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а) множина більшості іменників утворюється за допомогою закінчення, яке додається до форми однини іменника:

day - days science - sciences radio - radios

б) множина іменників, що закінчуються на свистячий або шиплячий звук, утворюються за допомогою закінчення ~es: class - classes

box - boxes match - matches

в) у іменників, що закінчуються на з попереднім приголосним, змінюється на та додається закінчення -es\

city - cities library - libraries

г) до іменників, що закінчуються на з попереднім приголосним, додається закінчення ~es:

tomato - tomatoes

д) у іменників, що закінчуються на -f, f змінюється на v і додається закінчення ~е$:

leaf — leaves life - lives але roof-roofs

е) у ряді іменників множина утворюється при зміні кореня або додаванні суфікса:

man - men foot - feet child - children

Показник третьої особи однини у теперішньому неозначеному часі:

а) у третій особі однини у теперішньому неозначеному часі всі

дієслова набувають закінчення -s :

read - reads

play - plays

write - write


б) до дієслів, що закінчуються на свистячий або шиплячий звук

та голосний -е>, додається закінчення ~е$:

push - pushes

watch - watches

go - goes

Присвійний відмінок:

а) у присвійному відмінку до іменників додається закінчення 's через апостроф

driver - driver's (licence)

б) якщо іменник вжито у множині, то присвійність позначають на письмі так:


days - days' (leave)

Sentences with the Verb to be

(Речення з дієсловом to be)




lam (I'm)


will (41) be

he, she, it is (he 's)

you, we, they are (you 're)



I am not (I'm not)

was not (wasn 4)

will not (won't) be

he, she, it is not (isn 4)

we, they, you are not (aren't)

were not (weren ft)



Was I, he, she, it...?

Will you be...?

Is he (she, itj ...?

Are you (they, we) ...?

Were they, we, you

Construction there -f to be (Зворот there + to be) Зворот there + to be має значення є, знаходиться, існує. Переклад починається з кінця речення (обставини місця) або з присудка, при відсутності обставини.




There is a book on the shelf.

There are (some) books on the shelf. На полиці є книга (книги)

There was a mistake in my paper. There were (some) mistakes in my paper. У моїй роботі була помилка (помилки)

There will be a new show on TV next week.

Наступного тижня по телевізору буде нове шоу


Is there a book on the shelf?

-Yes, there is (there are some).

Are there (any) books on the shelf? -No, there is not (there are not any).

Was there a mistake in your paper? -Yes, there was {there were some). Were there (any) mistakes in your paper? -No, there was not (ithere were not any).

Will there be a new show on TV next week?

-Yes, there will be. -No, there won V be.


There is no (isn't a) book on the shelf. There are no (not any) books on the sheif.

There was no (wasn't a) mistake in my paper. There were no (not any) mistakes in my paper.

There will be no show on TV next week.

Примітка 1. Зворот there + to be вказує на існування чого-небудь в певному місці. Порівняйте:

The book is on the table. - (Ця) книга на столі. (Where is the book?) There is a book on the table. ~ На столі (якась) книга. (What is there on the table?)Примітка 2. Після there можливо вживання дієслів exist (існувати), appear (з'являтися) та модальних дієслів (can, must, should, may).

There exist (are) special-type vehicles for monorails. - Існують

спеціальні вагони для монорейкових залізниць.

Later, there appeared a steam locomotive. - Пізніше з'явився


There must be some way out - Повинен бути якийсь вихід. Indefinite (Simple) Tense

Іаси групи Indefinite)




I, you, we, they work He, she, it works


went (2 форма)

will work


I don't work

He, she, it doesn 4 work

didn 4 work

will not (won't)



Do you work...? Does he, she, it work...?

Did he work...?

Will you work...?

Present Indefinite (Simple) Tense

Вживається для позначення дії, яка трапляється звичайно, регулярно у теперішньому часі, або для констатації позачасових фактів та явищ. Часто використовуються такі обставини: always , often, seldom, rarely, sometimes, usually, every day, never, frequently, as a rule.

