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8) Develop in writing the following statement in no more than 50 words.

Announcements can be used for any category of public relations advertising.

9) Give the main idea of the text in one sentence.

10) Read the advertisement and translate it into Russian using the dictionary:

A Message from the Chairman of JACK IN THE BOX

As you may know, there has recently been an outbreak of food-related illness in the Pacific Northwest. All of us at JACK IN THE BOX extend our prayers for a complete and speedy recovery to everyone who has experienced this illness.

When we first learned of the problem, we immediately recalled all hamburger meat suspected of contamination and we are no longer having hamburger meat processed by our former meat supplier. However, I want to make it clear that no hamburger meat suspected of contamination was ever shipped to the Greater Bay Area, so no one here was ever at risk.

And, in an effort to make absolutely certain this never happens again in any JACK IN THE BOX restaurant, we have increased our hamburger cooking times to levels above both state and federal standards. We have also retrained all food prepa­ration staff to ensure that all new and existing cooking procedures are followed.

At the same time, we have increased our testing procedures on all hamburger meat now being processed so that we will perform seven separate quality control checks before it ever gets into our restaurants.

Again, I want to emphasize that the wholesomeness of the hamburger meat we serve here was never in question. JACK IN THE BOX has been part of this com­munity for many years and we will do everything in our power to keep your com­munity for many years and we will do everything in our power to keep your trust.

Jack Goodall Chairman


Though reassuring to consumers in the San Francisco Bay Area, this letter appeared only after Jack-In-The-Box had suffered major damage to its corporate reputation for its handing of the problem in the first place.

Answer the following questions:

1. Is the advertisement effective? Why or why not?

2. Can you cite applicable concepts of persuasion and advertising copy writing?



Text A

There are several key elements in a print advertisement. They are headline, text, art­work, and layout.

Headline. Advertising expert John Caples says, "The headline is the most impor­tant element in most ads - and the best headlines appeal to the reader's self-interest or give news".

Headlines should be specific about a benefit, or they can be teasers that arouse interest. Here is a headline about a specific program: "The Phoenix Mutual Insurance Retirement Income Plan". Caples thought this was all right, but he created a headline that sold much more successfully: "To Men Who Want to Quit Work Some Day". This was accompanied with an illustration of a smiling senior citizen fishing in a mountain stream.

Text. The headline is followed by what is known as text or body copy. This is the words that persuade the reader to do something. In general, copy should be limited to only one or two major points. Sentences should be short and punchy. A declarative sentence is much better t ban one thai includes a dependent or an independent clause.

The copy should invoke emotion, provide information of value to the reader, and suggest a way that the reader can act on the information. You might include a toll-free telephone number, an address to write for more information, or a suggestion that peo­ple visit a local dealer.

Artwork. An ad can consist of just a headline and copy, but ads usually have a strong graphic element. This may be a striking photo, a line drawing, or a computer-generated design. Artwork attracts the reader to the ad and breaks up large blocks of type.

Layout. The headline, copy, and graphic elements need to be integrated into an attractive, easy-to-read advertisement. A layout can be a mock-up of the planned ad, or it can be a detailed comprehensive that includes the actual type and artwork that will be used.


print - печатный

headline - заголовок

artwork - художественное оформление; рисунок

layout - макет объявления печатной рекламы

appeal to - обращаться к, привлекать

self-interest - личная заинтересованность

benefit - польза, выгода

teaser - (разг.) рекламное объявление; головоломка «дразнилка» (дразнящее рекламное объявление или заголовок, не сообщающее всей необходимой информации, но содержащее указание на то, что отсутствующие сведения будут лапы в последующих публикациях или на последующих щитах) arouse interest - вызывать интерес

phoenix - (миф) Феникс; чудо

mutual - взаимный

insurance - страхование; страховая премия

retirement - отставка; выход на пенсию, в отставку

income - доход

create - создавать

quit бросать что-то, уходить

fish - удить, ловить рыбу

a stream - ручей

body сору - основной текст

persuade - уговорить к.-л., убедить

major - крупный, важный

sentence - предложение (грамматическое)

punchy - эффективный, энергичный

declarative - декларативный; повествовательное предложение

dependent - подчинительное предложение

independent - самостоятельный, независимый clause - придаточное предложение

involve - взывать к

provide - предоставлять, обеспечивать

value - ценность

suggest - предложить

toll-free - бесплатный (междугородный телефонный разговор)

dealer - дилер; биржевой торговец; торговец;

graphic - графический

striking - поразительный, ошеломляющий

line drawing - штриховой рисунок

computer-generated design - компьютерный рисунок

a block of type - блок набора

break up - разбивать (на части)

integrate into - объединять

easy-to-read - легко читаемый; легкий (простой) для прочтения

mock-up - оригинал-макет в натуральную величину

comprehensive - чистый макет (рекламного объявления)

actual - реальный, действительный


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