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Министерство образования и науки РФ

Кемеровский институт (филиал) РГТЭУ

О.Д. Шоркина


Учебное пособие с интерактивными заданиями

Кемерово 2012

УДК 802.1

ББК 81.2 Англ



О.В. Валько, канд. филол. наук,

доцент кафедры английской филологии № 1

Кемеровского государственного университета;

Г.И.Лушникова, доктор филол.наук,

зав.кафедрой английской филологии № 2

Шоркина О.Д.

Ш30 Business etiquette = Деловой этикет [Текст]: учебное пособие с интерактивными заданиями / О.Д. Шоркина; Кемеровский институт (филиал) РГТЭУ. – Кемерово: Кемеровский институт (филиал) РГТЭУ, 2012. – 80 с.

В пособие рассматривается широкий спектр проблем профессиональной сферы будущих бакалавров в области делового этикета. Цель пособия – формирование навыка практического владения английским языком в профессиональной деятельности (мировая экономика) и межличностном общении.

Пособие предназначено для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов направления 080100 «Экономика» профиль «Мировая экономика» по дисциплине «Деловой этикет на иностранном языке».

УДК 802.1

ББК 81.2

© Кемеровский институт (филиал) РГТЭУ, 2012


Учебное пособие с интерактивными заданиями «Business etiquette» предназначено для студентов направления 080100 «Экономика» профиль «Мировая экономика» для занятий по дисциплине «Деловой этикет на иностранном языке».

Целью пособия является формирование навыка практического владения английским языком в профессиональной деятельности (мировая экономика) и межличностном общении.

Пособие состоит из 7 разделов (Unit), охватывающих широкий круг вопросов профессиональной сферы будущих бакалавров: межкультурная коммуникация, правила представления деловых партнеров, правила поведения в ресторане, деловой стиль одежды, знакомство с правилами и обычаями ведения бизнеса в Китае, Америке, Германии.

В разделы включены предтекстовые упражнения (Pre-reading), тексты и упражнения, предназначенные для закрепления изучаемой лексики (Reading), а также творческие интерактивные задания (Speaking). Предлагаемые задания, направленные на изучение основ делового этикета, носят коммуникативный характер и способствуют развитию языковой компетенции будущих бакалавров. В пособие также включен список фраз (functional phrases), которые могут быть использованы при выполнении интерактивных заданий.

Пособие может быть использовано как для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной работы студентов.

Пособие соответствует требованиям Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта высшего профессионального образования по направлению подготовки 080100 «Экономика».


Introduction 26


9. In many cultures all over the world, avoiding eye contact or looking at the ground when talking to one's parents is a sign of respect 28

Text 1A 28

1.3. Active word list. Read the words and word combinations and memorize them. 28

1.7. SPEAKING 31



2. The world is gradually becoming a smaller global village. 31

3. To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different 31

in the way we perceive the world. (Tony Robbins) 31

4. A different language is a different vision of life. (Frederico Fellini) 31

Text 1B 31


1.10. Give the English equivalents to the following words and phrases 33

from the text. Choose five of them and make up sentences of your own. 33

Read your sentences aloud for other students to translate. 33

1.11. Complete the following sentences from the text and translate them 33

into Russian. 33


Use the functional phrases (see p. 77): introducing people, starting a conversation, asking for information, asking to repeat, expressing surprise, showing interest and supporting what someone else has said. 36

Unit 2 36


2.1. Guess the meaning of international words. 37

2.2. Translate the sentences paying attention to the words and phrases in bold type. Consult a dictionary. 37

Text 2A 37

2.6. Give the English equivalents to the following words and phrases from the text. Choose five of them and make up sentences of your own. Read your sentences aloud for other students to translate. 40

2.7. Complete the following sentences from the text and translate them 40

into Russian. 40

Text 2B 40

ado- 40

затруднение, сложность 40

suitable- 40

подходящий, пригодный, применимый 40

suit- 40

dress suit- 40

dress shirt - 40

белая рубашка к вечернему костюму 40

pants- 40

брюки 40

tie- 40

галстук 40

to flatter- 40

преувеличивать достоинства 40

suspenders- 40

подтяжки 40

to coordinate- 40

сочетаться, гармонировать 40

to date- 40

старить, придавать старомодный вид 40

to do well - 40

процветать, преуспевать 40

2.11. Complete the following sentences from the text and translate them 41

into Russian. 41

Text 2C 42


2.16. Fill in the blanks with proper words or phrases given below. 44

a) basic etiquette 44

b) dresses 44

c) nonverbal 44

d) clothes 44

e) the center 44

f) creativity 44

g) signals 44

h) to consider 44

i) to emphasize 44

j) wacky 44

k) care 44

l) applies 44


Like it or not, most people believe that what you see is what you get. What they usually see first is your 1)… . Clothes are a 2) … code of communication. What you wear 3) … your image to others. What signals do you want to send? In business, creativity in ideas is often more important than 4) … in dress. Derived from the military dress code, the idea here is that if everyone 5) … in a relatively similar manner, the playing field isn’t so bumpy. Some restraint is appropriate, because you want 6) … the product or service of your company, not your 7) … sense of personal style (which is why you have days off). You are the vehicle for the product or the service, not 8) … of attention. Then you have 9) … your body language. Comporting yourself with ease and dignity signals to others that you 10) … enough about them, and enough about yourself, to pay attention to your physical presence.The 11)… principle of not calling too much attention to yourself 12)… to clothes, too. 44

2.17. Render the following text in English. 45

2.18. SPEAKING. 45


Dressing for success? 46

1. The way people dress at work usually indicates how competent they are at their jobs. 46

2. People should be allowed to wear exactly what they want at work. 46

10. I wouldn't have faith in a businessperson who wore jeans to work. 46

11. Men shouldn't be allowed to take off their jackets at work even in the summer. 46

12. Bosses should always be smartly dressed. 46

Use the functional phrases (see p. 77): introducing people, starting a conversation, asking for information, asking to repeat, expressing surprise, showing interest and supporting what someone else has said. 46

Unit 3 46


Text 3A 47

3.6. Match English and Russian pairs of words or word-combinations. 49

3.7. SPEAKING. 50


Text 3B 50

title- 50

титул, звание 50

to note- 50

отмечать, принимать к сведению 50

normally- 50

обыкновенно, обычно 50

to reply- 50

отвечать 50

at a time - 50

за один раз, за один приём 50

to call- 50

называть, давать имя 50

hierarchy- 50

иерархия 50

to relate to- 50

относиться, иметь отношение 50

conversation- 50

разговор, беседа 50

position- 50

позиция, должность 50

to address- 50

обращаться к кому-либо, говорить с кем-либо 50

rank- 51

служебное положение, ранг 51

to take precedence of. - 51

занимать более высокую должность 51

Your delegation has just arrived to your partner’s office. You are met by the president of the company, Mr. Charter. You are invited to the conference hall where preliminary talks will start in some minutes. Before the talks, introduce your delegation (vice-president, finance director, sales manager and production manager). 53

