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Выучите слова и выражения, наиболее часто употребляемые в рефератах:

  1. aneurysm

аневризма (расширение просвета кровеносного сосуда или полости сердца вследствие патологических изменений их стенок)

  1. antiretroviral treatment

антиретровирусная терапия

  1. benign

доброкачественный (о течении болезни, об опухоли и т.п.)

  1. brain infarct

мозговой инфаркт

  1. brain tumor

опухоль головного мозга

  1. concomitant


  1. dual combination therapy

двойная комбинированная терапия

  1. encephalitis

энцефалит (воспаление головного мозга)

  1. exacerbate

обострять, усиливать

  1. glioma

глиома (опухоль центральной нервной системы, происходящая из клеток нейроглии)

  1. hasten

ускорять (какой-л. процесс и т. п.), способствовать

  1. incidental finding

случайная находка (при исследовании)

  1. injury (Syn. damage)

повреждение, рана, травма

  1. ipsilateral

ипсилатеральный, расположенный на той же стороне

  1. lesion

повреждение, поражение, патологическое изменение

  1. leukoencephalopathy

лейкоэнцефалопатия (некроз белого вещества головного мозга)

  1. meningioma

менингиома (обычно доброкачественная опухоль оболочек (чаще твёрдой) головного или спинного мозга)

  1. neuroradiologist

нейрорентгенолог, нейрорадиолог

  1. odds ratio

коэффициент несогласия, отношение шансов. (Отношение шансов определяется как отношение шансов события в одной группе к шансам события в другой группе, или как отношение шансов того, что событие произойдет, к шансам того, что событие не произойдет).

  1. opportunistic disease

оппортунистические болезни (вызываемые условно-патогенной микрофлорой при ослабленном иммунитете)

  1. parietal lobe

теменная доля головного мозга

  1. pathological finding 

обнаруженная патология

  1. physical medicine

физиотерапия, физическая терапия

  1. primary tumor

первичная опухоль

  1. temporal lobe

височная доля (головного мозга)

  1. traumatic brain injury

черепно-мозговая травма, травматическое повреждение мозга

  1. triple combination therapy

тройная комбинированная терапия

  1. white matter

белое вещество (мозга)

Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обратите внимание на перевод выделенных слов.

  1. Advances (достижения) in medicine result in the detection of asymptomatic brain abnormalities, such as brain tumors, aneurysms, and subclinical vascular pathologic changes.

  2. We conducted a study to determine the prevalence of such incidental brain findings.

  3. Two neuroradiologists recorded all brain abnormalities, including asymptomatic brain infarcts.

  4. Cerebral aneurysms (1.8%) and benign primary tumors (1.6%), mainly meningiomas, were the most frequent.

  5. The CNS of 1210 patients (76%) was affected by opportunistic diseases, HIV-related (ВИЧ-обусловленные) lesions or both.

  6. Traumatic brain injury initiates several metabolic processes that can exacerbate the injury.

  7. A specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation evaluated the patients.

  8. Treatment with moderate hypothermia for 24 hours hastened neurologic recovery.

  9. No risk increase was found for ipsilateral phone use for tumors located in the temporal and parietal lobes.

  10. These data confirm the efficacy of antiretroviral treatment in reducing the frequency of HIV-related CNS lesions in AIDS patients.

  11. Some patients received dual combination therapy and other received triple combination therapy.

  12. The objective of the study was to evaluate the prevalence of HIV-related central nervous system (CNS) lesions such as HIV-encephalitis and/or HIV-leukoencephalopathy.

  13. The prevalence of asymptomatic brain infarcts and meningiomas increased with age, as did the volume of white matter lesions.

  14. We evaluated the prevalence of HIV-related central nervous system lesions and correlated it with the changes in antiretroviral treatment.

Упражнение 2. Прочитайте рефераты медицинских статей. Передайте их содержание на русском языке по схеме.

A) Long-Term Mobile Phone Use and Brain Tumor Risk

Stefan Lönn, Anders Ahlbom, Per Hall, Maria Feychting

American Journal of Epidemiology, Vol. 151, Issue 6, 526-535

Background Handheld mobile phones were introduced in Sweden during the late 1980s.

Objective The purpose of this population-based, case-control study was to test the hypothesis that long-term mobile phone use increases the risk of brain tumors.

Methods The authors identified all cases aged 20–69 years who were diagnosed with glioma or meningioma during 2000–2002 in certain parts of Sweden. Randomly selected controls were stratified on age, gender, and residential area. Detailed information about mobile phone use was collected from 371 (74%) glioma and 273 (85%) meningioma cases and 674 (71%) controls.

Results For regular mobile phone use, the odds ratio was 0.8 for glioma and 0.7 for meningioma. Similar results were found for more than 10 years' duration of mobile phone use. No risk increase was found for ipsilateral phone use for tumors located in the temporal and parietal lobes. Furthermore, the odds ratio did not increase, regardless of tumor histology, type of phone, and amount of use.

Conclusions This study includes a large number of long-term mobile phone users, and it may be concluded that the data do not support the hypothesis that mobile phone use is related to an increased risk of glioma or meningioma.

  • handheld – карманный

  • stratify – подразделять

  • residential area – область проживания

  • furthermore – более того

  • regardless of –независимо от

  • support – поддерживать

B) Incidental Findings on Brain mri in the General Population

Meike W. Vernooij, M. Arfan Ikram., Hervé L. Tanghe

New England Journal of Medicine, 2007

Background Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain is increasingly used in clinical medicine, and scanner hardware and MRI sequences are continually being improved. These advances are likely to result in the detection of asymptomatic brain abnormalities, such as brain tumors, aneurysms, and subclinical vascular pathologic changes.

Objective To determine the prevalence of such incidental brain findings in the general population.

Methods The subjects were 2000 persons from the population-based Rotterdam Study in whom structural brain MRI was performed. Two experienced neuroradiologists recorded all brain abnormalities, including asymptomatic brain infarcts.

Results Asymptomatic brain infarcts were present in 145 persons (7.2%). Among findings other than infarcts, cerebral aneurysms (1.8%) and benign primary tumors (1.6%), mainly meningiomas, were the most frequent. The prevalence of asymptomatic brain infarcts and meningiomas increased with age, as did the volume of white matter lesions, whereas aneurysms showed no age-related increase in prevalence.

Conclusions Incidental brain findings on MRI are common in the general population. The most frequent are brain infarcts, followed by cerebral aneurysms and benign primary tumors.

  • scanner hardware – сканирующее устройство

  • MRI sequences –импульсный режим МРТ

  • detection – обнаружение