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2.3.3 Translator’s Self-censorship towards Scotland

In this number of poems, the situation will be somehow different. Often it is impossible to omit all references to the country from the translations as it would absolutely change the meaning of the poems. That’s why Marshak usually replaces “Scotland” with the synonyms of the word “homeland”.

Wha, for Scotland's King and Law,

Freedom's sword will strongly draw,

Free-man stand, or Free-man fa',

Let him on wi' me!”

Robert Bruce's March To Bannockburn

Пусть останется в строю,

Кто за родину свою

Хочет жить и пасть в бою

С мужеством героя!”


(Let it remain in the ranks, Who for his homeland wants to live and fall in battle With the courage of a hero! )

Then let us toast John Barleycorn,

Each man a glass in hand;

And may his great posterity

Ne'er fail in old Scotland!”

John Barleycorn: A Ballad

Так пусть же до конца времен

Не высыхает дно

В бочонке, где клокочет Джон

Ячменное Зерно!”

Джон Ячменное Зерно 

(So let before the end of time Do not dry the bottom In the barrel where John boils)

O you grim, mischief-making chap,

That makes the notes of discord squeal,

Till humankind often dance a reel

In gore a shoe-thick,

Give all the foes of Scotland's well

A twelve months toothache”.

Address To The Toothache

О дух раздора и войны,

Что носит имя сатаны

И был низвергнут с вышины

За своеволье,

Казни врагов моей страны

Зубною болью!”

Ода к зубной боли

(The spirit of discord and war, Which is Satan by name And was thrown from the top For the self-will, Execute the enemies of my country with a Toothache!)


"A translator is an artist, a master of words, a partner in creative work of a writer who he translates. He is the same art maker, as an actor, sculptor or painter. The text of the original is his source for inspired creativity. First of all a translator is a talent”

Korney Tchukovskiy

In performing this research I have got acquainted both with the creative work of the Scottish poet Robert Burns in the original and translations by Samuel Marshak.

Having found discrepancies between translations and the original, I’ve analyzed them and have come to the conclusion that it happened due to the influence of the Soviet ideology.

In addition, I have conducted a detailed analysis of some poems in the original in comparison to their translations. As a result I have noted some certain tendencies in translations which are mentioned above (page 14).

All these aspects confirm the theory about the direct influence of the state ideology not only on creative work of the many but also on translations.


  1. R. Burns, «Robert Burns in Marshak’s Translations. » М.: ГИХЛ, 1950.

  1. M. Gorky, «About Children’s Literature.» М. - Л., Детгиз, 1952.

  1. B. I.Kolesnikov. «Robert Burns. Sketch of the Life and Work» - М. : Просвещение, 1967.

  1. L. L. Nelubin, G. T. Huhuny, «The Science of Translation. History and Theory from Ancient Times to the Present» «Флинта, МПСИ»

  1. Korney Tchukovsky, Collected Works in 15 vols, v 3,: - «Высокое искусство», М., Терра - Книжный клуб, 2001

  1. Burns, R. «Selected poems. London: Penguin Popular Classics», 1996

  1. Dr. Natalia Kaloh Vid. Spring 2011 Chronicle p31-35, “Ideological Adaptations of Robert Burns in the Soviet Union”

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