Use the functional phrases (see p. 77): introducing people, starting a conversation, asking for information, asking to repeat, expressing surprise, showing interest and supporting what someone else has said. 53

Text 3C 53

3.16. Render the following text in English using active vocabulary. 55


You work for a car manufacturer. An German customer is visiting your place of work next week. Together with your colleagues think of the processes to show him the presentation of your product, the place to have lunch, the way to entertain him. Consider any specific Russian ways and traditions in welcoming and entertaining guests. Work out the scenario. 57

Decide: 58

who the visitor is (potential client/supplier, etc.) 58

what the purpose of the visit is (to get acquainted with new equipment/ to sign the contract on ordering spare parts) 58

what you want to tell the visitor about your organization 58

(the company has been in business since…/ to introduce a new process of making car bumpers/ the factory floor where we manufacture the bumpers/ the computer that arranges the production schedule/ the way we test the bumpers/ a new conveyor, etc) 58

which people the visitor should talk to (Research and Development Manager – responsible for developing a new product/ Programmer – responsible for arranging the production schedule/ Product Manager – responsible for promoting a new line of product etc.) 58

what social programme you’ll offer (having dinner together at the restaurant to get to know each other/ taking the trip round the city/ attending a reception given by Managing Director etc. Why not go to…? Does it suit you? ) 58

Plan an itinerary for the visit with times, places and people to meet. 58

Act out the visit. The host(s) should make the visitor(s) welcome and take them to the places on the itinerary. The visitor(s) should ask questions about the things they see. 58

Use the functional phrases (see p. 77): introducing people, starting a conversation, asking for information, expressing agreement, disagreeing politely, asking to repeat, showing interest, etc. 58

Unit 4 59


Text 4A 59

4.3. Active word list. Read the words and word combinations and memorize them. 59

4.6. Complete the following sentences from the text and translate them into Russian. 61

4.7. Give the main idea of the text in one sentence. 62

Text 4B 62

4.8. Active word list. Read the words and word combinations and memorize them. 62

to embrace- 62

научиться использовать, охватывать 62

experience - 62

опыт, случай, событие 62

graciously- 62

благосклонно, любезно 62

memo- 62

служебная записка, докладная записка 62

cell phone- 62

сотовый телефон 62

laptop- 62

портативный компьютер 62

to cater(for)- 62

to interfere- 62

вмешиваться, быть помехой 62

controversy- 62

спор, разногласия 62

on the average- 62

в среднем 62

to book- 62

заказывать, бронировать 62

intelligently- 62

to conduct a meeting- 62

вести, проводить (собрание, встречу) 62

4.9. Read and translate the text. 62


4.10. Say if the statements are true or false or not mentioned in the text. Correct the false variant. 63

4.11. Give the English equivalents to the following words and phrases from the text. Choose five of them and make up sentences of your own. Read your sentences aloud for other students to translate. 63

4.12. Give either Russian (A) or English (B) equivalents to the following words or word-combinations. 64

A B 64

Text 4C 64

4.13. Active word list. Read the words and word combinations and memorize them. 64

mishap- 64

неудача, неприятный случай 64

to occur- 64

to beckon- 64

to be aware (of)- 64

discreetly- 64

discreet- 64

отдельно, осторожно, тактично 64

тактичный 64

to motion- 64

показать жестом, кивать 64

morsel - 64

маленький кусочек (пищи) 64

upbeat- 64

to steer oneself out of- 64

радостный, оптимистичный 64

выбираться из чего-либо 64

4.14. Read text 4C to learn how to manage dining mishaps. 64


4.16. Fill in the blanks with proper words given below. 66

a) result in 66

b) dislike 66

c) lean over 66

d) discreetly 66

e) apologetic 66

f) be aware 66

1. You … the food that is being served. 66

2. Let the waiter know by … explaining the situation. 66

3. Eating in any social setting may … mishaps. 66

4. Never … and pick up the utensil. 66

5. If you choose to send it back, … of the delays you may cause to the overall meal. 66

4.17. Render the following text in English using active vocabulary. 66

Деловые приемы хотя и имеют более свободную, раскованную атмосферу, нежели деловая встреча или деловые переговоры, однако преследуют ту же самую цель: заключение взаимовыгодных сделок. Полуофициальная обстановка приемов позволяет присутствующим завязать полезные знакомства, обсудить в целом будущие выгодные для участвующих партнеров контракты, расширить и углубить уже имеющиеся контакты, обменяться взглядами и мнениями, позволяющими лучше узнать экономические, финансовые и прочие позиции и притязания будущих партнеров, их особенности в организации дела. Кроме того, для опытного бизнесмена наблюдение за поведением, поступками гостей на приеме может быть источником информации. Очевидная польза от организации приема состоит еще и в следующем: иногда переговоры между двумя фирмами затягиваются, возникает ситуация, когда ни одна из сторон не хочет (или не может) уступить, пойти на компромисс и в то же время не желает прекратить переговоры, поскольку есть вполне реальная возможность получения выгоды. Многоразовые встречи и обсуждения не приводят к ликвидации тупиковой ситуации, безрезультатная дискуссия продолжается. В таком случае часто организация приема помогает создать непринужденную атмосферу, ближе узнать партнеров, облегчает проведение переговоров и способствует заключению контрактов. 66

Unit 5 67



Text 5А 68

GDP( gross domestic product)- 68

валовый внутренний продукт 68

purchasing power parity- 68

паритет покупательной силы 68

tenet- 68

основной принцип, главное правило 68

sincerity- 68

искренность, откровенность 68

loyalty- 68

верность, преданность 68

to strive (for)- 68

стараться, пытаться, стремиться 68

to rely (on)- 68

полагаться на кого-либо 68

to frown- 68

смотреть неодобрительно, хмурить брови 68

to maintain- 68

поддерживать, сохранять, содержать 68

impassive- 68

невозмутимый, спокойный 68

disrespectful- 68

непочтительный, невежливый 68

foreigner- 68

иностранец 68

the severing- 68

прерывание (отношений) 68

to attribute- 68

приписывать, относить к чему-либо 68

5.4. Read text 5A. Answer the questions. 68

Text 5B 70

7. Rank is not important in business relationships and you need not keep rank differences in mind when communicating. 72

8. The Russian language is very different and English is not as established in China as it is in places like Europe, so make sure the official staff is handled with official translators. 72

