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(Книга для чтения на английском языке)

Рекомендовано учебно-методическим объединением в качестве учебного пособия для студентов вузов железнодорожного транспорта

Новосибирск 2009

УДК 624.19/.8=20

Мосты, тоннели, метрополитены. Книга для чтения на английском языке: Учебное пособие. Бахтин С.А., Демина О.А. – СГУПС, 2009. 132 с.

Учебное пособие «Мосты, тоннели и метрополитены» предназначено для формирования навыков профессиональной коммуникации на английском и русском языках у студентов I и II курсов железнодорожных вузов. Содержание каждого из 24 уроков включает основной текст и упражнения, подготовленные на основе тщательно отобранной профессиональной терминологии.

Ил.35. Библиогр.: 16 назв.

Р е ц е н з е н т ы:

Кафедра иностранных языков Новосибирской государственной академии водного транспорта (зав. кафедрой к.ф.н., доцент, Мартынова Е.И.)

Тоннельная ассоциация России, доктор транспорта Российской академии транспорта Мартынов А.В.

Редактор: к.п.н., доцент кафедры «Иностранные языки» СГУПСа Китова Е.Т.

© Сибирский государственный университет путей сообщения, 2009

Table of Contents



Unit 1

Railway and Motorway Engineering Structures


Unit 2

Bridge Crossing and its Components


Unit 3

Bridge Classification


Unit 4

Bridges of Moscow


Unit 5

Bridges of St. Petersburg


Unit 6

Timber and Masonry Bridges


Unit 7

Reinforced Concrete Bridges


Unit 8

Metal Bridges


Unit 9

Bridges of Great Britain


Unit 10

Suspension and Cable-Stayed Bridges


Unit 11

Bridges of Novosibirsk


Unit 12

Bridge or Tunnel


Unit 13

Construction of Supports and Foundations


Unit 14

Superstructure Erection


Unit 15

Bridge Maintenance


Unit 16

Tunnel Classification


Unit 17

Rock Tunnelling


Unit 18

Shield-Driven Tunnels


Unit 19

General Idea of the Underground


Unit 20

The Novosibirsk Metro


Unit 21

Structures of the Underground


Unit 22

Tunnel Maintenance


Unit 23

The Collapse of Railway and Motorway Engineering Structures


Unit 24

Domestic Bridge and Tunnel Engineering at the Turn of the New Millennium







Help yourself to master English using the following language learning habits:

Remember! Your teacher can’t learn English for you but he or she can help. What YOU do is very important if YOU want to master English.

  1. Set yourself learning targets (e.g. five new phrasal verbs each week).

  2. Read railway journals in English, guess and translate every unknown word you come across, write down new vocabulary words with Russian translations.

  3. Keep a vocabulary notebook.

  4. Write down new words in a short phrase or sentence and revise them regularly.

  5. Use monolingual English dictionaries and grammar reference books.

  6. Revise each lesson before starting the next one.

  7. Ask questions and speak only English in class.

  8. Give yourself extra practice in those areas of the English language where you are weak.

  9. Don’t worry about making mistakes – you can learn from your mistakes!

Refer back to this page from time to time to see which good learning habits you have developed. Enjoy learning English!

Настоящее учебное пособие является переизданием части обучающего комплекса «Мосты, тоннели и метрополитены», включающего расширенную компьютерную версию данного пособия с илллюстративным материалом, не вошедшим в печатное издание, лексический минимум на электронном и бумажном носителях, сборник аутентичных текстов на английском языке, тесты и другие контролирующие материалы.

Цель данного пособия – превратить английский язык в средство обучения профессии и подготовить студентов к профессиональной коммуникации в условиях работы в открытом обществе. Одновременное усвоение основ специальности и развитие навыков самостоятельной работы с зарубежной научно-технической литературой позволяет студентам осознать роль иностранного языка в инженерном образовании, и, как следствие, создавать устойчивую мотивацию к его изучению.

Содержание 24 уроков, включенных в пособие, соответствует материалу лекций по введению в специальность. Каждый урок состоит из основного текста и упражнений к нему, подобранных по принципу соответствия нарастающей профессиональной информации на основе тщательно отобранной терминологии. Повторяемость употребления терминов на английском языке после прослушивания лекций способствует более быстрому их запоминанию и осознанному употреблению на двух языках, что соответствует целям обучения, облегчает понимание англоязычных профессиональных текстов и снимает лексические затруднения при коммуникации, а профессиональная направленность предъявляемого учебного материала способствует развитию инженерного мышления.

