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International Trade

International trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries. It enables countries to obtain some goods and services more cheaply than they could produce them for themselves or to consume goods and services which would otherwise be unobtainable from domestic supply sources.

Through international trade countries can improve their living standards. International trade keeps domestic prices down by creating competition at home and provides large markets abroad.

Governments can control international trade. The most common protectionist measures are tariffs (a tax on imported goods), quotas (the maximum quantity of a product allowed into a country during a certain period of time), exchange controls. They raise the price of imported goods to protect national producers.

The international trade that takes place without barriers such as tariffs, quotas and exchange controls is called free trade.

Free trade area is a form of trade integration between a number of countries, in which members eliminate all trade barriers among themselves on goods and services, but each continues to operate its own barriers against trade with the rest of the world.

Білет 26

1.Ordinary industries of management are finances,productive operations, marketing, human


2.Efficiency of commonunication is possibility ofunderstanding of reasons and necessities of other people.

2.2 A financial plan is a plan obtaining and using the money.

1. Is a financial plan a plan obtaining and using the money?

2. Is a financial plan a plan obtaining and using the money or using the goods?

3. What is a plan obtaining and using the money?

4. A financial plan is a plan obtaining and using the money, is not it?

У різні періоди часу і в різних частинах світу різних товарів служили в якості грошей. Ці товари були: велика рогата худоба, вівці, хутра, шкіри, рибу, тютюн, чай, сіль, черепашки і т.д. Експерти підкреслюють, що ефективно служити в якості грошей, товар повинен бути достатньо міцним, легко ділиться, і портативний. Жоден з вищезазначених товарів володів всіма цими якостями, і з часом вони були замінені на дорогоцінні метали. Спочатку вони були витиснені сріблом, а потім і золото. Якщо платіж був зроблений метал був першим з ваги. Наступним етапом було різання металу на шматки визначеної маси і так монети увійшли в ужиток.

Паперові гроші вперше приїхав в експлуатацію у вигляді надходжень визначається ювелірами в обмін на родовища срібних і золотих монет.

Export and Import

Exporting and importing are two aspects of foreign trade.

Exports are goods and services produced in one country but sold in another. Trade in goods is known as visible exports and trade in services is known as invisible exports. Exports are important because they allow a country to earn foreign exchange which can be used for buying imports from abroad.

Imports are those goods and services which are consumed in one country but which have been purchased from another country. Imports of goods such as food, raw materials, or manufactured goods are known as visible imports; imports of services such as insurance, tourism, freight are known as invisible imports.

Imports are paid for by foreign currency earned by exporters, or by borrowing from foreign governments and agencies like the International Monetary Fund.

The balance of trade is the difference between payments for imports and payments for exports.

If exports exceed imports there is a trade surplus or a positive balance of trade. If imports exceed exports there is a trade deficit or a negative balance of trade.

Білет 27

1.A financial plan is a plan of receipt and use of money,that неохідні for the necessities of


2.The financial planning begins from determination ofultimate goal.

2.2 Henry was still preparing firm’s annual report at midnight last night

  1. Was Henry still preparing firm’s annual report at midnight last night?

  2. Was Henry still preparing firm’s annual report at midnight last night or last morning?

  3. Who was still preparing firm’s annual report at midnight last night?

  4. Henry was still preparing firm’s annual report at midnight last night, wasn`t he?

Переговори є невід'ємною частиною повсякденного ділового життя. Це може статися в будь-який час і в будь-якому місці. Метою переговорів є прийти до компромісного угодою, яке є прийнятним для обох сторін. Це цілий ряд тактик, які можуть допомогти вести переговори.

При підготовці до переговорів важливо не тільки підготувати аргументами, а й визначити цілі, які повинні бути реалістичними. Необхідно також вивчити плани противника і пріоритетів, яка може бути досить важко.

Немає сенсу відразу ж обговорювати ділові питання. Близько 20 відсотків з переговорного часу приділяється розтопити лід.

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