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27) Substantivisation of adjectives

Substantivization-type of conversion-lexical word-building process of zero-derivation. When adjectives are are fully substantivized – they make a noun, which is connected with the adj only etimologically.These nouns acquire all the forms of constitutive substantive categories; number,case,article determination (privates,natives – number; private's – case; a private,the private – article determination). In Rus – рядовой, больной, и тд. There is group of partially substantivized adj-s – they are characterized by mixed lexico-gram features; convey mixed adjectival-nounal semantics of property, perform functional characteristics of nouns in sent, are not changed according to category of number, combined only with definite article.

They include words,denoting: group of people with the same feature (the reach, the English), abstract notions (the unforgettable). They make a specif group of adjectives marginal to nouns, can be called «adjectivids».

28) Morph status of statives

Statives-words denoting states,mostly temporary, are used predominantly in predicative function, their common mark-prefix –a (afraid, agog, adrift, alike). The part-of-speech interpretation isn’t shared by all linguists, it has both proponents and opponents. Ilyish-lex-grammatical analyses, thanks to which a-wordswere given the part-of-speech heading «category of state».

29,30) Arguments – establishing statives – separate part of speech

For;1) statives are opposed to adjectives on purely semantic basis, as adj-s denote qualities, and statives-states.2)statives are characterized by specific prefix –a (unlike adj-s) 3)they don’t possess category of degrees of comparison 4)combinability of statives is different from that of adj-s, as they are not used in pre-positional attributive function, they are characterized by absence of right-hand combinability with nouns.

Against;1)Barkhudarov-common adj-s and participles in adjective-type functions can express typologically the same properties as statives2)though statives are not used in attributive pre-position, they like adj-s are distinguished by left-hand categorical combinability with nouns and link-verbs.3)2 basic functions of statives-predicative and attribute,the similarity of functions-we can use statives and adj-s in a homogeneous groups4)as for the prefix –a it hardly deserves a serious consideration as a formal basis of part-of-speech identification of statives. We can say that it is an adjectival subclass,though they are quite particularly opposed to the rest of adj-s.

31,32) Pronoun as a separate part of speech

The meaning of Pronoun is difficult to define .Some share peculiarities of nouns (he), other-similar to adj-s (which). Some scholars think that pronouns were not a separate part of speech,it should be distributed between nouns and adj-s. However, this view proved entailed difficulties-it is necessary to find definition of specific meaning of pronoun, distinguishing them from nouns and adj-s. They point to the things and properties without naming them. They constitute a limited class of words with numerous subclasses. They are differentiated into noun-pronouns and adjective-pronouns.

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