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2.3Puti improve financial system

One of the most urgent and fundamentally important problems today is to strengthen the financial system and the output of the national economy on a trajectory of growth and social development. This requires consolidation of efforts of both the state apparatus and the general public, the intellectual potential of scholars and focused the energy of entrepreneurs. It is the joint efforts and effective action depends on the provision of the irreversibility of those positive developments, which first met in the way of stabilizing the economy and its exit from the crisis.

Prospects for the development of the financial system during the construction of a market economy and the way its staff and professional support should be considered in the context of their role and impact on the functioning of our society. It is common knowledge that the money in the economy are equal in importance the circulatory system of the body. They create a close interweaving of specific financial areas, such as - the budget, treasury, taxation, social security, banking and credit, and if even be brought up to the ideal state, can not positively affect the economy because they are separate units of a single chain. They need to be improved simultaneously.

Such an approach to solving the urgent problems require focus in the context of two planes: improving assessment of available financial system and the mechanisms of its functioning accordingly contemporary needs and evaluate professional staff of financial services and their ability to implement these tasks. After the establishment of the financial system - is not an abstract form, they are people who carry on their shoulders the burden of today's difficult financial problems. Only professionalism and responsibility - the success in building financial management and improving the efficiency of the financial system influence on the socio-economic development of society.


The financial system is a system integration type, characterized by close ties of its constituent elements (subsystems) and the fact that none of its subsystems can not exist independently: Finance, on the one hand, the expression of relations of production and so are the element of this relationship with other - represent a system composed of interconnected elements, each with its own functional properties. In finance, can be called as functional subsystems such as tax, budget, financial plans (forecasts), estimated funding, financial indicators, etc.

In addition to the functional classification criteria of the financial system is applied on the basis of classification of the subjects of Finance (involved in financial terms), which allows to distinguish between the financial system for the links.

Links as subordinate series contain the elements of the classification of higher categories: financial ratios, financial assets, the managing apparatus. This property gives the systematic integration of financial systems in nature.

In the market-economic performance of commodity-money relations are regulated by the state to a much lesser degree. Basic Controls - supply and demand of goods, works and services. Outside of commodity relations finances can not exist. Only the exchange of manufactured goods, services, implementation of certain cash equivalent in money revenue producers formed. Of the proceeds from the sale of goods, works and services should be allocated funds of funds, which are sent to recover spent the means of production, labor. And the cost of surplus should be distributed in part, satisfy the economic interests of all participants in social production, reproduction areas, disabled members of society, to create insurance funds and resources.

To implement the reorientation of the economy requires large investments, so that important issues are finding sources of structural change, the definition of the relation between means in the form of state budget and own resources of enterprises.

The state budget as a tool of economic management has integrated social impacts of production as fin.dokument, as an economic tool, and as an incentive.

The state budget is the hub of the financial system. There are different types of interconnection revenues, expenditures, and government loans. The revenue side includes a list of funds received and expenditure - combines all kinds of loans made. That is, State budget - it is an economic category, which expresses the relations of production in the form of money arising between the government and other stakeholders in the process of social production, distribution and redistribution of the value of social product.

The state budget is an instrument of state policy and the main source of funds for implementation of planned programs. Formation of the revenue side is now a lot of problems, so the frequent adjustments of the tax legislation, contributing to the companies that negatively affect the production process, and hence the state budget. An important issue in compiling the state budget are the areas of budget spending-related fiscal policy.

At the level of microeconomic structure of the financial system are the primary finance - enterprises and households. Their financial activities includes two aspects: education funds (which occurs through the initial distribution of income) and expenditure of such funds. Revenues and expenditures are balanced (balanced) as follows. At the enterprises of state finances is reflected in the profit and loss (cost). In the household income received (from the use of factors of production) compared to the cost (the cost of current consumption and savings).

Initial finance at the macroeconomic level serve as the basis of secondary financial state. They are formed as a result of the subsequent distribution (or redistribution) of income primarily through taxes. Taxes - compulsory payments to enterprises and households, which the state collects to the value of primary income.

Public finances play an important role in the growth of government consumption, which creates additional demand, expanding the domestic market.

At the end I would like to make personal conclusions on this work:

• The main problem in the financial sector, in my opinion, is that the quantitative growth of budget revenues of Kazakhstan and all other important financial performance is achieved through the devaluation of the tenge against the dollar and by income from the oil industry, which can lead to deep recession, as all financial and economic system depends on the quotation of material on the world market;

• In Kazakhstan still has not developed a system of small business lending. This area of ​​the economy is very important in a market economy, as the example of developed countries shows that it accounts for a large part of GDP. Agriculture after the collapse of the Soviet Union found itself in a difficult situation, therefore the priority of the state at the moment is to lend to commercial banks in the industry.

• Kazakhstan has already begun development of such important instruments as credit, deposit and lease. In a market economy, their role is to accelerate the formation of the initial capital, which is very important in Kazakhstan, where there is a lack of investment.

• Financial control is carried out in Kazakhstan financial police and the Ministry of Finance. At the moment the legal framework relating to financial relations is still being reformed, but the situation is enough to regulate the financial processes in the ROK.

• Today is an issue on government surpluses. This suggests a misguided strategy of spending.

• In addition, despite repeated increase in wages of public sector employees in our country are still going strong differentiation cash incomes. The resolution of this issue in the future may lead to an increase in tax revenues of the RK.

The priority of the Republic of Kazakhstan today is, in my opinion, the settlement of the above problems.

List of references

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13.Strategiya Development 2030

A President of the Republic of Kazakhstan having the force of law from 24.04.95 № 2235 "On taxes and other payments to the budget."

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