различного рода доклады и выступления при надлежащем их проведении могут решить не только узкие деловые задачи, но и стать средством коммуникационной политики. В них представитель фирмы (сотрудник IIP-службы) убеждает слушателей в достоинствах своего проекта или продукта, своей услуги, формирует к себе благо­приятное отношение.

Устное выступление, речь, доклад, даже телефонный звонок - это важней­шее средство, от использования которого нередко зависит имидж фирмы, отношение партнеров, потребителей, судьба закона, внимание к отрасли, предприятию, товару, наконец, самому оратору. И в мировой практике бизнеса эти средства широко используются.

Выступления, обращения могут использоваться не только за пределам" фирмы, но и внутри ее, ведь единственный способ настраивать людей энергичную деятельность, это общение с ними. Несмотря на кажущуюся простоту, устное выступление как средство налаживания связей с общественностью, партнерами, клиентами, потребителям является весьма сложной задачей и требует необходимых знаний, умения навыков.

Text В

Selecting Speakers

It is imperative to select speakers who can convey ideas and information effective­ly. In some cases the chief executive officer is the only possibility. If reporters demand a statement from the president, their request must be granted, but if circumstances permit, it may he better to choose someone else.

J.L. Kraft was the founder of Kraft Cheese Co. He was a very able man but had a voice like a rock crusher. He was a very poor speaker. Both he and his people knew this, so Kraft made very few public speeches. This is not to say that speakers should he selected for their dulcet voices or attractive faces, but the possible public reaction to any speaker should be considered.

Another factor in choosing a speaker is expertise. The speaker will be expected to have considerable knowledge of the subject to be discussed. If there is one person in the organization who is familiar with the subject, that person is the logical candidate, but if there are several who are knowledgeable it may be advisable to choose the one who will make the best impression.

The ideal speaker is one who knows much about the subject, whose voice and appearance will help make a good impression, and who is a polished public speaker. You won't always find ideal speakers, but if you consider the desirable characteristics and make reasoned selections, your speakers should be effective.

Preparing Speakers

No one should ever make a public appearance without preparation. Even if a hostile reporter is sitting in the reception room and demanding an immediate hearing, the spokesperson must take time to prepare for the session. On most occasions there will be enough time to do the job thoroughly, but even when time is at a premium, a few minutes must he set aside for at least a minimum of preparation. Preparation include providing information, determining the key points to be made, coaching or training, and giving suggestions on grooming and personal mannerisms.

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