Text 5C 72

5.10. Active word list. Read the words and word combinations and memorize them. 72

5.11. Read Text 5C to find answers to the given questions. 73

1. How do the Chinese view agenda and punctuality? 73

You should arrive at meetings on time or slightly early. The Chinese view punctuality as a virtue. Arriving late is an insult and could negatively affect your relationship. Pay great attention to the agenda as each Chinese participant has his or her own agenda that they will attempt to introduce. Send an agenda before the meeting so your Chinese colleagues have the chance to meet with any technical experts prior to the meeting. Discuss the agenda with your translator/intermediary prior to submission. 73

2. What should each participant do during the meeting? 73

3. What is it imperative to do prior to the meeting? 73

4. What should one be prepared for during business negotiations? 74

5. When are business cards exchanged and in what way? 74

5.14. Prove that it isn't easy to negotiate with the Chinese. 75

5.15. SPEAKING 75


Situation. 75

You are Product Manager at one big manufacturing company. 75

1) You and Export Manager are going on a very important trip to negotiate a large contract with a new customer in China on delivery of your company’s product. Before the trip visit an ethnic Chinese restaurant opened in your city not long ago. It can be a fun resource for you to learn more about China. 75

Prompts. 75

Waiter: Have you decided on something? May I take your order, madam/sir? What would you like to drink? What will you have for the main course? 75

Customer: Will you please bring us the menu? Could you come back in a minute? I’d like to try the cucumber salad. I can’t decide between the Chinese duck and the chicken. Waiter, our bill, please. Keep the change. 75

2) Chat with the owners or waiters. Try to find a wealth of information about China while learning firsthand about that country’s food. 75

3) On board a plane discuss with your colleague the way you are going to make presentation of your company’s product. You’ll negotiate with Vice President of Chinese company and Supplies Manager. During negotiations be ready to be pressed for a better deal. 75

4) Share your impressions with your colleague after the talks. 76

Work out the scenario. 76

Plan an itinerary with times, places and people to meet. 76

Act out the situation. 76

Use the functional phrases (see p. 77): introducing people, starting a conversation, asking for information, asking to repeat, expressing surprise, showing interest and supporting what someone else has said. 76

5.16. Cross cultural quiz. 76

1. Which of these should not you do during a business meeting? 76

2. How should one receive business cards? 76

3. Gifts within the business context are seen as bribes. 76

4. Which of these methods do the Chinese prefer in business communication? 76

5. Which of these should you try and have on your business cards? 76

6. Aggressive negotiation tactics are recommended. 76

7. Which of these should you do when negotiating in China? 76



размещать штаб-квартиру, головной офис 78

1. What industries are highly developed in the States? 78

2. What are its three largest trading partners? 78

3. How is most of the US economy classified? 78

4. What languages are spoken in the USA? 78

5. What phrase did the country coin? 78

6. What things are considered to be necessary to be good, reliable people for Americans? 78


The country that coined the phrase “time is money” obviously lives the phrase. In America, time is a very important commodity. People “save” time and ‘spend’ time as if it were money in the bank. Americans ascribe personality characteristics and values based on how people use time. For example, people who are on-time are considered to be good people, reliable people who others can count on. Greetings are casual. A handshake, a smile, and a “hello” are all that is needed. Smile! Use first names, and be sure to introduce everyone to each other. In general, Americans give gifts for birthdays, anniversaries and major holidays, such as Christmas. A gift can be as simple as a card and personal note to something more elaborate for a person with whom you are close. When invited to someone’s home for dinner, it is polite to bring a small box of good chocolates, a bottle of wine, a potted plant or flowers for the hostess. Gifts are normally opened when received. 79

6.5. Give either Russian (A) or English (B) equivalents to the following 79

words or word-combinations. 79

A B 79

1. approximately 79

a) торговые партнеры 79

2. gross domestic product 79

b) размещать штаб-квартиру 79

3. per capita 79

c) составлять группу диалектов 79

4. the wealthiest nations 79

d) рассчитывать на кого-либо 79

5. moderate unemployment rate 80

e) в общем 80

6. cultural mish-mash 80

f) выдумать фразу 80

7. reliable people 80

g) приходить вовремя 80

8. to ascribe personality characteristics 80

h) дарить подарки 80

Text 6В 80

to socialize- 80

общаться, быть коммуникабельным 80

backyard- 80

задний двор (лужайка или сад за домом) 80

to go ahead- 80

идти вперёд 80

to offend- 80

обижать 80

to refuse- 80

отказать 80

executive- 80

должностное лицо, руководитель 80

circumstance- 80

обстоятельство, случай, условие 80

recipient- 80

адресат, получатель 80

6.7. Read and translate the text. 80



1. Americans socialize in their homes and backyards, in restaurants and in other public places. 81

2. When you are invited to an event, it is very important to respond either yes or no. Saying no is fine, but do not say you will attend and then not show up. 81

3. Arrive on time if invited for dinner; no more than 10 minutes later than invited to a small gathering. 81

4. Table manners are more relaxed in the U.S. than in many other countries. 81

5. If you are more comfortable eating in the Continental manner, it will not offend anyone. 81

6. What is considered appropriate business attire does not vary by geographic region. 81

7. Americans tend to eat more quickly than people from other countries. Meals are typically served in courses. 81

Проводить встречи на лужайке за домом; умение вести себя за столом; обижать кого-либо; подобающий стиль одежды; иметь прозвище; консервативный стиль одежды; обменяться визитными карточками; получатель визитной карточки; считаться оскорблением. 82

Text 6C 82

to value- 82

оценить, высказать мнение, дать характеристику 82

straightforward- 82

откровенный, прямой, честный 82

to conduct business- 82

вести коммерческую деятельность 82

subtle- 82

острый, проницательный 82

punctuality- 82

пунктуальность, точность 82

at the conclusion- 82

в заключении 82

to implement- 82

выполнять, осуществлять 82

to facet- 82

совершенствовать, улучшать 82

to the point- 82

по существу 82

to back up- 82

поддерживать, подкреплять 82

to get to your point- 82

переходить к сути дела, начинать говорить по существу 82

6.13. Fill in the blanks with proper words given below. 83

a) try to get to your point 83

b) formal circumstances 83

c) to conduct business 83

d) regardless of 84

e) straightforward manner 84

f) to back up your claims 84

g) getting down to business 84

h) to attempt 84

2. They value logic thinking and expect people to speak clearly and in a … . 84

3. Expect very little small talk before … . 84

4. Use statistics… , since Americans are impressed by hard data and evidence. 84

5. … more quickly and don’t be afraid to be more direct and honest than you are used to. 84

