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Labours of Hercules Tasks.doc
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Story 1.1

1. Use the proper preposition from the chapter

to apply ... smb (p.6), nothing unusual ... this, rest … smth (p.5), to approve ... smth (p.6), to take smb ... in the car (p.7), call smb ... for smth (p.6), a demand ... smth (p.6), to happen ... smb (p.7)

2. Use the proper article if necessary from the chapter

haven’t you sent for ... police (p.7), ... next day (p.6), after ... while (p.6), You can’t expect ... woman to behave (p.7), your case is ... first of ... twelve cases (p.6).

3. Write all the possible parts of speech





imagination (p.5)

disappearance (p.5)

recollect (p.5)

behave (p.7)

4 .Use the phrases in the sentences from the chapter and in your own

To make an appointment (p.5)

to have to do with (p.5)

to be in the habit of (p.6)

to make enquiries (p.6)

to get to the bottom of (p.6)

5. Make up your sentences with the words

Reluctantly (p.5)

Suggest (p.5)

cheat (p.6)

accept (p.6)

various (p.6)

permit (p.6)

5. Translate into English

Він зайшов до кімнати і побачив кучу (p.5) книг на підлозі. Він негайно (p.7) усвідомив (p.6), що його дорогоцінний (p.7) камінь вкрали (p.6). Невдовзі він заспокоївся (p.6) і викликав поліцію, яка пообіцяла швидко розпочати розслідувати(p.5) цю справу.

Я хотів, щоб вони самі зізнались (p.6), хто розбив вікно. Лише в цьому випадку я міг довіряти (p.5) їм. Один з хлопців пробурмотів (p.6), що це зробив він і я удалився (p.6) до своєї кімнати.

6. Answer the following questions

  1. Why did Miss Lemon work for Mr. Poiro?

  2. Why was Mr. Poiro interested in the case?

  3. What was the appearance of Sir Joseph Hoggin like?

  4. What happened to the dog?

7. Make up 6 questions to the part using the new vocabulary.

Story 1.2

1. Make up all possible combination of words

Escape (p.10)

Circumstances (p.7)

Devoted (p.9)

Evidence (p.11)

Interrupt (p.10)


Blame (p.10)


Responsible (p.11)


2. Seek for phrases meaning and describe the situations where they were used

Збиратись щось зробити (p.8)

Не могти щось не робити (p.8)

Не мати нічого спільного з (p.8)

Бути не важливим (p.10)

Захопити чиюсь увагу (p.8)

Якийсь час (p.9)

3. Get ready to stage the conversation on the spot between

  • Mr.Poiro & Miss Lemon

  • Mr. Poiro & Mr. Hoggin

  • Mr. Poiro & Ms. Hoggin

  • Mr. Poiro & Mr. Harte

  • Mr. Poiro & the niece

4. Use the proper preposition from the chapter.

To be blamed ... smth (p.10), To bend ... smth (p.10), to be annoyed ... smth (p.11), to give instructions to smb (p.11), an evidence ... smth (p.11), to suffer ... smth (p.8), to be familiar ... smb (p.8).

5. Find the sentences with the words:

Suffer (p.8)

Though (p.8)

Search (p.8)

Familiar (p.9)

Careless (p.7)

6. Make up your own sentences with the words.

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