I usually get up early. - Я звичайно встаю вранці. The sun rises in the East. - Сонце встає на сході.

Past Indefinite (Simple) Tense

Вживається для позначення одноразових або послідовних дій у минулому. Обставини минулого часу: last month, some days ago, yesterday, long ago та ін. Також вживається у питальних реченнях, що починаються з when, what time.

I worked hard and finally won the prize. When did you see her last?Future (Indefinite) Simple Tense

Вживається для позначення майбутніх дій. В сучасній мові допоміжне дієслово will вживається для всіх осіб (але shall для першої особи може вживатися в офіційному стилі). Обставини часу: tomorrow, in a year, next week, soon та ін. We will take exams in June.


General Questions (Загальні питання)

Допоміжне дієслово


Змістове дієслово







at the Institute?

Yes, I do.

No, I don't.






Yes, he is.

No, he isn't.




a new film

in our club?

Yes, I have. No, I haven't.





in June?

Yes, they will.

No, they won't.






Yes, I can.

No, I cannot.

Special Questions (Спеціальні питання)

who - хто

what - що what (colour) -


how - як

when - коли

whose - чий, чия, чиє

which - який, котрий

how long - як


where - де

whom -

кого, кому

what time -

котра година

how much (time) -


why - чому

what size - який розмір

how many (students) - скільки

what kind (sort)

of - який, якого роду

how far - як


How many faculties are there at the University?

When did you enter the Academy?

What will you read me tomorrow?

Whose book have you taken?

Where do you come from?

What specialists does your faculty train?

Who knows this story?

How far is it from here?

What time is it by your watch?

Alternative Questions (Альтернативні питання)



by train or by plane?




Russia or Ukraine?.




at the plant or in the office?

Tag Questions (Розділові питання)



in Kharkiv,

don 7 you?


will do

her work in time,

won't she?


has done

the translation,

hasn 't he?


don't speak


do vou?


isn 't

your friend,

is he?

Questions with a preposition at the end

Many verbs have dependent prepositions, which usually come at the end of a question.

Who did you speak to? З ким ти розмовляв?

What are you talking about? Про що ти говориш?

Who will she dance with? З ким вона буде


What are you thinking about? Про що ти думаєш?

Pronouns Займенники

2 Присвійні

my - моя, you - твоя, his - його, her - iT, its - його, our - наша, you - ваша, their - Yx

3 Зворотні

myself - я сама, yourself - ти сам, himself - вш сам, herself - вона сама, itself - воно само, ourselves - caMi, yourselves - ви сам!, themselves - вони сам!

4 Взаємні

each-other - один-одного, each-another - один-шшого

5 Вказівні

this - цей, these - ni, that - той, these - Ti

6 Запитальні

who - хто, whom - кому, whose - чий, what - котрий, which - який, that - той

Pronouns Some, Any, No and their Derivatives

_(3anmeHHHKH Some, Any, No Ta YxnoxiflHi)

Стверджуваль­не речення

There are some important articles in this magazine. - У цьому журналі є декілька важливих статей.

Take any magazine. - Візьми будь-який журнал.

Питальне речення

Are there any important articles in this magazine? - Чи є будь-які важливі статті у цьому журналі?

Who has some of these books? - У кого є деякі з цих книг?

Would you like some coffee? - Чи не хочете кави?

Заперечне речення

There are not any important articles in this magazine. (There are no important articles in this magazine. - У цьому журналі немає ніяких важливих статей.


Використовується у стверджувальних реченнях.

She 's got some interesting ideas. - В неї декілька цікавих ідей. There's some mud on the carpet. - На килимі бруд (перед іменниками, які не можна порахувати, не перекладається). There are some 20 students in the room. - У кімнаті приблизно 20 студентів.

Примітка: Може використовуватися у питальних реченнях, що є пропозицією, проханням або коли очікується позитивна відповідь.

'Could I have some coffee?' 'Sure.' - Чи можу я попросити кави? Звичайно.