Авторы выражают благодарность, коллективу кафедры иностранных языков Новосибирской государственной академии водного транспорта, кандидату филологических наук, доценту Мартыновой, Е.И., доктору технических наук, профессору Герасимову С.И., преподавателю английского языка Darren James Keenan, BA, the University of British Columbia за практические советы и замечания по улучшению пособия. Все предложения по дальнейшему совершенствованию работы будут приняты с заинтересованностью и чувством признательности.

Unit 1


First, scan the text and then read it more carefully.

The history of civilization makes it clear that roads have been one of the most important means for the development of the world’s economy. The transportation of people, goods and freight over land was a problem until nearly 200 years ago. Trade routes crossed continents and remote areas therefore considerable time and energy has been put into the construction of roads. The wheel is clearly humanities most important contribution to solving the problem of overland transportation but its introduction brought its own technical problems. From the start of railway construction, there were difficulties when engineering temporary and permanent routes. Trunk-railways and motorways had to overcome different natural barriers such as mountain ranges, bodies of water, fast-flowing rivers, deep gorges, and depressions, as well as urban structures. People had to build railway and motorway engineering structures to provide a crossing through and over these natural and man-made barriers.

The term Railway and Motorway Engineering Structures” (R&M ES) denotes a complex of structures used for permanent motorized travel that intersects various obstacles. Some of these structures are aimed to protect the means of permanent travel against adverse environmental effects or natural calamities. This term incorporates the following structures: aqueducts, bridges, flyovers, trestles, viaducts, culverts, tunnels, galleries, and retaining walls. The function of these structures is quite different from that of civil engineering structures therefore the term does not include buildings, garages, etc. even though they are also man-made structures. Besides, there are naturally created arch formations that resemble bridges. They occur in a massive of horizontally bedded sandstone or limestone and are formed by the collapse of a cavern roof or produced by rivers or wind erosion.

The word artificial cannot relate to railway and motorway engineering structures because this word is associated with artificial building materials. However, the origin of the Russian term “ИССО” i.e. “R&M ES” relates to the idea of individuals with the highest qualification and experience, who were gifted by Nature and possessed artistic abilities. The first railway engineers were scientists, artists and builders simultaneously. They possessed profound knowledge in different fields required for the engineering and construction of railway and motorway engineering structures. According to tradition, railway engineers expressed their creative response to a particular need, or function and the surrounding environment, and demonstrated the extent of their skills in the use of materials. They used their calculations in the service of their imagination to design thoroughly functional bridgeworks that introduced an artistic element into the environment.

R&M ES are considered to be the most complicated and the most expensive structures. Their share ranges from 15 to 50 percent of the total capital investment in the construction of road networks. However, the length of these structures does not exceed 5% of the overall road length. Obstacles at the building site determine the R&M ES type, and there are more than 20 types of them, which can be divided into two main groups: bridge structures (fig. 1.1) and tunnel structures (fig. 1.2). A bridge is erected when the obstruction of a road is due to a river or another body of water (fig. 1.1a). If the barrier is a narrow stream or a temporary channel, it is much cheaper to build a culvert (fig. 1.1b). Railway and motorway engineering structures such as flyovers, trestles and viaducts are often confused when describing them (fig. 1.1c, d and e).

People have always been concerned with finding ways to cross gorges, canyons and ravines, which provide faster crossing for traffic and pedestrians. They build viaducts (fig. 1.1c) to reduce long distances. Grade crossings and heavy traffic flow call for overhead roads. The solution to this problem is a flyover, which provides an overhead crossing and regulates vehicle density. Trestles are built in cities where traffic flow is affected by houses, parks and industrial areas (fig. 1.1e). As a rule, trestles are rather long structures.

Tunnel works are divided into tunnels driven through mountain ranges (fig. 1.2a), and galleries located on mountain slopes (fig. 1.2b). They protect roads from rockslides, snow slips, avalanches, drifting snow, sand drift, and mudslides. Retaining walls and balconies can provide a high degree of road protection from disasters. They are less complicated R&M ES (fig. 1.2c, d, and e).


Give the equivalents in Russian of the following terms:

Railway and motorway engineering structures, trestle, retaining wall, gorge, railway, mudslide, water obstacle, stream, grade crossing, road protection.

What are the English equivalents of the following Russian terms?

ИССО тоннельного типа, ИССО мостового типа, водопропускная труба, подпорная стенка, горная цепь, путепровод, автодорога, лавина, снежные заносы, песчаные наносы, овраг, временный водоток, транспортные развязки, стихийные бедствия.