6. It is common … to reach an oral agreement at the first meeting. 84

7. Executives usually dress formally … which part of the country they are in. 84

8. In… , you may want to use titles and surnames as a courtesy. 84

6.14. Prove that it is easy or isn't easy to negotiate with Americans. 84

6.15. Render the following text in English using active vocabulary. 84

Use the functional phrases (see p. 77): introducing people, starting a conversation, asking for information, asking to repeat, expressing surprise, showing interest and supporting what someone else has said. 85



7.5. Give either Russian (A) or English (B) equivalents to the following 88

phrases. 88

7.7. Complete the following sentences from the text and translate them into Russian. 89

1. Germany is the largest national … . 89

7.8. Give the main idea of the text in one sentence. 89

to stare- 89

пристально глядеть, уставиться 89

out and out- 90

полный, совершенный, несомненно, совершенно 90

nonetheless- 90

тем не менее, всё же 90

to necessitate- 90

делать необходимым, неизбежно влечь за собой 90

automatically- 90

автоматически, машинально 90

to offend- 90

обижать 90

prevalence- 90

широкая распространённость 90

to denote- 90

указывать (на факт), свидетельствовать 90

to symbolize- 90

символизировать 90

carnation- 90

гвоздика 90

to view- 90

обозревать, оглядывать, осматривать 90

to detain- 90

задерживать 90

faux pas- 90

ложный шаг 90

7.16. Fill in the blanks with proper words given below. 94

a) academic credentials 94

b) the established protocol 94

c) regulated 94

d) suspicious 94

e) jeopardize 94

f) а strict protocol 94

g) trustworthy 94

h) adhere to 94

i) to cancel 94

j) innuendo 94

k) bureaucratic 94

l) ruffled 94


Use the functional phrases (see p. 77): introducing people, starting a conversation, asking for information, asking to repeat, expressing surprise, showing interest and supporting what someone else has said. 96



3. Зверева Н.М. Doing business across cultures: учебно-методическое пособие. Кемерово: Кемеровский институт (филиал) ГОУ ВПО «РГТЭУ», 2007. 76с. 101


Etiquette is what you are doing and saying when people are looking and listening. What you are thinking is your business.

Virginia Cary Hudson

The world has changed dramatically during the past few years; cross-cultural awareness is crucial and social and business niceties aren’t nearly as pervasive or clearly defined as they used to be. The need for etiquette has not disappeared just because we live and do business differently from the way we did 1000 years ago. In fact, knowing how to treat other people well is more important now than ever. In the past 40 years, fundamental changes have occurred in the makeup of the workforce and the way people do business, and some of the rules have changed forever. How you look, talk, walk, sit, stand, and eat - in other words, how you present yourself- speaks volumes about who you are and creates the impression you give other people, not only in your personal life, but in your professional life as well. Proper etiquette is now understood to be vital to career and professional growth, and it is important to personal growth as well. Integrating civility into your behavior allows you to stop worrying about what to do in complex social and business situations. When good manners become part of who you are they provide a foundation that you can take for granted when you encounter stress and anxiety. More than that, etiquette helps you recognize the importance of other people and the ways in which you can be a presence without being a burden. Knowing how to behave courteously and professionally is far from trivial. Etiquette and protocol really do count in the business world.

Unit 1



1. Have you ever experienced misunderstanding due to cultural differences?

If so, how did you cope with it?

2. Why is it so important to be aware of the cultural background of the people you deal with?

3. Can you give any examples of behavior and gestures known to you in сross-cultural communication?

1.1. Guess the meaning of international words.

Effective communication; culture; competent; international business; religion; gesture; social status; to idealize; to minimize; to maximize; to create; global changes; translator; tolerance; to communicate over distance; complex; total; partner; typical ; problematic.

1.2. Translate the sentences paying attention to the words and phrases in bold type. Consult a dictionary.

1. Intercultural communication is of importance to international businesses.

2. There are barriers and limitations when entering a foreign territory.

3. Thus the same words can mean different things to people from different cultures.

4. For example, an Anglo-European teacher may expect direct eye contact as a sign of paying attention.

5. Without the help of intercultural communication it is difficult to fully understand the cultural differences that exist.

6. So, cross cultural communication is about dealing with people from other cultures.

7. When using humour think whether it will be understood in the other culture.

8. It is always a good idea to undertake some cross cultural awareness training or at least do some research on the target culture.

9. In many cultures all over the world, avoiding eye contact or looking at the ground when talking to one's parents is a sign of respect

Text 1A

1.3. Active word list. Read the words and word combinations and memorize them.

cultural background-

культурный уровень

to endeavour-

пытаться, прилагать усилия, стараться

to blend-



обман, измышления, неправда

to contribute-

вносить вклад, обогатить достижение

challenge -

сложная задача, проблема

challenging -

требующий напряжения (сил)

to interpret-

объяснять, толковать, интерпретировать

misunderstanding -

неправильное понимание

to capture-

ухватить смысл чего-либо, завладеть

to construe-

толковать (закон, договор и т.д.)

1.4. Read text 1A. Answer the questions.

  1. What is intercultural communication?

  2. What does intercultural communication examine?

  3. Why are demands for intercultural communication skills increasing?

  4. What do cultures provide people with?

  5. What is intercultural competence?


Cross-cultural communication is a field of study that looks at how people from differing cultural backgrounds communicate, in similar and different ways among themselves, and how they endeavour to communicate across cultures. Intercultural communication is of importance to international businesses as it examines how people from different cultures, beliefs and religions come together to work and communicate with each other. Demands for intercultural communication skills are increasing as more and more businesses go global or international. They realize that there are barriers and limitations when entering a foreign territory. Without the help of intercultural communication it is difficult to fully understand the cultural differences that exist. Effective communication with people of different cultures is especially challenging. Cultures provide people with ways of thinking - ways of seeing, hearing, and interpreting the world. Thus the same words can mean different things to people from different cultures, even when they talk the "same" language. When the languages are different, and translation has to be used to communicate, the potential for misunderstandings increases. Intercultural competence is the ability of successful communication with people of other cultures. A person who is interculturally competent captures and understands, in interaction with people from foreign cultures, their specific concepts in perception, thinking, feeling and acting. The perception is different and often selective. Behavior and gestures are interpreted differently. For instance, in India showing somebody the palm of your hand is regarded as a gesture of blessing the person, mostly done by elders. In many cultures all over the world, avoiding eye contact or looking at the ground when talking to one's parents, an elder, or one of higher social status is a sign of respect. In contrast, such body language can be construed as deception, boredom, disinterest or shame (on the part of the doer) in others. For example, an Anglo-European teacher may expect direct eye contact as a sign of paying attention, while an Asian student will deliberately avoid it so as not to appear rude or confrontational. In African, South American and Mediterranean cultures, talking and laughing loudly in the streets and public places is widely accepted, whereas in some Asian cultures it is considered rude and may be seen as a mark of attention-seeking. Arranged marriage is very common in the Middle East, India and Africa, while in some Asian and most Western cultures, the romantic marriage is idealized and the right to choose marital partners is valued. So, cross cultural communication is about dealing with people from other cultures in a way that minimizes misunderstandings and maximizes your potential to create strong cross cultural relationships.