And would you like some biscuits?' - Чи не бажаєте печива? Any

  1. Використовується замість some у негативних реченнях та у більшості питань.

Do you know any good jokes? - Чи знаєш ти які-небудь анекдоти?

Не hasn 7 got any money. - У нього немає грошей.

  1. У реченнях з if а також зі словами never, hardly, without, refuse, doubt (що мають негативне значення).

We got there without any difficulty. - Ми добрались туди без труднощів.

I refused to give him any help. - Я відмовився надати йому допомогу.

  1. У стверджувальних реченнях означає будь-який.

Any of us could help you. - Кожний з нас може Вам допомогги.


Це більш виразний шлях сказати not а або not any. На початку речення завжди вживається по. Sorry, I've got по time. No tourists ever come to our village. None of his friends likes his wife.






something щось


somebody хтось


someone хтось






anything що-небудь

anybody хто-небудь

anyone хто-небудь




у стверджувала все що завгодно

шх реченнях всякий любий

всякий любий


у негативних реченнях при негативній формі дієслова ніщо ніхто | ніхто | ніде, нікуди


nothing ніщо

nobody ніхто

no one ніхто

nowhere ніде, нікуди


everything все

everybody усі, кожний

everyone усі, кожний

everywhere усюди

He asked somebody to help him. They have done something.

Anybody could do it. Can anyone show me the way to the station?

I couldn V understand anything from his letter.

Nobody failed in this examination yesterday.

No one expected such news.

Nothing interesting happened while I was away.

Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs

(Ступені порівняння прикметників)

Тип прикметника

Порівняльний ступінь

Найвищий ступінь

Односкладові hot, easy

hotter easier

the hottest the easiest

Двоскладові ( на -у, -ow, -Іе)

happy, narrow, simple




the happiest the narrowest the simplest

Багатоскладові interesting

more interesting

the most interesting




much, many




better worse more less

farther /further older / elder

the best the worst the most the least

the farthest /furthest the oldest/the eldest

Порівняльні сполучники та звороти

as... as...

ідіоматичні порівняння: twice as old (as) three times as large (as) three times the size of than younger than ... (молодше ніж ...)

not so (as) ... as - не такий, This text is not so interesting as that one. як The sooner, the better. - Чим скоріше,

as young as - (такий же) молодий, як as busy as a bee - зайнятий, як бджола удвічі старше (за) утричі більше (ніж)

the... the... - чим ... тим ... тим краще.

Remember the expressions:

at least - принаймні

most of all - більш усього

at best - у найкращому випадку worst of all - гірше усього

best of all - більше (краще)


so far so good - поки усе гараз


Примітка 1. Most без артикля, або з неозначеним артиклем, перекладається словами: дуже, надто, надзвичайно.

It is most important. - Це дуже (надзвичайно) важливо. This is a most interesting fact. - Це дуже (надто) цікавий факт.

Примітка 2. Most (of) перед іменником має значення: більшість, більша частина.

Most (of the) experiments were made in the laboratory. - Більша частина експериментів проводилась у лабораторії.

Примітка 3. Порівняльний ступінь прикметників може посилюватися за допомогою прислівників тис/і та far. much more powerful - набагато міцніший far cheaper - набагато (значно) дешевший Найвищий ступінь порівняння посилюється за допомогою by far Не is by far the most successful manager in his business. - Він найуспішніший менеджер у цьому бізнесі


Варіант 1

Task 1. Add s/'s/s'/' where necessary and translate into Ukrainian

  1. Student grades depend on their tests.

  2. Charles met Helen at my parents house.

  3. We all went to Charles wedding.

  4. Brown paint his cottage green.

  5. The juror gave a fair verdict.

Task 2. Put the words in correct order to make sentences and translate them into Ukrainian

    1. very of density traffic The high is.

    2. directorates in What six Ukraine the are?

    3. line New regions link two will.

    4. period progress on not the Technical was railways rapid in interwar.

