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1. The head of the financial system concept

2. Head of Financial System RK




The relevance of the research topic. Sound financial system is central to the development and successful market economy and a necessary precondition for growth and stability of the economy as a whole. This system is the basis for mobilizing and distributing savings society and facilitate its daily operations. Consequently, although the structural transition from a largely centrally planned and controlled economy to an economy that operates in accordance with market principles, includes many elements, the most important thing - to create a sound financial system. After a well established financial system, can develop money and capital markets, especially primary and secondary markets of national government securities. The degree of elaboration of the problem. In recent years the issue of creating a sound financial system and financial policy of the state devoted a considerable number of publications. However, the unity of the theoretical aspects of this issue is not reached. Thus, the major Western economists do not give a clear definition of monetary policy. S. Fischer, R. Dornbusch and R. Shmalenzi not release financial policies as an independent concept. At the same time they approach the study of the topic, expanding the definition of fiscal policy. Similarly, consider the problem and some other representatives of foreign economic schools. In particular, CR McConnell and SL Brue combine the concept of fiscal and fiscal policy, identifying them as changes to the government in order government spending and taxation, aimed at ensuring full employment and noninflationary domestic product. Marxists see under financial policies primarily set of state measures to stabilize the financial resources, their distribution and use by the State for its function, indicating that the social orientation of the impact and effectiveness of fiscal policy on the development of productive forces and production relations are determined by the objective laws of economic development, socio-political system of the country. Goals and objectives. The aim of the study is to reveal the nature and structure of a modern financial system in a market economy and its development trends. The purpose of the study determines the formulation of the following problems: - the disclosure of the key players of the financial system - consideration of a main focus of the financial system of the state budget by the example of the Republic of Kazakhstan - to identify the basic principles of financial policy of the state - the disclosure process, "finansizatsii" market economy. Use the information.

I head. Theoretical aspects of the financial system

1.1 The concept of the financial system

The financial system of the state is a set of financial and economic institutions, each of which mediates the fund of funds, this definition is in an economic sense.

In a legal sense, means the totality of the financial system, financial institutions of the state (the Finance Ministry and its departments, tax authorities, state banks, state-owned insurance company). The financial system is market-oriented RK and usually consists of five sections: the state budget, local finances, special funds, finance state-owned banks, finance companies and public corporations.

The financial system can be built on the principle of unity, or the principle of relative autonomy of the institutions of the financial system.

Public relations are the subject of financial law as a whole and its individual institutions, in particular, are the financial and economic relations. Certain groups of these institutions form the financial system (financial and economic institutions).

The financial system includes:

1. financial architecture;

2. the legal basis of the monetary system;

3. administration in finance;

4. financial planning;

5. financial control

Principles of organization of the financial system is defined as:

1) The finances of any country are organized, they are divided into certain funds of funds, indirect financial and economic institutions.

2) Institute on the organization of the monetary system in the Country applies to all existing state financial relations (finansovyh. commodity-money, the relationship of wages).

3) management of finance is always an organizational nature, because the finance themselves out of his organizational efforts may be, can not fail to perform.

4) financial planning given the growth in budget planning, banking planning, financial planning and gos.predpriyaty organizations.

5) takes the forms of financial control of the budget, banking, institutional control.

The financial system of the state is a collection of various financial links and financial relations. In the economic literature of the financial system is investigated in three aspects:

1. The set of financial relations.

2. The collection of funds of funds.

3. Financial management personnel.

Financial relations are a set of economic relations that arise between the state and enterprises. organizations, industries and individuals in connection with the movement of funds.

For example:

financial relations between the state and the enterprise - this installment payments to the budget (taxes, income), as well as grants and loans.

financial relationships between companies - it's equity participation in joint ventures, mutual lending: buying and selling securities.

financial relations between the company and its employees is the foundation of the material movement of labor (wages, dividends, bonuses).

financial relations between the company and the credit system is carried out for payment of interest for loans.

financial relations between the state and the people - this is the payment of income tax postponement of personal accounts, obtaining loans.

The financial system is represented by centralized with decentralized finance finances.

Centralized (national) finance:

budget (central and local);

special off-budget funds (pension fund, social insurance, employment assistance fund, road fund, investment, etc.).

Decentralised Finance:

- Finance companies and organizations of the national economy, which are divided into finance sphere of material production and finance non-productive sphere;

- Finance of the population (income tax, getting tangible and intangible benefits, pay, pay for the exclusion of goods in cooperatives and other markets).

The financial system is market-oriented RK, usually consists of five sections: the state budget, local finances, special funds, finance state-owned banks, finance companies and public corporations.

By definition, the financial system - a set of financial relations. By their very nature are raspredelitelnymi financial relations, and distribution cost is accomplished primarily by the subjects. The subjects form a special purpose money funds, depending on what role they play in the social production of whether the immediate parties to it, whether organized or insurance coverage shall state regulation. It is the role of subject in the social production serves as a first objective criterion of classification of financial relations. In accordance with a common set of financial relationships can be identified major areas: finance companies, institutions and opganizatsy, insurance, public finance.

Within each of these areas are allocated units, and the group financial relations is dependent on the nature of the subject, have a decisive influence on the composition and appointment of funds targeted. This criterion allows us to distinguish in the field of finance companies (institutions, organizations) such links, such as finance companies, which operate on a commercial basis: financial institutions and organizations engaged in non-commercial activities, finance associations. In the insurance sector, where the nature of the entity determines the specific subject-matter insured, as are the links: social insurance, property and personal insurance, liability insurance, business risks. In the field of public finance - respectively, the state budget, extrabudgetary funds, government loan.

Areas of financial relationships and links are interconnected, forming together a single financial system.

Different parts of the financial system serve different types of financial distribution: on-farm - financial enterprises. intra - enterprise finance, facilities, associations, intersectoral and interterritorial - the state budget, extrabudgetary funds.

Each link in the financial system, in turn, is divided into podzvenya in accordance with the internal structure it contains financial relationships. Thus, in the finance companies that operate on a commercial basis, depending on the branch orientation, can be carved out finance industrial, agricultural, trade, transport companies, etc., and depending From ownership - finance state-owned enterprises, cooperatives, joint stock , private, etc. Industry and economic characteristics of businesses that operate on a commercial basis, have csuschestvennoe impact on the organization of financial relations, the composition formed of funds earmarked, the order of their formation and use.

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