1.5. Give the English equivalents to the following words and phrases from the text. Choose five of them and make up sentences of your own. Read your sentences aloud for other students to translate.

Oбщаться друг с другом; культурный уровень; быть важным для чего-либо; вносить вклад; существование культурных различий; сложная задача; ухватить смысл некоторых понятий; избегать зрительного контакта; считать грубым; знак уважения; интерпретировать жесты; сводить к минимуму недоразумения; формировать межкультурные отношения.

1.6. Match English and Russian pairs of words or word-combinations.

1. cultural differences

a. считать, полагать

2. intercultural communication

b. знак уважения

3. challenging

c. общественный статус

4. intercultural competence

d. культурные различия

5. behavior and gestures

e. толковать

6. social status

f. требующий напряжения

7. to deal with

g. межкультурная компетенция

8. a sign of respect

h. поведение и жесты

9. to construe

i. иметь дело с кем-либо

10. to consider

j. межкультурная коммуникация



  1. The awareness of cultural differences is vital only for businesspeople.

  2. The world is gradually becoming a smaller global village.

  3. To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different

in the way we perceive the world. (Tony Robbins)

  1. A different language is a different vision of life. (Frederico Fellini)

Text 1B

1.8. Active word list. Read the words and word combinations and

to encourage-

поощрять, способствовать

commitment -

заинтересованность, обязанность, долг

cost- effective-

экономически эффективный

to embellish-


to generate-

образовывать, создавать, формировать

to improve-

улучшаться, совершенствоваться

memorize them.


вразумительный, понятный

to comprehend-


to enhance-

совершенствовать; укреплять

to make a point-

считать что-либо обязательным для себя

1. 9. Read text 1B and make the list of tips to remember while improving your cross cultural communication skills.


When you use accepted etiquette you are using the behaviors that encourage human response; you are more likely to get positive results, earn cooperation and support, get commitments and gain clients. Good manners are cost-effective. They increase the quality of life in the workplace, embellish the company image, and hence play a major role in generating profit. Here are some simple tips to help you improve your cross-cultural communication skills:

  • Slow Down

Even when English is the common language in a cross cultural situation, this does not mean you should speak at normal speed. Slow down, speak clearly and ensure your pronunciation is intelligible.

  • Separate Questions

Try not to ask double questions such as, “Do you want to carry on or shall we stop here?” In a cross cultural situation only the first or second question may have been comprehended. Let your listener answer one question at a time.

  • Avoid Negative Questions

Many cross cultural communication misunderstandings have been caused by the use of negative questions and answers. In English we answer “yes” if the answer is affirmative and “no” if it is negative. In other cultures a “yes” or “no” may only be indicating whether the question is right or wrong. For example, the response to “Are you not coming?” may be “yes”, meaning “Yes, I am not coming.”

  • Take Turns

Cross cultural communication is enhanced through taking turns to talk, making a point and then listening to the response.

  • Write it Down

If you are unsure whether something has been understood write it down and check. This can be useful when using large figures. For example, a billion in the USA is 1,000,000,000 while in the UK it is 1,000,000,000,000.

  • Be Supportive

Effective cross cultural communication is in essence about being comfortable. Giving encouragement to those with weak English gives them confidence, support and a trust in you.

  • Check Meanings

When communicating across cultures never assume the other party has understood. Be an active listener. Summarize what has been said in order to verify it. This is a very effective way of ensuring accurate cross cultural communication has taken place.

  • Avoid Slang

Even the most well educated foreigner will not have a complete knowledge of slang, idioms and sayings. The danger is that the words will be understood but the meaning missed.

  • Watch the humor

In many cultures business is taken very seriously. Professionalism and protocol are constantly observed. Many cultures will not appreciate the use of humour and jokes in the business context. When using humour think whether it will be understood in the other culture. For example, British sarcasm usually has a negative effect abroad.

  • Maintain Etiquette

Many cultures have certain etiquette when communicating. It is always a good idea to undertake some cross cultural awareness training or at least do some research on the target culture. The above tips should be seen as a starting point to greater cross cultural awareness.

1.10. Give the English equivalents to the following words and phrases

from the text. Choose five of them and make up sentences of your own.

Read your sentences aloud for other students to translate.

Поощрять; экономически эффективный; вырабатывать совместные действия; хорошие манеры; приобретать клиентов; получать прибыль; понятное произношение; совершенствовать навыки межкультурной коммуникации; считать что-либо обязательным для себя; поддерживать; приукрашивать что-либо; по крайней мере.

1.11. Complete the following sentences from the text and translate them

into Russian.

  1. When you use accepted etiquette …

  2. Good manners are…

  3. Many cross cultural communication misunderstandings…

  4. Effective cross cultural communication…

  5. The most well educated foreigner will not have…

  6. Many cultures will not appreciate…

  7. Many cultures have …

  8. It is always a good idea…

1.12. Fill in the blanks with proper words or phrases given below.

  1. cultural differences

  1. sub-cultures

  1. the sender

  1. the receiver

  1. backgrounds

  1. cultural diversity

  1. to optimize communications

  1. to realize

  1. match

  1. in detail

  1. complex

  1. necessarily

  1. different cultures

  1. instance

  1. parties


When employees located in different offices speak the same language (for 1)…, correspondences between English-speakers in the U.S. and English-speakers in the UK), there are some 2)… that should be considered in an effort 3)… between the two 4)… . In such cases, an effective communication strategy begins with the understanding that 5)… of the message and 6)… of the message are from 7)… and 8) ... . Of course, this introduces a certain amount of uncertainty, making communications even more 9) …. Without getting into cultures and 10)…, it is perhaps most important for people 11)… that a basic understanding of 12) … is the key to effective cross-cultural communications. Without 13)… studying individual cultures and languages 14) … , we must all learn how to better communicate with individuals and groups whose first language, or language of choice, does not15)… our own.