Match the English and Russian terms:

1. водоотводный лоток

a) Short-term structures

2. временные сооружения

b) Upkeep

3. выносливость

c) Rigidity

4. дождевые потоки

d) Permanent structures

5. жесткость

e) Reliability

6. капитальные сооружения

f) Maintainability

7. ледоход

g) Revetment wall

8. надежность

h) Stability

9. облицовочная стенка

i) Retaining wall

10. паводок

j) Storm water

11. подпорная стенка

k) Drainage gutter

12. прочность

l) High water, flood

13. ремонт

m) Strength

14. срок службы

n) Ice drift

15. удобство

o) Persistence

16. устойчивость

p) Service life

Using the information you have read answer the following questions:

  1. What structures do we call railway and motorway engineering structures?

  2. What are the principal obstacles that might obstruct road construction?

  3. Why do the R&M ES involve heavy outlays?

  4. What structures are defined as bridgeworks?

  5. What structures are defined as tunnel works?

  6. Why are viaducts, flyovers and trestles often confused when describing them?

  7. What common features do retaining walls and galleries have?

  8. Can a passenger travelling by train tell the difference between a tunnel and a gallery?

Complete and translate the following sentences:

  1. (Искусственные сооружения) are constructed at the most complicated sections of (железные и автомобильные дороги).

  2. Some R&M ES (городские мосты, путепроводы, эстакады) demonstrate a high-level of architectural merit and a balance between art and science.

  3. All the R&M ES must meet their design calculations and the requirements of (прочность, устойчивость, жесткость, выносливость).

  4. ES are subdivided into (капитальные и временные сооружения).

  5. (Срок службы) of long-term railway and motorway ES about 80–100 years and for short-term ones about 10-15 years.

  6. (Надежность и удобство) under operation are the principal characteristics of railway and motorway engineering structures.

  7. Trestles, flyovers, and viaducts must provide reliable traffic flow without any interruption. (Ледоход, паводок, дождевые потоки) must be controlled, as they are the greatest risk factors for bridges, culverts and galleries.

  8. Tunnel maintenance commands the most considerable expenditure because (вентиляция, освещение, водоотвод) requires regular inspection and emergency repair.

  9. Even simple R&M ES including (подпорные и облицовочные стенки) call for large building and repair costs. The idea is that traffic interruption and the consequential (ремонт) of R&M ES may result in additional considerable expenses.

  10. The footbridge, which connects two shopping centres across Corporation Street in Manchester, is one of the most vivid images. The street is canyon like and the footbridge represents an interesting and innovative solution for short span pedestrian (мост) linking two buildings. The slender sloping bridge deck is supported by and enclosed in hyperboloid glazed (труба).

Unit 2


Read the following text and make a plan of it. Render the text according to your plan.

A bridge crossing is an engineering structure that provides a safe and reliable passage for traffic and minimises impact on the waterway. Figure 2.1 shows the components of a bridge crossing: (1) superstructure, (2) piers, (3) abutments, (4) substructure, (5) embankments, (6) flood-control dams, and (7) groynes.

Lowland rivers have, as a rule, a clearly shaped low-water mark (8), i.e. the place where a river flows at the lowest point. During the high-water period rivers, overflow their left and right banks (9). As it may be dangerous to the embankments, flood-control dams and groynes distribute, regulate and direct water flow and protect embankments and bridge foundations from bridge scour. Local relief and water levels determine floodplains.

The term “bridge” includes not only the superstructure but the substructure as well (fig. 2.2). The superstructure comprises spans (1) that directly resist the load of the rolling stock. The unsupported length between piers (2) is called a span. Structurally superstructures consist of beams, girders, arches or trusses. The bridge substructure includes abutments, piers and foundations (3). Abutments and piers resist the vertical and horizontal forces of spans, ice and wind. Vertical and slant pier columns carry these loads onto their foundations (3). Foundations resist the loads from the piers and direct them into the foundation beds. Carriages are located between spans and piers to compensate for span deformation caused by loads and seasonal changes as well as temperature variations during the entire day. Bridge engineers have to give careful thought to the dead weight, loads from the rolling stock and pedestrians as well as wind velocity and ice, berthing impact, breaking force, temperature differences and seismic activity for providing strength, rigidity and stability against those potentially destructive forces.

Bridge crossings must provide an unobstructed space between piers for navigation. It is called clear headroom or bridge clearance (5). The distance from the high-water mark to the bridge underside depends on the river’s navigation class. According to navigation regulations, all rivers are subdivided into seven navigational classes. The largest rivers belong to the first class and require clear headroom of 140 m wide and 17 m high.

