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10) Object

Blokh- the substance modifier of processial part of sent, secondary part. Is connected with predicat/some other processual part, meaning of person/thing that are in connection with process/property denoted by predicate.

Classification – Ganshina, Vasyljeva- direct, indirect, retained, cognate, prepositional, complex.

Cognate obj – after some transitive verb, similar to verb and noun in meaning, derived from the same root (They fought a good fight,They slept a long sleep). This classification lacks consistency.

Semantic classification – based on synt bound betw object and predicate – non-preposit (connection isn’t based on prepositions), prepositional – introduced by prepositions.

Ilyish; this cl-n can be applied only to direct/indirect objects that are expr by noun/pronoun (We bought him a candy). Both direct, indirect objects are found oonly after verbs of given type.

Object is expr by noun, noun equivalent, pers pronoun in objective case, demonstr pronoun, indef pronoun, substantivized adj, infinite, gerund.

11) Adv modifier, classification, manifestation

Adverbial Modifier is a secondary part of the sentence which modifies verbs, adjectives and adverbs and specifies the circumstances of a happening (time, place, manner, reason, result, etc.). Ganshina – part of sent that is connected with verb predicate/adverb in any of its function, denotes place, time, manner, degree, etc. Blokh-the property modifier of processual part of sent. Smirnitsky –classif accord to meaning – 11 subclasses – time measure place manner degree cause measure result condition concession purpose exclusion

Classif accord morph peculiarities – adverb, phrase pattern, noun without preposit expressing distance, time, price, etc., noun-phrase, participle, gerund+preposit, infinitive expr purpose/result.

Classif accord to type of head-word – concerns part of sent where adv modif linked to- can be expr by verb,verbal noun,adj,adverb. It cant be linked to non-verbal noun.

12) Actual division of sent

The notional (смысловой, несущий значение) parts of the sentence form the nominative meaning of the sentence. The division of the sentence into notional parts can be called the nominative division. The main components of the actual division of the sentence are the theme and the rheme. The theme expresses smth. already known. It is a starting point of communication, while the rheme expresses smth new. It is the communicative center of the utterance. The theme of the actual division of the sentence may or may not coincide with the subject of the sentence. The rheme of the actual division may or may not coincide with the predicate of the sentence — either with the whole predicate group or its part, such as the predicative, the object, the adverbial. Example: Max bounded forward. above sentences the rheme coincides with the whole predicate group. Example:. Who is coming late but John! There is a difference of opinion between the parties.Here the correlation between the nominative and actual divisions is the reverse: the theme is expressed by the predicate or its part, while the rheme is rendered by the subject.

Historically the theory of actual division of the sentence is connected with the logical analysis of the proposition. The principal parts of the proposition, as is known, are the logical subject and the logical predicate. These, like the theme and the rheme, may or may not coincide, respectively, with the subject and the predicate of the sentence. The logical categories of subject and predicate are prototypes of the linguistic categories of theme and rheme. The actual division finds its full expression only in a concrete context of speech. If it is stylistically neutral construction the theme is the subject and the rheme is the predicate and this kind of actual division is direct. The actual division in which the rheme is expressed by the subject is inverted.

- The means of expressing the rheme :1.Lexical meanings – particles (only,even)2.Logical stress-

3.Change of syntactic structure (It was he who did it)4.Passive voice.

- Means of expressing theme1.Definite article.2.Word order.

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