1.13. Render the following text in English using active vocabulary.

Межкультурная коммуникация - общение между представителями различных человеческих культур. Особенности межкультурной коммуникации изучаются в рамках таких наук, как культурология, психология, социология, каждая из которых использует свои подходы к их изучению. Это понятие было введено в 1950-х американским культурологом Эдвардом Т. Холлом в рамках разработанной им для Госдепартамента США программы адаптации американских дипломатов и бизнесменов в других странах. Поэтому речь у него идет преимущественно о стереотипизации в понимании представителей различных культур. Межкультурная коммуникация-общение между представителями различных человеческих культур. Коммуникация - акт или процесс передачи информации другим людям. Межкультурная коммуникация как общественный феномен была вызвана к жизни практическими потребностями послевоенного мира во второй половине 20 века. Практические потребности возникли вследствие бурного экономического развития многих стран и регионов, революционных изменений в технологии, связанной с этим глобализации экономической деятельности. В результате мир стал значительно меньше - плотность и интенсивность продолжительных контактов между представителями разных культур очень выросли и продолжают увеличиваться. Помимо собственно экономики важнейшими зонами профессиональной и социальной межкультурной коммуникации стали образование, туризм, наука.



Act out a 30-minute round table devoted to the problem of cross-cultural differences vital for Russia.

Main roles:

Role 1.

You are a journalist interested in human behaviour. You introduce the participants, chair the talk and sum up at the end.

Role 2.

You want to start up your own travel business but you are not sure the level of your cultural awareness is high enough to analyze the problems connected with intercultural misunderstanding. You want to develop your understanding of other cultures. But in what way?

Role 3.

You are the author of different articles on cultural differences and their impact on international business relationships. You know much about problems of working in multinational companies.

Other roles.

University undergraduates trying to find answers to such questions as:

  1. What is the most serious cultural barrier?

  2. Is it possible to understand other cultures without speaking foreign languages?

  3. How else can people improve their attitude to cultural differences?



You are a model. You received an invitation from a fashion magazine to take part in a photo session in France. You are very anxious as you know little about the French, their culture and traditions. What’s more you don’t know how to negotiate with fashion people to conclude the contract. Discuss the situation with your agents who worked in Paris for several seasons. They will give you some pieces of advice on your behaviour during the talks and in that country in general.

Use the functional phrases (see p. 77): introducing people, starting a conversation, asking for information, asking to repeat, expressing surprise, showing interest and supporting what someone else has said.

Unit 2



  1. Is it so necessary to know professional dress etiquette?

  2. Do you know what business attire for men is?

  3. Can you describe a business attire for women?

2.1. Guess the meaning of international words.

Сontact, professional, detail, supervisor, client, conservative, message, image, trend, traditional, presentation, atmosphere, accessory, bracelet, provider, comfortable, personal.

2.2. Translate the sentences paying attention to the words and phrases in bold type. Consult a dictionary.

1. Dress like the people you are doing business with.

2. While too much jewelry is a distraction in business, the one piece of jewelry you should never be without is a nice watch.

3. Dress according to your corporate culture.

4. However, avoid cartoon-character watches and overly large sports watches.

5. Keep in mind that you are a reflection of your company.

6. Business casual attire is suitable for a more relaxed business atmosphere, such as a creative company.

7. In fact, greetings, gestures, use of names and titles, and general rules of etiquette differ from country to country and culture to culture.

8. Colors that are too loud, fabrics that are non-traditional, and trendy clothing send a message that you either don’t care about proper business dress or you don’t know what proper business attire is.

9. For the business casual company, etiquette dictates you do not have to wear a tie every day.

Text 2A

2.3. Active word list. Read the words and word combinations and memorize them.


исполнение, выполнение, поведение


внешний вид, наружность

to count-

принимать во внимание

to respect-

уважать, признавать

business attire-

деловой костюм


осведомлённый, сведущий


самоуверенный, самонадеянный


связь, контакт

to contact-

контактировать, связываться с кем-либо

to advance-

делать успехи, развиваться, двигаться вперёд


разборчивый, требовательный, решающий

to depend (on)-

зависеть от чего-либо


способность внушать доверие

to get ahead-

вырываться вперед

employee handbook-

справочник работника

2.4. Read and translate the text.


The purpose of proper etiquette for professional dress is to make a good impression on others. You are judged by your performance in the workplace, but your appearance counts too. Dressing professionally shows others that you pay attention to details and respect yourself and others. It can lead to your supervisor, co-workers and customers thinking more highly of you, making you appear competent and confident. The business world in many cases is turning more casual. But don’t kid yourself - people still judge you by your clothes. It’s part of that critical first impression. And first impressions are difficult to change. There are two rules for dress in the “new” business world:

  • Dress according to your corporate culture

  • Dress like the people you are doing business with

How you dress at work depends largely upon your industry, the amount of client contact you have, and the overall culture of your company. How do you know what your corporate culture dictates? Usually your employee handbook will cover the topic of appropriate office attire. If you are still unsure, you can always ask your supervisor about appropriate dress. If your company doesn’t cover dress in its employee handbook, look around at the other people in your office. Here’s a hint if you want to get ahead: dress like the people one level higher than your position. If you’re a front-line employee and want to advance, dress like your supervisor. If you’re a middle manager and want to move up, dress like upper management. Here are some rules you must remember:

  • People will always forgive you for being too conservative in your dress, but they may not always forgive you if you’re not conservative enough.

  • While too much jewelry is a distraction in business, the one piece of jewelry you should never be without is a nice watch. Wearing a watch shows you have a sense of the importance of time. However, avoid cartoon - character watches and overly large sports watches. They send a message of frivolity.

  • Mirror Your Company’s Image - If you’re expecting a client at your office, or you’re going out of the office to meet clients - keep in mind that you are a reflection of your company. Always look your best when meeting with clients and customers.

  • Be Neat - You can wear a $600 skirt suit, but if your blouse is wrinkled or there’s a grease spot on your jacket, you’ve just blown your professional image.

  • Dress for Daytime. So, you have an after-work engagement, bring a change of clothes to the office and go to the restroom and change after work. Wearing evening wear to work is always a bad idea.

  • Avoid Trends - Colors that are too loud, fabrics that are non-traditional, and trendy clothing send a message that you either don’t care about proper business dress or you don’t know what proper business attire is. Either way, you lose credibility.

