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The creation of the university began in 1984 when the first branch of Odessa Agricultural Institute was established in the city of Mykolayiv. First, the agronomy and zooengineering faculties were founded. Later, in 1987 the economic faculty and the faculty of mechanization of agriculture were established. In 1991 the department of management of organizations was established, and later the professional training faculty was opened. In 2002 training of the highly qualified experts in international management began. In 1991 Mykolayiv branch of Odessa Agricultural Institute became an independent Mykolayiv Agricultural Institute.

In 1999 Mykolayiv State Agrarian Institute acquired the status of Mykolayiv State Agrarian Academy and later University. Taking into account the considerable progress in staff training of higher qualification, in 2002 Mykolayiv State Agrarian Academy achieved the status of Mykolayiv State Agrarian University.

Nowadays the number of students amounted to 8000, and the teaching staff - to 427. Today Mykolayiv State Agrarian University is one of the most promising state agrarian institutions of higher education in Ukraine that has rich educational and scientific traditions.

Material and technical base

Mykolayiv State Agrarian University has 6 educational buildings, 5 hostels and 1151 hectares of arable land. Three Institutes are included in the structure of the University: Research Institute of New Objects and Educational IT, Research Institute of Modern Technologies in the Agroindustrial Complex and Postgraduate Institute. The main subdivisions of Postgraduate Institute are: the Faculty of retraining and raising the level of qualification (1); the Faculty of Pre-University training (2); the Center of vocational training.

There are 10 problem research laboratories, 17 educational and advisory departments in Mykolayiv region, which have proper facilities and equipment necessary for the educational process. 27 departments of the University established 66 branches at production units. The University entrants can attend the training courses at 25 departments of Pre-University Training Faculty in Mykolayiv region.

Economic faculty (3)

There are three specialties at the economic faculty:

• Accounting and Auditing (specialty – accounting and finance economist)

• Management of Organizations (specialty – economist-manager)

• International Management (specialty – international manager)

Farm mechanization faculty (4)

The Farm Mechanization Faculty trains highly qualified engineers on the following specialties:

• Agro-industrial production processes, machinery and equipment (specialty in diploma – mechanical engineer); specializations: recycling mechanization, mechanization of plant growing, technical service.

• Professional training (specialty in diploma – engineer-instructor);

• Power engineering in agricultural production (specialty in diploma – power-engineer).

Agronomy faculty (5)


• Plant growing Department;

• Agriculture Department;

• Vine-, fruit- and vegetable- growing Department;

• Department of soil science and agricultural chemistry.

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