The most important bridge characteristic is span (6), i.e. the space between the carriages of the neighbouring piers. The suspension bridge over the Humber River in Great Britain holds the world record. As its main span length is 1,410 m, and has a total length of 2,200 m. It is suspended between towers, that rise 152 m above their supporting piers, and carries a four-lane highway and pedestrian walkways. The building of the bridge caused much controversy because of the high cost, which exceeded $250,000,000 and because the bridge site was not along a heavily trafficked route. Nevertheless, the bridge opened in July 1981 and after more than eight years of construction, it stimulated industrial and commercial development in the area.


Give the equivalents in Russian of the following terms:

A bridge crossing, a pier, a carriage, a low-water bed, a pedestrian, rolling stock, width, dead weight, seismic activity.

Can you give the English equivalents of the following terms?

Пролетное строение, устой моста, грунтовое основание, меженный уровень воды, пойма, постоянная нагрузка, подмостовой габарит, высота, сила торможения, сейсмика.

Read through the questions and see if you can answer them:

  1. Why do people construct bridge crossings?

  2. What components of a bridge crossing do you know?

  3. What is the difference between a low-water bed and a flood plain?

  4. What bridge component directly resists the rolling stock load?

  5. What common features do piers and abutments have? What is the difference between them?

  6. What bridge components rest on the ground?

  7. What bridge components directly resist wind force and ice?

  8. What does headroom depend on?

  9. Are all the bridges calculated for seismic activity?

Match the words in column A with column B:



1. невыгодное положение

a) Design calculation, structural analysis

2. низ моста

b) Damage

3. отметка уровня паводка

c) Pedestrian walkway

4. подмыв опоры

d) Lane

5. равнинная река

e) Bridge underside

6. расчет конструкций

f) Navigation regulations

7. пешеходная дорожка

g) Tower

8. пилон моста

h) Bridge scour

9. повреждение, разрушение

i) High-water mark

10. полоса движения

j) Designing, engineering

11. правила судоходства

k) Lowland river

12. проектирование

l) Disadvantage

Complete and translate the following sentences:

  1. The load developing reactions in a bridge structure may be subdivided into the dead load involving (собственный вес пролетных строений, опор, фундаментов), the live load from the wind force, ice, breaking force, seismic activity, (перепад температур) and the movable load from the rolling stock and (пешеходы).

  2. The movable load is important for successful (расчет и проектирование) of any bridge. In civil engineering, it is the live load involving snow load, seismic activity and (оборудование) that must be taken into consideration.

  3. The most difficult problem for the movable load calculation is the preliminary determination of (невыгодное положение) of the rolling stock and pedestrians.

  4. (Размыв грунта) can have destructive effects on bridges. (Насыпи и опоры) can reduce the rivers natural width, and the speed of the water flow increases.

  5. (Длина пролета) influences the dead load value and (судоходство). The span length depends on the headroom of the (мостовой переход).

  6. (ИССО мостового типа) including bridges, flyovers, trestle bridges and viaducts consist of superstructure and substructure. They have much in common – the same (постоянная, временная и подвижная нагрузки).

  7. (Надежный пропуск транспорта и воды) during the high-water period is one of the problems for maintenance crews because of washout.

Unit 3


Read the text and make up a bridgework glossary in Russian.

A bridge is a raised structure made of wood, stone, brick, concrete, iron, or steel, linking two opposite sides without disturbing or making contact with the roadway, body of water, obstacle or depression beneath it. Bridges vary in construction according to the gap they span and the loads they resist. So bridges are designed, firstly, to carry their own permanent weight, or dead load; secondly, to carry traffic, or live loads; and finally, to resist natural forces such as wind or earthquakes. A cantilever bridge is ideal for heavy loads, although an arch bridge is preferable where terrain prevents erection of piers. A suspension bridge may span distances of up to 1 km. Bridges are classified according to the following criteria:

Criterion № 1. (the primary function of the bridge roadway)

    1. Railway bridges.

    2. Motorway bridges.

    3. Footbridges.

1.4. Town bridges.

1.5. Pipe lines.

1.6. Metro bridges.

1.7. Combination or road-cum-rail bridges (for different means of transport).

Criterion № 2. (the superstructure material):

