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Учебник по Английскому языку Прилуцкой (чтение....doc
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Versions of Roman law had long influenced many parts of Europe but had little impact on English law.


Ex.1. Прочитайте международные слова, определите их значение. Обратите внимание на ударения.

'gradually interpre'tation Ca'tholic Em'peror

re'sult 'modem revo'lution 'influence

'model 'code as'pect appli'cation

tra'dition 'gradual

Ex.2. Найдите соответствия английских и русских выражений.

То differs from Доктрина прецедента

То develop gradually Свод кодексов

Government attempts Оформленное применение

Uniform application Отличаться от

The doctrine of precedent Развиваться постепенно

A set of codes Правительственные попытки

Ex.3. Выберите правильное завершение предложения

1. There are two main traditions....................

a) of government in the world, b) writing in the world, c) of law in the world

2. Common law differs from.......................

a) Civil Law, b) Continental Law, c) German law

3. The doctrine of precedent is

a) a central feature of Continent law system, b) a central feature of modern common law system, c) a central feature of Roman law system

4. Versions of Roman law had long......................

a) influenced many states of the USA, b) influenced many parts of Europe, c) influenced only France

5. The Norman Kings sent traveling.....................

a) musicians around the country, b) soldiers around the country, c) judges around the country.

Ex.4. Отметьте звездочкой (*) правильные утверждения

1. Each country in the world has its own system of law ( ). 2. There are three main traditions of law in the world English law, Roman law and German law ( ). 3. Common law, or case law system, developed gradually throughout history is not the result of government attempts to codify every legal relation ( ). 4. The doctrine of precedent is still remains as a central feature of modem common law system ( ). 5. Continental systems have resulted from attempts by governments to produce a set of codes to govern every legal aspect of a citizen's life (...). 6. Revolutionary and Napoleonic France legislators wanted to follow the previous case law (...). 7. The most important models were the codes produced in the seventh century under the direction of the Roman Emperor Caesar (....) 8. Before William's invention of England in 1066 no law was common to the whole kingdom ( ). 9. Judges' interpretations of a case may become precedents for other courts (....). 10. Versions of Roman law had long influenced many parts of Europe and America (…).

Ex 5. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Does each country in the world have its own legal system? 2. What are the main legal traditions in the world? 3. What did Common law originate from? 4. What role does the government play in Continental law? 7. Which experience is of great importance for Common law grounded on? 5. What does a precedent mean? 6. What role does the developing Continental law play? 8. How is the name of Roman Emperor Justinian connected with the modem law systems? 9. What countries is Continental law applied? 10. What legal tradition does Great Britain operate within?

Ex. 6. Дайте краткое изложение содержания текста