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18 Пионеры в исследовании рекламы

8 Saraoff D. Looking ahead. NY: McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1968.

9 Nielsen A.C. New facts about radio research. Radio executive club of New York. 1946.

10 Dr. Gallup's finger on America's pulse// Econometrics, 1997, у.27, p. 95.

11 McElwain M. Profiles in Comunication.. Iowa City: Iowa Center for Communication Study, 1991, p. 1.

12 Gallup, George Horace. Current Biography. Who is news and why. 1940. NY: The H.W.Wilson Company.

1940, p.319-321.

Fox S. The Mirror Makers. A history of American Advertising and its creators. NY: William Morrow

& Company, In., 1984, p. 138.

14 Raymond Rubicam. Current Biography. Who's who and why. The H.W. Wilson Company. NY. 1943.

P. 637-641.

15 Raymond Rubicam. Foreword. In: Watkins J.L. The 100 greatest advertisements. Who wrote them and

what they did. NY: Dover Publications, Inc., p. VIII.

16 McElwain M. Указ. соч., р. 3.

17 Ogilvy D. Confessions of an Advertising Man. NY: Atheneum, 1963; Ogilvy D. Blood, Brains & Beer.

NY: Atheneum, 1978; Ogilvy D. Ogilvy on Advertising. NY: Vintage Books, 1985.

18 Watkins J.L. The 100 greatest advertisements. Who wrote them and what they did. NY: Dover Publications,

Inc., p. 229.

19 Brace B. The copy workshop workbook. Chicago: The Cope Workshop. 1989, p. 172.

" Marchand R. Advertising the American Dreram. Making Way For Modernity, 1920-1940. Berkley:

University of California Press, 1985, p. 110.

21 Moor D.W. The Super Pollsters. NY: Four Walls Eight Windows, 1992, p. 45.

c ≪Телескоп≫: наблюдения за повседневной жизнью петербуржцев≫__