    5. did railways What the in carry and eastern Ukraine central?

Task 3. Use some-, any-, every-, no- + one/body/thing/where and translate into Ukrainian

      1. Never trust with such manners.

      2. Let me see if there is we can do for you.

      3. Is there at home?

      4. If happens to the car, how shall I get to the country?

      5. There should be behind all this.

Task 4. Fill in the correct pronouns and translate into Ukrainian

        1. Sam came home late was busy with his project.

        2. Betty was at.... classes in the morning.

3 spend a very good time there.

          1. Will you visit.... this Sunday?

          2. We can give you .... Bag and you will bring it back.

Task 5. Use the right degree of comparison of the adjectives in the brackets and translate into Ukrainian

            1. He laughs (good), who laughs last.

            2. Of two evils, choose the (little).

            3. My aunt is the (old) of the four sisters.

            4. Cars are (fast) than trains, but trains are (safe).

            5. He is the (well-known) of that crew.

Task 6. Read and translate the text

Higher Education in Ukraine

Higher Education in Ukraine comprises a university and a non- university sector. The Ministry of Education is responsible for state higher education policy, financing and the implementation for state policy. Some institutions fall under the responsibility of other ministries. For example, the Health Ministry finances all medical vocational schools, institutes and universities.

The 1996 Education Act defines various levels of higher education institution:

Level 1: Technical and vocational schools;

Level 2: Technicums and colleges;

Level 3: Institutes;

Level 4: Universities (59), academies (34), conservatories and some institutes.

Level 1 and 2. may be compared with further and continuing education colleges in other countries. Level 1 schools award the Junior Specialists certificate, Level 2 colleges award the a Bachelor's degree. Colleges, which offer a full 4-year course of higher education for a Bachelor's degree may be compares with foreign colleges and institutions which award Bachelor's degrees.

There are 89 institutes in Ukraine. Most of them fall under the Level 3 category. These are full-fledged higher education institutions that are made up of several faculties or departments and offer their own degree courses and programs. They award Diploma Specialist degrees. Ukrainian polytechnic and specialized institutes may be generally compared with technical and specialized institutions in other countries, which offer a similar period of 5-6 years of education.

Apart from providing advanced teaching, Level 4 institutions also engage in research and award doctoral degrees. Level 4 institutions offer 5-years specialist degree programs, full 5-6-year - Master's degree programs and doctorate training programs.Task 7. Find in the text synonyms to the following words and translate them

Include, liable, realization, approximate, instruction, establishment, full value, some, lessons, investigation.

Task 8. Find in the text equivalents to the following words and word combinations

Вища освіта, наприклад, профтехнічні, ступінь бакалавра, попадати під (класифікацію), складатись з, окрім того, докторський ступінь, ступінь магістра.

Task 9. Look through the text and give your ideas on the importance of higher education. Write 5 sentences.

Варіант II

Task /. Add s/'s/s'/' where necessary and translate into Ukrainian

  1. The Brown cottage is shining like a new pin.

  2. It go without saying.

  3. We saw many car there.

  4. He wake up early every day.

  5. Women fashions change more frequently than men.

Task 2. Put the words in correct order to make sentences and translate them into Ukrainian

    1. day Every takes to a his bus factory he.

    2. took session We examinations five last.

    3. professor will a What the carry in week out?

    4. didn't They matter the discuss days some ago.

    5. cars were There new their in engine-house.

Task 3. Use some-, any-, every-, no- + one/body/thing/where and translate into Ukrainian

      1. Barbara was a teacher from near Newcastle.

      2. Emily refuses to have to do with Jim.

      3. Shall I bring you to drink?

      4. Nobody can find out about that man.

      5. Yesterday we couldn't find you

Task 4. Fill in the correct pronouns and translate into Ukrainian

        1. .... shall be very glad to see you.

