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Investment climate in Russia. Luchkiv.doc
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3. Priorities of Russia's investment climate

Global economic recovery after the crisis, will create favorable conditions for the resumption of growth in foreign investment. In this connection should be created in our country, more favorable conditions for investment than countries that are competing with Russia for attracting foreign capital. This requires a serious and systematic work on the gradual improvement of investment climate, which must be conducted in seven key areas:

1) Reduction of administrative barriers to the allocation of priorities for the construction of production facilities and customs administration at export and import of high technology products and reduction of branch administrative barriers. The Government prepared an action plan to reduce barriers in the construction of production facilities. In particular, to facilitate access to land for construction is proposed to extend the experience of the Fund to promote housing construction on the level of the subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities, creating the same kind of funds or autonomous institutions that would ensure that start up this land into circulation legally. In addition, we plan to actively build in RF industrial sites with the release of special zones for development investment, and simplify the document requirements of spatial planning.

2) Reducing the time state examination and resolution of non-state expertise in obtaining building permits. Also planned to address limitations associated with the assignment of project documentation to the model. As noted by E. Nabiullina, legislation, decisions were made about what types of documentation does not pass state examination, but also adopted by-laws, in essence leveled this rule, and urgently needs to cancel this sub-base. It is also necessary to establish liability for unreasonable refusal to grant permission for the construction and commissioning.

3) Improvement of customs administration. We must focus on several fronts. This is primarily high-tech products export and import of the necessary components and equipment for modernization.

4) An important issue is the removal of intra-administrative barriers. For each sector, they own. As part of the administrative committee is working to analyze what is happening in every sector, and to remove these regulatory barriers, have been prepared and approved measures on agriculture, on education. There is a set of measures for the construction industry, health, transport and industry.

5) Introduction of liability insurance instead of permitting and licensing. Work will continue on and on implementation of notification of the order of starting a business. This year it was decided on 13 species. An important measure for removal of administrative barriers is the transition to electronic government services.

6) Improvement of migration policy. Across different sectors, we need to attract at least 60-70 thousand highly qualified specialists in a year. Ministry of Economic Development jointly with the Federal Migration Service is developing a series of measures aimed at improving the situation in this area. This approach to expanding out quota posts and longer term work permits.

7) Investment climate factors are also the state's share in the economy, which in Russia is very high. Therefore it is necessary to define an exit strategy from the State in certain sectors. In 2010, the privatization plan would increase the sales of state property, is working to transform state-owned corporations - prepared by new legislation

8) Connect to the infrastructure industries. The main problems faced by investors - is the denial of access to infrastructure, the imposition of additional obligations in advance, breaking the terms of accession. Ministry of Economic Development offers a number of measures to improve the situation. This acceptance of the rules of non-discriminatory access to public services, model treaties of accession to the infrastructure with a clear description of the rights and responsibilities, stricter penalties for violations of legal requirements from organizations utilities, establish clear rules on tariffs and pay for the connection. Significantly, in her words, and this is supporting the measure, as the training of civil servants. Need to develop appropriate programs, using the experience of Kazakhstan and Tatarstan.

In the area of ​​fiscal management is expected to expand the list of enterprises in coming years will enjoy the preferential rate for social insurance payments - not 34% and 14%. These enterprises, together with the Ministry of Economic Development Ministry of Finance and the business offers include residents of technology-innovative special economic zones, small innovative companies with universities, other innovative companies. The existing base of benefits (about 70 billion rubles) to be expanded - new benefits in this area will be up to 70-100 billion rubles. Also worked out a proposal in 2011 to make the transition not to the 34% basic rate of insurance payments to social funds, and by 32%.

To support innovation is proposed to complete the reform of the tax depreciation charge by going to a different principle of formation of depreciation groups.

Finance Ministry proposes to introduce legislation as the concept of an investment limited partnership participants. Now there is a form of collective investment without creating a legal entity and we are talking about how to stimulate these investments through tax incentives.

It is also proposed to reduce the list of documents necessary to confirm the validity of applying a zero rate of VAT on exports, create favorable conditions of tax administration in innovation by introducing a number of new regimes.

In general, the government set itself the task of translating the Russian economy with the inertial power - raw materials for innovative development. This strategy should be based on the concept of socio-economic development, developed by the Government on the basis of this decision.

To translate the country's innovative development path seeks to substantially increase innovation and investment activity, bringing the level of accumulation of up to 30% of GDP, the transition to the standards of developed countries in the area of ​​fiscal policy. This means that the level of funding for education should reach 7% of GDP, health care - 6%, Science - 3%. In other words, government spending on these sectors should be doubled.

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