2.5. Say if the statements are true or false or not mentioned in the text. Correct the false variant.

  1. The purpose of proper etiquette for professional dress is to make a good impression on others.

  2. You are judged by your performance in the workplace, but your appearance does not count.

  3. People still judge you by your clothes.

  4. If your company doesn’t cover dress in its employee handbook, ask your friends what to wear.

  5. Many employers explain that their casual dress policies recognize that job performance is more important than appearance.

  6. You are allowed to wear too much jewelry.

  7. Wearing a watch shows you have a sense of the importance of time.

  8. Remember, business casual isn’t the same as “casual” and can vary from company to company.

  9. Wearing evening wear to work is always a good idea.

  10. You will never lose credibility if you wear too loud colours and non-traditional fabrics.

2.6. Give the English equivalents to the following words and phrases from the text. Choose five of them and make up sentences of your own. Read your sentences aloud for other students to translate.

Общаться с кем-либо; производить хорошее (плохое) впечатление; внешний вид; быть осведомлённым; деловой костюм; быть уверенным в себе; справочник работника; делать успехи; судить по внешнему виду; принимать во внимание; уважать кого-либо; ухудшать профессиональный имидж; терять доверие.

2.7. Complete the following sentences from the text and translate them

into Russian.

  1. Dressing professionally shows…

  2. The business world in many cases…

  3. How you dress at work depends…

  4. Usually your employee handbook will cover…

  5. If you’re a middle manager and want to move up…

  6. People will always forgive you for…

Text 2B

2.8. Active word list. Read the words and word combinations and memorize them.


затруднение, сложность


подходящий, пригодный, применимый


костюм, комплект, набор (одежды и т. п.)

dress suit-

мужской вечерний костюм

dress shirt -

белая рубашка к вечернему костюму





to flatter-

преувеличивать достоинства



to coordinate-

сочетаться, гармонировать

to date-

старить, придавать старомодный вид

to do well -

процветать, преуспевать

2.9. Read text 2B and speak on business attire for men.


Much ado is given to defining what exactly "business" attire is. This attire is most suitable for a sales meeting, presentation or as everyday attire in corporate fields. This attire is a suit (jacket and pants of the same material), pressed dress shirt and a tie. If you can only afford one suit, make your first investment a solid gray or navy suit. Pairing this with a light-colored shirt (white, blue or even pink) and a dark, solid tie is flattering and appropriate to every occasion. Business casual attire is suitable for a more relaxed business atmosphere, such as a creative company. For the business casual company, etiquette dictates you do not have to wear a tie every day.

There are more rules for office dress for men than there are for women:

  • The Tie, Belts and Suspenders - The tie is the most important accessory for men. As for belts it is better to coordinate with shoe color. Coordinate suspenders with the tie. How wild you get with patterns and colors is dictated by your corporate culture.

  • Jewelry - Less is more. A wedding ring, a watch and perhaps one other ring are acceptable. Bracelets and neck chains are rarely acceptable in any business setting.

  • Eyeglasses - Don’t let your frames date you. Choose updated styles that go well with your face shape.

  • Say NO to Strong Smells - You will do well if you pay attention to your smell. This goes beyond bad body odor.

2.10. Give the English equivalents to the following words and phrases from the text. Choose five of them and make up sentences of your own. Read your sentences aloud for other students to translate.

Процветать; подходить к чему-либо.; преувеличивать достоинства; мужской вечерний костюм; белая рубашка к вечернему костюму; подтяжки; брюки; галстук; подбирать пару; старить; ювелирные изделия; оправа (очков); творческая компания; галстук, придающий строгость.

2.11. Complete the following sentences from the text and translate them

into Russian.

  1. Much ado is given to…

  2. If you can only afford one suit, make…

  3. Business casual attire is suitable for…

  4. Etiquette dictates you do not have to wear…

  5. Bracelets and neck chains are…

  6. Choose updated styles of your frame that go well with …

2.12. Translate the following sentences into English using active vocabulary.

  1. Самая распространённая и наиболее признанная сегодня одежда настоящих мужчин - это, несомненно, костюм.

  2. Костюм стал “рабочей одеждой” современного делового человека во всех странах мира.

  3. В рабочее время принято носить не слишком светлые костюмы.

  4. Сорочка всегда должна быть светлее самой тёмной нити в костюме. Пёстрые и клетчатые обычно носят без галстука.

  5. На все виды приёмов рекомендуется надевать белую сорочку с крахмальным воротничком.

  6. В костюме делового мужчины особая роль отводится галстуку.

  7. Галстук почти всегда отражает вкус владельца.

  8. Выбор галстука зависит от цвета и рисунка ткани костюма, а также его фасона.

  9. Что касается обуви, то надо знать, что для строгих костюмов рекомендуется надевать туфли или ботинки тёмно-коричневого или чёрного цвета.

  10. Светло-коричневые или коричневые туфли совершенно не подходят к черному костюму, чёрные же туфли подходят к коричневому костюму.

Text 2C

2.13. Active word list. Read the words and word combinations and memorize them.


утончённый, изысканный

taupe -

серо-коричневый, тёмно-серый

sheer -

прозрачный, тонкий (о тканях)


предмет нижнего белья, нижнее бельё

to clink-

звенеть, бряцать

sheath style (dress)-

узкое, облегающее фигуру платье

2. 14. Read text 2C to find answers to the given questions.


1. What principle must women keep in their casual business attire?

Casual business attire for women requires some thought because women have so many choices. Keep to the KISS principle - Keep It Simple and Sophisticated - even with casual clothes. Dark colors convey authority; bright colors convey friendliness. Light colors, such as taupe and khaki, generally are more casual than black, gray, and navy. Because all casual clothing is not suitable for the office, the following guidelines can help you determine what is appropriate to wear to work.

2. What items is it better to get women started?

Here are a few tips to get you started. Start with the following items:

  • A dark jacket and several high-quality cotton shirts and plain white blouses.

  • Dark skirts or pants and dresses (sheath style). Select colors in a dark neutral shade such as black, brown, navy blue, or gray.

  • Three to four pairs of high-quality leather shoes (in brown, black, and navy). Twin sets or other sweaters (cardigans) - which can be a great place to add color - provide more finish than just a shirt or blouse but are less formal than a jacket. Dark colors are a good first choice for jackets, pants, and skirts because they wear well. Add blouses and shirts, scarves, belts, shoes, and jewelry in interesting colors and textures. By knowing what colour looks best (and worst) on you, you can choose items to buy and wear that will always enhance your appearance.