        2. When she called he stopped and saw her.

        3. Is there textbook on the shelf?

        4. Give me paper which you took yesterday.

        5. She didn't have style in clothes.

Task 5. Use the right degree of comparison of the adjectives in the brackets and translate into Ukrainian

          1. He who laughs last, laughs (long).

          2. Put your (good) foot forward.

          3. He had rarely listened to the (absurd) proposal.

          4. Socrates was (wise) Greek of all.

          5. Get there first with (much) - that is the fundamental principle of tactics.

Task 6. Read and translate the text

Millions of students

Like Ukrainian economy in general, our higher education is planned. Each year the right number and variety qualified graduates leave the institutes and universities, filling all the needs of the economy.

This, of course, is a very complicated job. College courses take about five or six years - so one has to look into the future and take into account the way the various branches of industry, culture and science will develop. One even has to allow for the appearance of new branches of the economy over that period.

The Ministries and the State Planning Commission work out their future requirements, the job of the Ministry of Higher and Specialized Secondary Education being then to put the plans into effect. Thus, when leaving the institutes and universities, the graduates are provided with work according to their qualification obtained while studying. f "v^aESc&KA ' ' -Apart from vast sums the state spends on education, it provides a lot of indirect, though very essential aid. For example, factories, cultural and research establishments provide free facilities for students to study production technologies and gain practical experience. Factories hand over equipment of many kinds to schools and colleges free of charge.

College tuition itself is completely free, as are the equipment, aids and instruments. College entrance requires a full secondary education, any Ukrainian citizen being able to get higher education free of charge.

The vast majority of students being provided with living allowance from the state, they do not have to call on their parents for material help.

The students are provided with well organized dining-halls and hostels and they can get holiday accommodation at special cheap rates at holiday homes, camps and health resorts.

Apart from full-time study there is an extensive system of free evening and correspondence education in Ukraine. Part-time and correspondence students are given additional paid vacations of 30 to 40 days and up four months extra paid leave to prepare their theses and for their state examinations.

Task 7. Find in the text synonyms to the following words and translate them

Competent, complex, need (of, for), conformably, skills, inherent, get, fittings, training, extramural.

Task H. Find in the text equivalents to the following words and word combinations

Загалом, брати до уваги, вирішують (розробляють), впроваджувати в життя, забезпечувати будь-кого будь-чим, набувати практичного досвіду, передавати, безкоштовно, заочна освіта, оплачувана відпустка.

Task 9. Look through the text and give your opinion if it is possible to get along without higher education in modern society . Write 5 sentences.

Варіант III

Task 1. Add s/'s/s'/' where necessary and translate into Ukrainian

  1. Their house stand on the water edge.

  2. The Sun rays give us light, warmth and energy.

  3. I need some book for my small nephew.

  4. By going to the sale I hope to get my money worth.

  5. His work was much better than many other students works.

Task 2. Put the words in correct order to make sentences and translate them into Ukrainian

    1. can What decked say about you double cars?

    2. was an subject for interesting investigation There.

    3. yesterday discuss We this didn't project.

    4. a shall 1 buy books in new week.

    5. are our members academic We literature of club.

Task 3. Use some-, any-, every-, no- + one/body/thing/where and translate into Ukrainian

      1. Hardly knew how to respond to this.

      2. Many people think that the bad weather has to do with all

the satellites in space.

      1. You're wrong. There's strange about the man.

      2. - What's the matter? - is the matter.

      3. I answered every single question. My opponent answered

Task 4. Fill in the correct pronouns and translate into Ukrainian

        1. They have good relations with relatives.

        2. He taught .... to play piano at the age of six.

        3. She learns everything without anybody's help.

        4. We always take .... children with us when we travel by train.

        5. She will not come to today.

Task 5. Use the right degree of comparison of the adjectives in the brackets and translate into Ukrainian

          1. A bad excuse is (good) than none.

  1. A silent tongue and a true heart are the (admirable) things on earth.Learning makes a good man (kind) and a cruel man (bad).

