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ЛЕКЦИЯ6_Туберкулез как медико-социальная пробле...doc
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4. Preventive actions

Now is conventional, that the tuberculosis cannot be characterized only as an infectious disease as has primary the social reasons to what the data even the advanced countries as on the data the CART as it was already marked, the role of medicine in preventive maintenance of disease makes 8-10 % testify.

Preventive actions can be divided into two parts:

1) Medical preventive maintenance;

2) Social preventive maintenance.

It is necessary to attribute to medical preventive actions:

- VACCINATION which is carried out to all children in a maternity hospital. Vaccination can serve in 80 % of cases as the guarantor of prevention of infection with a tuberculosis in terms till 15 years;

- reaction of Mantu is the basic kind of duly revealing of the infected children that allows to carry out preventive treatment with the purpose of the prevention of disease;

- photoroentgenography;

- isolation of patients with active forms of a tuberculosis, their qualitative treatment, including sanatorium (wood schools, the children's specialized sanatoria), as the closing stage of treatment;

- uniform organizational structure of rendering of medical aid to the population.

Speaking about social preventive maintenance, it is necessary to note, that the preventive, social direction of struggle against a tuberculosis becomes presently real need of a society.

The basic attention in preventive maintenance of disease is given the organization of the high-grade balanced feed. Social measures of protection of poorly protected layers of the population are necessary for this purpose:

ᄋ The organization everywhere networks of dairy kitchens and free-of-charge reception of a children's feed for children up to 2 years age;

ᄋ Address material aid to having many children and needy families, invalids, pensioners;

ᄋ A free-of-charge or preferential feed at schools, educational institutions;

ᄋ Opening a wide network of establishments of public catering;

ᄋ Vitaminization of workers of the industrial enterprises, establishments, the organizations;

ᄋ The organization of a dietary preferential feed for the persons, suffering chronic diseases;

ᄋ The organization of sanatorium treatment through the trade-union organizations, committees of social protection and others, public and official bodies for the persons, suffering chronic diseases, a contingent needy.

Social measures of preventive maintenance of distribution of a tuberculosis concern in the majority of sphere of a way of life: struggle against smoking, drunkenness, alcoholization and a narcotism, preventive maintenance of a HIV of an infection, sports actions, physical training, etc.

One of directions of a state policy on preservation of health of the population of group of risk concerning disease by a tuberculosis is antitobacco education, culture in a broad sense this word. Absence or easing of work on antinicotinic propagation is especial among children, teenagers, youth, persons with deviated behaviour and groups of risk can negatively be reflected in distribution of such infection, as a tuberculosis.

Rough growth of a tuberculosis connect with wars, uncontrollable streams of refugees and the compelled immigrants. Deterioration of their living conditions and a feed, mental stress. In addition in system of obligatory medical insurance the system of functioning of public health services and their health services is inevitably broken also.

Actions from here are required:

- The precise control and the account of a stream of refugees;

- Rigid requirements on moving refugees in the territories offered by the government;

- Delivery to refugees of legal and medical documents (passports, certificates, poles), giving the right on high-grade residing and health services, using all rights of the citizen of the Russian Federation;

- Restriction of entrance from far abroad and, first of all, from the countries of Africa, Asia; to resolve him entrance only after carrying out of complex medical inspection.