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Task 22

Identify the part of speech of the underlined words:

1. I have no say in the matter.

2. She is such a dear.

3. He liked to know the ins and outs.

4. Soap does not lather in hard water.

5. I shan't go into the whys and wherefores.

6. She reads only glossies and comics.

7. I don't want to be a bad third.

8. He was familiar with ups and downs of life.

Task 23

Match the word with the conversion model after which it was formed.

  1. Oil, v a) N → V

  2. Brown, v b) V → N

  3. Natural, n c) N → Adj

  4. Cut, n d) Adj → N

  5. Ologies and isms, n e) Adj → V

  6. Raven, adj f) Affix → N

  7. E-mail, v

  8. Street, adj

Task 24

Classify the pairs into two groups: a) formed after the model N →V, b) formed after the model V →N.

1 . line - to line 2. bottle - to bottle

3. weep - to weep 4. catalogue - to catalogue

5. hoist - to hoist 6. colour - to colour

7. push - to push 8. preface - to preface

9. hit - to hit 10. gossip - to gossip

Task 25

In these proverbs and sayings there are the words derived by conversion. Figure them out. Establish the model of conversion in each case.

1. Wolf never wars against wolf.

2. Extremes meet.

3. Pride goes before a fall.

4. Criminals often return to the scene of the crime.

5. Fine words butter no parsnips.

6. Let bygones be bygones.

7. Fortune favours the brave.

8. Two blacks do not make a white.

9. If ifs and ans were pots and pans.

Task 26

It is often difficult to say which of the two words within a conversion pair is the derived member. One of the reliable criteria for determining the direction of derivation is se­mantic-definitional. Study the definitions of the words forming the following conversion pairs and identify the direction of derivation in them.

1. shade

noun - light diminished in intensity as a result of the interception of the rays; partial darkness

verb - to cause shade in or on, to represent degrees of shade or shadow in

2. freeze

noun - the act of freezing, the state of being frozen

verb - to pass from the liquid to the solid state by loss of heat

3. blight

noun - a disease of plants that results in the drying upand dying of the diseased parts

verb - to infect or spoil with blight

4. bitter

noun- that which is bitter, bitterness

adjective - having a sharp taste like aspirin or un­sweetened coffee, not sweet

5. harness

noun - an apparatus for controlling a horse, for fasten­ing a horse to a cart, etc., consisting of leather bands held together by metal

verb - to put a harness on (especially on a horse)

6. blink

noun - an act of blinking

verb - to shut and open (the eyes) quickly, once or sev­eral times

7. spam

noun - a disruptive, especially commercial message posted on a computer network or sent as e-mail

verb - to send spam

8. assault

noun - a violent attack, especially a sudden one

verb - to make an assault on, especially an indecent assault

9. slash

noun - an act of slashing

verb - to make a cut or cut something with long sweeping violent strokes, using a sword, knife, or sharp tool

10. hall

noun - a frozen rain falling in a shower

verb - to fall as hail in a shower

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