  2. Many famous artists died in (bitter) poverty.

  3. I know for sure career is the (important) for her.

Task 6. Read and translate the text


Education is the process by which people acquire knowledge, skills, habits, values, or attitudes. The word education is used to describe the results of the educational process. Education should help people become useful members of society. It should also help them develop an application of their cultural heritage and live more satisfying lives. The most common way to get an education is to attend school.

Most countries spend a large amount of time and money to provide formal education for their citizens. In the late 1980's, there were about 950 million students and about 45 million teachers in elementary schools, high schools, and colleges and universities throughout the world.

Education is as old as humanity, prehistoric people needed education to survive. Parents taught their children how to hunt wild animals for food. Prehistoric people also had to learn to cooperate with one another and to live together peacefully. They discovered that they could not live together peacefully for ling unless they learned to act in certain ways. Education taught them how to act and so helped make society possible.

A society that reaches a relatively complex level of development is called a civilization. For a society to achieve this level, its members must learn a great deal. They must become skilled in agriculture, commerce, government, industry and the arts. Education is the chief means of acquiring and teaching the essential knowledge and skills. It helps people acquire the skills they need for such everyday activities as reading a newspaper or managing their money. It also gives them the specialized training they may need to prepare for a job or career. Many fields, such as computer or police work, require completion of special training.

Education helps people adjust to change. This benefit has become increasingly important because social changes today take place with increasing speed and affect the lives of more and more people. Education can help a person understand these changes and provide the skills for adjusting to them.

Task 7. Find in the text synonyms to the following words and translate them

Erudition, inheritance, inhabitant, mankind, pacifically, comparatively, reach, qualified, basic, significant.

Task 8. Find in the text equivalents to the following words and word combinations

Ходити до школи, початкова школа, середня школа, велику кількість (багато), стати досвідченим у, готуватись до, соціальні зміни, відбуватись (події).

Task 9. Look through the text and find reasons why education is important. Write 5 sentences.

Варіант IV

Task 1. Add s/'s/s У where necessary and translate into Ukrainian

    1. Frederick was satisfied with all his semester grade.

    2. Are policcmen uniforms comfortable?

    3. He like to walk in the morning.

    4. The ocean cover 70 % of the earth surface.

    5. I'm trying to attract student attention.

Task 2. Put the words in correct order to make sentences and translate them into Ukrainian

      1. identify We any location of the can wagon.

      2. computer-supported broad The were the information of systems rather possibilities.

      3. various will report use data in We our.

      4. kind need of will information you What?

      5. train The ready wasn't the leave station to.


Task 3. Use some-, any-, every-, no- + one/body/thing/where and translate into Ukrainian

  1. of us understood the play.

  2. Don't be so nosy! It's of your business.

3 was sure that would do it.

4 can sing if they really want to.

    1. It ended up that blamed me when Ido

Task 4. Fill in the correct pronouns and translate into Ukrainian

      1. David gave me .... Pen because mine was broken.

      2. He will invite .... and we will agree to come.

      3. 1 always leave .... book at home and he gives me his.

      4. She told about his plan yesterday.

      5. Will you come and bring brother with you?

Task 5. Use the right degree of comparison of the adjectives in the brackets and translate into Ukrainian

        1. It is (good) to be the (good) of a low family than the (bad) of noble one.

        2. This engine was his (proud) achievement.

        3. Where is the (near) underground station, please?

        4. Your answer is (complete) than your friend's is.

        5. The days in winter are (short) than in summer.

Task 6. Read and translate the text

Training Scientists in.Ukraine

Ukrainian people learn to love science even while they are at school. Schools of higher learning develop the first elements of scientific training which school boys and girls get at secondary schools. At higher schools, for the first time, students begin to take part in scientific and engineering work. Besides their studies, they carry on research in different students' groups and societies. Professors help students to develop their abilities and discover in which field of science and technique they will employ these abilities.The main way in which research workers and higher-school teachers get their scientific training is the post-graduate course. The establishment of such courses in 1925 laid the foundation for the training of scientists.

Young people who graduate from schools of higher learning and want to do a post-graduate course take examinations in a special subject and a foreign language.