2.1. Timber (wooden) bridges.

2.2. Masonry bridges.

2.3. Reinforced-concrete bridges.

2.4. Metal bridges.

2.5. Steel reinforced-concrete bridges (composite bridges).

2.6. Suspension bridges (fig. 3.1a).

2.7. Cable-stayed bridges (fig. 3.1b).

The four primary materials used for bridges have been wood, stone, iron and concrete. Of these, iron has had the greatest effect on modern bridges. Steel is made from iron, and steel is used to make reinforced and prestressed concrete. Modern bridges are almost exclusively built with steel, reinforced concrete, and prestressed concrete. Suspension and cable-stayed bridges suspend the structures using flexible ropes or cables as the main supporting element. Curved cables are used for suspension bridges (fig. 3.1a), and nearly straight diagonal cables carry the main span in cable-stayed structures (fig. 3.1b). The cables comprise metal wire strands and that is why suspension and cable-stayed structures can be regarded as variants of metal bridges.

Criterion № 3. (the design model or structural design):

3.1 Beam bridges (fig. 3.1c) (a freely-supported slab or girder construction resting on piers).

3.2 Arch bridges (fig. 3.1d) (a curved structure producing a horizontal thrust through skewbacks to piers).

3.3 Frame-type bridges (fig. 3.1e) (a rigid frame structure with the horizontal deck slab made monolithic with the vertical abutment walls).

3.4 Cantilever bridges (fig. 3.1f) (a structure with projecting cantilever arms).

3.5 Combined systems (fig. 3.1f) (several simple structures: beam and arch).

Criterion № 4. (the position of the bridge floor):

4.1 Deck bridges (fig. 3.1c,e and d).

4.2 Through bridges (fig. 3.1h).

4.3 Half-through bridges (fig. 3.1g).

Criterion № 5. (the total bridge span):

5.1 Short bridges (up to 25 m long).

5.2 Medium size bridges (from 25 to 100 m long).

5.3 Long bridges (more than 100 m long).

Criterion № 6. (the number of spans):

6.1 Single-span bridges.

6.2 Double-span bridges.

6.3 Three-span bridges.

6.4 Multi-span bridges.

Criterion № 7. (Bridge service life):

7.1 Permanent bridges (Service life is 80 – 100 years).

7.2 Temporary bridges (Service life is about 10 – 15 years).

7.3 Short-term bridges (They are built for two/three days up to one year).

Further to the aforementioned bridge types there are movable bridges (drawbridges, leaf bridges, opening bridges, pivot bridges) (fig. 3.1i), floating bridges (raft bridges) (fig. 3.1j) and ferries. The drawbridge, or bascule, is the best known; it may be single or double-leaf. For exceptionally long spans, the pivot, or swing bridge, which turns on a table, is suitable, but it limits navigation. In practice, the basic forms are often combined. The principle factors determining bridge choice are: span, location and site conditions, availability of materials and labour, maintenance, loading conditions, appearance and cost.


Find the Russian equivalents for the following English terms:

A railway bridge, a pipeline, a timber bridge, a reinforced concrete bridge, a suspension bridge, a steel reinforced concrete bridge, curved ropes, an arch bridge, combined systems, a deck bridge.

Find the English equivalents to the following Russian terms:

Пешеходный мост, совмещенный мост, каменный мост, металлический мост, вантовый мост, гибкий кабель, балочный мост, мост с ездой понизу, капитальный мост, разводной мост, паромная переправа.

Complete and translate the following sentences:

  1. (Городские мосты) involve the structures built in cities and towns for (автомобили, трамваи и пешеходы).

  2. As a rule, railway bridges according to their (расчетная схема) are beam structures, which are considered the most reliable under operation. (Сквозная ферма) (fig. 3.1h) consists of separate elements for reducing the (собственный вес) and can resist wind velocity.

  3. The carriages of (арочные мосты) transmit the vertical loads and horizontal thrust to the piers.

  4. (Рамные мосты) are used as overpass or trestle bridges because of their small pier width. They provide the most economical use of (строительные материалы).

  5. (Комбинированные мосты) are used in cities because of their architectural merits. Besides, these structures can realise record spans from 500 to 1,410 m as (висячие и вантовые мосты) which also belong to this bridge type.

  6. (Разводные мосты) are constructed in large cities over (водная преграда) for vessels with big displacement tonnage. Their height exceeds the size of (подмостовой габарит) even for first class rivers.

  7. (Временные мосты) have as a rule timber piers and steel spans.

  8. (Наплавные мосты) differ from other bridge types by supports made of pontoons and barges, which do not rest on the ground. These bridges are used as short-term structures.