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Task 36

Are these compounds built in the same way? What is the last word-formation act for each of these words?

1. brainstruster

2. honeymooner

3. mill-owner

Task 37

Is this a compound word?

1. childhood 4. handkerchief

2. eggplant 5. blackguard

3. mushroom 6. horsemanship

Task 38

Find the reduplicative compounds in the sentences. Deter­mine their types:

a) a reduplicative compound proper, i.e. a com­pound which is formed by the repetition of a stem;

b) an ablaut compound, i.e. a compound con­sisting of a basic free morpheme (sometimes it is a pseudo-morpheme) which is repeated in the other component with a different vowel, the typical changes being [i]-[æ], [i]-[ɔ];

c) a rhyme compound, i.e. a compound consist­ing of two components (most often pseudo-morphemes) which are joined to rhyme.

1. It will be a sharp lesson to him not to raise people's hopes and shilly-shally in this manner (P.G. Wodehouse).

2. And making a scene is a definite no-no (Cosmopolitan).

3. You know Mason's book will be a mishmash of old magazine articles, Eileen (J. Smith).

4. Skulls of deer, mice, squirrels, bear and even little itsy-bitsy things that belonged to birds (L. Fosburgh).

5. The car was second-hand but there's nothing wrong with it and the paint-work is in tip-top condition (Internet).

6. ...and as he listened to the gay chit-chat of elegant women, or the ponderous discourse of his political friends, he longed to be back among soldiers with no ambition but to beat the Boche and no pleasure beyond waking each morning to find oneself alive (P.P. Read).

7. He dreams of becoming rich and famous, but he lives in a never-never land, I'm afraid (B. Lockett).

8. Two training planes piloted by air cadets collided in mid-air. The pilots who had safely bailed out were in­terrogated about the accident.

"Why didn't you take any evasive action to avoid hit­ting the other plane?"

"I did," the first pilot explained, "I tried to zigzag."

"And what?"

"But he was zigzagging, too, and zagged when I thought he was going to zig." (A. Joke)

9. He is rather conceited and a bit of a snob; the type we called hoity-toity when we were children (Internet).

10. The little house was very orderly, and just big enough for all it contained, though to some tastes the bric-a-brac in the parlour might seem excessive (U. Le Gum).

Laboratory work 4



1. Shortening:

a) general description;

b) types and peculiarities of abbreviations;

c) types and peculiarities of clipping;

d) types and peculiarities of telescoped words /blends/.

2. Reversion /back-formation/.

3. Postpositivation.

4. Low-productive and non-productive ways of word-formation in Modern English (sound imitation, sound-interchange, stress -interchange).


Practicum – Tasks 39-47, pp.256-275.


1. Современный английский зык (слово и предложение). – Иркутск, 1997. – С.39-43.

2. The Issues in Englis Philology (Study Manual). – Irkutsk, 1998. - P. 37-39,42-45.

3. Arnold I.V. The English Word. – М.: Высш. шк., 1986. – Р.134-164.

4. Ginzburg R.S., Khidekel S.S. Knyazeva G.Y., Sankin A.A. A Course in Modern English Lexicology. – M.: Higher School Publishing House, 1966. – P. 157-172,200-208.

5. Антрушина Г.Б., Афанасьева О.В., Морозова Н.Н. Лексикология английского языка. – М.: Дрофа, 1999. – С. 86-94,115-120.

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