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Rostov region

Rostov region is situated in the South of the European part of Russia. It stretches for 475 km from the North to the Southland for 455 km from the East to the West. Its total area makes more than 100 000 km2. In the South-East it is washed up by the Sea of Azov. It borders Voronezh region in the North, Volgograd region in the East, Kalmykija, Stavropol and Krasnodar region in the South and the Ukraine in the West. The region was formed in September 1937. Nowadays it is di­vided into 43 administrative zones. Rostov region is rather rich in natu­ral resources. Mainly it is coal. There is also gas, oil, technical clays, phosphorites, table salt, perspective nickel and cobalt ore deposits here.

Rostov region has a continental climate. They may have plenty of snow and severe winter and very hot summer here. Rostov region is rich in water resources. The Don flows its waters through the territory of the region for 1870 km. Other rivers of the region are: the Seversky Donetz, the Sal and 7 other smaller rivers. There are more than 450 lakes in the region.

More than 43 million people inhabit Rostov region. There are 23 bigger towns in the region. The administrative centre of the region is Rostov-on-Don. Its population makes nearly 2 million people.

Rostov region has a mighty industrial potential. It also takes the second place in Russia in the output of agricultural production. The re­gion exports its goods to 50 foreign countries.

Rostov region is a great transport junction. Rostov port is a “port of five seas.” Railway routes to the South of the country lie through the region. Airlines link Rostov region with 16 foreign countries.


Rostov-on-Don was founded in 1749. Tsar Peter the Great was constructing the fleet for Russia - Turkish war here on the banks of the Don and Temernic rivers. Later a fortress and a customs office were erected on the right bank of the Don. Due to its profitable position, Rostov began to grow rapidly. It was already then and for centuries later the cross of all merchant routes to the Caucasus, Asia and East.

During the World War 2, realizing the importance of Rostov-on-Don German troops thrice captured the city, but were nevertheless thrown away after the Stalingrad battle. After the war the city was quickly restored.

Nowadays Rostov-on-Don is not only one of the biggest indus­trial and trade centers of Russia. It is really a city of rich cultural, scien­tific and sports traditions. Its architecture presents a happy combination of different styles and traditions of all times and nations. It is also known for its famous parks and green avenues.

to stretch – простираться

total – общий area – площадь

deposit – запас

to flow – течь

transport junction – транспортный узел

to link – связывать

to construct – строить, сооружать

fleet – флотилия

customs office – таможня

profitable – выгодный

merchant routes – торговые пути

to be thrown away – быть отброшенным

to restore – восстанавливать

trade – торговля


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