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Искусство Афганистана

Arnold Т. W. Bihzgd and his paintings in the Safar-namah manuscripts. London, 1930; Hackin J., Carl J., Meunie J. Diverses recherches areheologiques en Afghanistan (1933—1940). Paris, 1959; Hackin J., Carl J. Nouvelles recherches areheologiques a Bamiyan. Paris, 1933; Niedermayer O., Diez E. Afganistan. Leipzig, 1924.

Искусство Индии

Искусство Индии. Альбом. Сост. и авт. вступит, статьи С. Тюляев. М., 1958; Миниатюры рукописи Бабур-намэ. Вступит, статья С. Тюляева. М., I960; Памятники искусства Индии в собраниях музеев СССР. Альбом. Сост. и авт. вступит, статьи С. И. Тюляев. М., 1955; Тюляев С. И. Архитектура Индии. М., 1939; Archer W. G. Indian miniatures. Album, 100 plates. London, 1960; Archer W. G. Indian painting. New York, 1957; The Art of India and Pakistan. Exhibition. London, 1947—1948. Red.: L. Ashton. London, 1950; Barr ett D. Painting of the Deccan XVI—XVII century. London, 1958; Beatty A. Ch. The library of A. Chester Beatty, a catalogue of the Indian miniatures. V. 1—3. London, 1936; Bharatha. Indian art. A short introduction. Bombay, 1958; Brown P. Indian architecture. V. I. Buddhist and Hindu periods. 3 ed. Bombay, 1956; Brown P. Indian architecture (the Islamic period). Bombay, 1943; Coomaraswamy A. K. A history of Indian and Indonesian art. London—New York, 1927; Coomaraswamy A. K. Introduction to Indian art. Adyar, 1956; Fischer K. Schopfungen indischer Kunst. Bauten und Bilder von der frilhesten Statten bis zum mittelalterlichen Tempel. Album. Koln, 1960; Frederic L. Indian temples and sculpture. Album. 424 plates. London, 1960; Have11 Е. В. A handbook of Indian art. London, 1920; Ha veil E. B. Indian architecture, its psychology, structure, and history from the first Miihammadan invasion to the present day. London, 1913; Indian temple sculpture. With an introd. by J. Nehru. Ed.: A. Goswami. Calcutta, 1958; Indian terracotta art. Album. Text by O. C. Gangoly. London, 1960; Khandabavaba K. Pahari miniature painting. Bombay, 1959; Kramrisch St. The art of India; traditions of Indian sculpture, painting and architecture. New York, 1954; Kramrisch St. The Hindu temple. V. 1—2. Calcutta, 1946; Kilhnel E. Moghul Malerei. Mit 20 Miniaturen. Berlin, 1955; La Roche E. Indische Bau-kunst. Bd. 1—6. Munchen, 1921—1922; Lubor H. Indian miniatures of the Moghul school. London, 1960; Madanjeet. Indian sculpture in Bronze and Stone. Calcutta, 1960; Rowland B. The art and architecture of India: Buddhist, Hindu, Jain. 2 ed. Baltimore, 1956; Smith V. A. A history of fine art in India and Ceylon, from the earliest times to the present day. 2 ed. Oxford, 1930; Stchoukine I. La peinture indienne a 1'epoque des grands moghols. Paris, 1929; Terry J. The charm of Indo-Islamic architecture; an introduction to the northern phase. London, 1955; Zimmer H. R. The art of Indian Asia, its mythology and transformations. V. 1—2. New York, 1955.

Искусство Непала

Сооmaraswamу А. К. History of Indian and Indonesian art. New York, 1927; Bowland B. The art and architecture of India: Buddhist, Hindu, Jain. 2 ed. Baltimore, 1956.