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Учебник по Английскому языку Прилуцкой (чтение....doc
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Донецкий юридический институт МВД

Луганского юридического университета внутренних дел МВД

Кафедра иностранных языков


(АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК) для студентов и слушателей заочной формы обучения

специальности «Правоведение» и « Правоохранительная деятельность»

Утверждено на заседании

Методического совета ДЮИ

(Протокол № 7 от 15.03.2006)


УДК 811.111 (076)

ББК 81.2 Англ я 7


Практикум по чтению (английский язык). Составитель – Прилуцкая Е. А. – Донецк: ДЮИ, 2007. – 69 с.

Практикум по чтению предназначен для студентов и слушателей заочной формы обучения для развития навыков работы над текстом и для формирования вокабуляра профессиональной лексики. Содержательные параметры практикума определены программой курса «Английский язык» по специальности «Правоведение» и «Правоохранительная деятельность» и охватывают такие темы, как «Юридическое образование», «Политическая система государства: ветви государственной власти», «Юридические и правоохоронные органы», «Законодательная и судебная власть страны изучаемого языка», «Полиция страны изучаемого языка», «Суть закона. Отрасли права», «Классификация преступлений».

Практикум состоит из семи разделов, каждый из которых включает три текста и комплекс заданий по освоению их содержания и закреплению лексики. Завершается каждый раздел тематическим вокабул яром.

Практикум предназначен для работы как в аудитории под руководством преподавателя, так и для самостоятельной работы.

Рецензент: начальник кафедры иностранных языков Харьковского национального университета внутренних дел, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Левашов А.С.

© Донецкий юридический институт, 2007

Unit 1. We study law.

Text a. I am a law student.

The word "lawyer" describes a person officially qualified to act on certain legal matters. Most countries have different groups of lawyers responsible for doing particular jobs. In Japan lawyers can choose a job of a judge, an attorney, a public prosecutor. In England there are barristers and solicitors. In Ukraine lawyers work in courts, public prosecutor's officers, the Bars, militia, banks, industrial enterprises, etc. Although there are various kinds of legal professions (judges, barristers, investigators, court clerks), the most important feature characterizes them, i.e. their aim is to protect a person and property.

Now I am a student of Donetsk Law Institute of Ukraine's Ministry of Internal Affairs. I want to be a good lawyer so I work hard at various job-related subjects -different branches of law, criminology, and criminalistics. Besides I study many humanitarian subjects such as philosophy, psychology, professional ethics, foreign languages, etc.

The profession of a lawyer is of great popularity nowadays as people want to live in a society with the civilized relations between a state and citizens. 1 have no the slightest idea of the place of my future work - either it will be a court, or a prosecutor's office. But I understand quite well the responsibility of lawyer's profession, its profound moral meaning and intellectual potential. A law-governed state needs highly qualified lawyers to put the legal reforms into effect.


Ex.1. Прочитайте международные слова, определите их значение. Обратите внимание на ударения

'Person 'public in'dustrial crimi'nology

'Legal militia pro'fession humani'tartan

'Group 'bank characterize popularity

I'dea civi'lized 'moral intel'lectual

Po'tential quali'fied re'form ef'fect

Ex.2. Заполните таблицу пропущенными словами обозначенных чаcтей речи


То describe


An idea

To relate


To characterize

A person

Ex.3. Найдите соответствия английских и русских выражений.

Legal matters Специальные предметы

То protect a person and property Отношения между государством и гражданами

То choose a job Жить в ооществе

То work hard Правовые вопросы

Job-related subjects Защищать личность и собственность

Branches of law Выбирать работу

To live in a society Правовое государство

Relations between a state and citizens Старательно работать

Law-governed state Отрасли права

Ex.4. Выберите правильное завершение предложения.

1. The word "lawyer" describes a person officially qualified.....

a) to punish a criminal, b) to act on certain legal matters, c) to make laws

2. Most countries have different groups of lawyers responsible for......

a) for controlling people, b) detecting crimes, c) doing particular jobs

3. A lawyer's aim is.........

a) to protect a person and property, b) to create laws, c) to govern the state

4. People want to live in a society with........

a) highly developed economy, b) the civilized relations between a state and citizens,

с) the great rate оf criminality.

5. A law-governed state needs

a) honest officials, b) qualified lawyers, c) well educated students.

Ex. 5. Закончите предложение.

1. Lawyer is a person officially qualified....... 2. Most countries have different groups of lawyers.......... 3. In Ukraine lawyers work......... 4. There are various kinds oflegal professions......... 5. The most important feature of a lawyer's profession is……… 6. I want to be a good lawyer so.......... 7. The profession of a lawyer is ofgreat popularity nowadays as.......... 8. A law-governed state needs highly qualified lawyers......... 9.1 study law............ 10. The student wants to be a good lawyer so …..

Ex.2. Отметьте звездочкой(*) правильные утверждения.

1. The law-governed state needs the highly qualified judges, barristers, investigators etc. (). 2. The aim of a lawyer is to check the economic development of the state. (). 3. In Ukraine lawyers work in courts, public prosecutor's officers, the Bars, militia, banks, industrial enterprises, etc. (). 4. There are various kinds of legal professions - judges, barristers, investigators, court clerks, etc. (). 5. The law student works hard at various job-related subjects - different branches of linguistics, the history of a language, etc. (). 6. Law students study many humanitarian subjects such as psychology, professional ethic, foreign languages, etc. as in future they will work with people. (). 7. A lawyer's aim is to protect a person and property. ( ). 8. The profession of a lawyer is not very popular nowadays. (). 9. In Great Britain there are barristers and solicitors. ( ). 10. A law it an official practicing medicine (...).

Ex.7. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What does the word "lawyer" mean? 2. What legal professions are there in Great Britain? 3. What profession can a lawyer in Japan choose? 4. Where do lawyers work in Ukraine? 5. What institute do you study? 6. What job-related subjects do the law students study? 7. Why do the law students study humanitarian subjects? 8. What is the aim of a lawyer? 9. What society do the people want to live? 10. Why does the law-governed state need the highly qualified lawyers?

Ех.8. Дайте краткое изложение текста, предварительно составив план.

TEXT B. Yaroslav the Wise National Law Academy of Ukraine.

Yaroslav the Wise national law academy of Ukraine is a higher legal education institution. Its history dates back to 1804, when due to the statute of Empreror Alexander I Kharkiv University was founded. In 1920 the faculty of law became an independent institute. In 1995 it was named after Yaroslav the Wise and got the status of National Law Academy with the highest accreditation level.

There are 31 departments in the Academy structure. The students study at 9 full-time faculties, 2 part-time faculties, an evening faculty and at the Prosecutors' Training Institute.

You may be given the admission to the Academy after completing full secondary education and passing the entrance examinations successfully. There are about 2000 full-time and 2000 part-time students each year. More than 15.000 students study here now.

The National Law Academy of Ukraine is the leading higher legal education provider of Ukraine, and is also the center of dissemination of scientific and research experience in the country. The academic staff members of the Academy participated in the development of the Constitution of Ukraine and the numerous important legal acts of the Verkhovna Rada and the Cabinet of Ministers.

The law library of the Academy has about 1.500.000 volumes of reference books, law reports and manuals. It provides the students with access to computer terminals with different online services, including Ukrainian legislation database.

All the students are guaranteed employment after graduation. But in order to become a judge, defence lawyer or notary public they are to pass an individual procedure after graduating from the Academy.