3. What fashion or other mistakes should women avoid?

A number of small things can kill a positive impression. Try to avoid these image and fashion mistakes:

  • Excessive use of bright color and wild patterns

  • Excessive jewelry or jewelry that signals your arrival with tiny clinking sounds

  • Any sheer fabrics that show your undergarments

  • Wrinkled or stained clothing

  • Missing buttons

  • Dirty or overly bleached or colored hair or obvious roots

  • Chipped nail polish

  • Chewing gum

2.15. Give the English equivalents to the following words and phrases from the text. Choose five of them and make up sentences of your own. Read your sentences aloud for other students to translate.

Придерживаться принципа “KISS”; изысканный стиль ; говорить о статусе; символизировать власть; облегающее платье; улучшать внешний вид; портить впечатление; прозрачные ткани; излишнее количество бижутерии; оторванные пуговицы; отросшие корни волос.

2.16. Fill in the blanks with proper words or phrases given below.

  1. basic etiquette

  1. dresses

  1. nonverbal

  1. clothes

  1. the center

  1. creativity

  1. signals

  1. to consider

  1. to emphasize

  1. wacky

  1. care

  1. applies


Like it or not, most people believe that what you see is what you get. What they usually see first is your 1)… . Clothes are a 2) … code of communication. What you wear 3) … your image to others. What signals do you want to send? In business, creativity in ideas is often more important than 4) … in dress. Derived from the military dress code, the idea here is that if everyone 5) … in a relatively similar manner, the playing field isn’t so bumpy. Some restraint is appropriate, because you want 6) … the product or service of your company, not your 7) … sense of personal style (which is why you have days off). You are the vehicle for the product or the service, not 8) … of attention. Then you have 9) … your body language. Comporting yourself with ease and dignity signals to others that you 10) … enough about them, and enough about yourself, to pay attention to your physical presence.The 11)… principle of not calling too much attention to yourself 12)… to clothes, too.

2.17. Render the following text in English.

Деловой стиль одежды - это, прежде всего одежда для работы и деловых встреч. Деловой стиль одежды - это элегантность и изысканность классического стиля (одежды). Деловой стиль одежды должен настраивать на серьезное отношение к работе. Мужской деловой костюм достаточно консервативен и строг. Основными цветами являются темно-серый и темно-синий.

Брючный ремень средних размеров подбирается обязательно в тон к костюму. Оттенок ремня и обуви должен максимально совпадать. Галстук - это та часть костюма, в которой максимально проявляется индивидуальность мужчины, его вкус. Цвета костюма и галстука могут быть контрастны, но в таком случае этот контраст должен быть единственным. Носки предпочтительны темные тонкие и гладкие. Голая голень не должна обнажаться ни в коем случае, поэтому важно, чтобы они были достаточно длинными и хорошо держались на ноге.

К деловому женскому костюму относят жакет с юбкой или брюками и блузку. Цветовая палитра костюма может состоять из различных оттенков синего, темно-серого, коричневого, черного. Обувь классическая на среднем каблуке, без вычурных украшений. Прическа должна быть аккуратной, волосы - в идеальном состоянии. Как показывают исследования, неокрашенная седина резко снижает деловой рейтинг женщин, в отличие от мужчин, которым седина даже добавляет респектабельности. Нежелателен как слишком яркий макияж, так и его полное отсутствие. Считается неприемлемым для делового стиля женщины любое подчеркивание сексуальности. Слишком облегающая одежда, короткая юбка, декольте, распущенные длинные волосы, все это снижает имидж деловой женщины. Главное во внешнем облике деловой женщины - ухоженность, чувство меры, элегантность и целесообразность.

Конечно, не каждому подходит деловой стиль одежды, но, тем не менее, вам нужно уметь подать себя в лучшем виде, чтобы к вам с первой минуты общения относились как к профессионалу. Помните, деловой стиль одежды это необходимый и обязательный атрибут делового человека.



Dressing for success?

  1. The way people dress at work usually indicates how competent they are at their jobs.

  2. People should be allowed to wear exactly what they want at work.

  3. Firms who want employees to wear particular clothes should pay for those clothes.

  4. In most firms, the way you dress will affect your chances of promotion.

  5. People work best in the clothes they feel most comfortable in.

  6. People wearing unusual clothes to work give a bad impression to clients.

  7. As long as a person is good at his/her job, it shouldn't matter what s/he wears.

  8. I object to senior female staff wearing trousers.

  9. Sloppy clothes mean sloppy work.

  10. I wouldn't have faith in a businessperson who wore jeans to work.

  11. Men shouldn't be allowed to take off their jackets at work even in the summer.

  12. Bosses should always be smartly dressed.

Use the functional phrases (see p. 77): introducing people, starting a conversation, asking for information, asking to repeat, expressing surprise, showing interest and supporting what someone else has said.

Unit 3



  1. How do people greet each other in your country? Do they shake hands,

bow and kiss?

  1. Are titles very important in your country?

  2. How far apart do people usually stand when having a conversation in your country?

3.1. Guess the meaning of international words.

Universal, general, form, high-tech world, to demonstrate, situation, formal, group, social, position, vice president, normally, client, boss, partner, information, express, to start, service, council, address, office, business card, typically, physical, confidently, person, religion.

3.2. Translate the sentences paying attention to the words and phrases in bold type. Consult a dictionary.

1. If the person is of equal rank, you can feel comfortable using both his first and last names, if that’s how the person introduces himself.

2. Whether that person is a man or a woman, young or old, makes no difference.

3. Most businesspeople speak English, so your English business card probably will suffice for most places you’ll go.

4. The giving of business cards is typically done at the onset of a meeting.

5. Mainly, you should avoid shaking hands when the other person has his hands full or when the person is of a certain culture or religion.

6. When you’re handed a business card, read it thoroughly.

7. Because the handshake is used universally in business, knowing when to shake hands and how to shake hands confidently is vital.

8. That rule goes for women as well.

Text 3A

3.3. Active word list. Read the words and word combinations and memorize them.


быстро идущий, задающий быстрый темп

to introduce-

представлять, знакомить

to greet-



хозяин (человек, принимающий гостей)

to host-

принимать гостей

to be at ease-

чувствовать себя удобно

pecking order-



выражение почтения

to assume-

принимать на себя (ответственность)

to bow-


to hug-

крепко обнимать

to shake hands-

пожимать руки

3.4. Read text 3A. Answer the questions.

  1. What do people tend to forget in today’s fast-paced world?

  2. What is one of the most useful skills you can acquire in the business world?

  3. What are the rules of making introductions in formal business situations?

  4. What are you to do if your company is hosting the event?

  5. What is the pecking order?


The way people greet and address each other is not universal. In fact, greetings, gestures, use of names and titles and general rules of etiquette differ from country to country and culture to culture. Greetings in some countries take the form of a handshake; in other countries people may bow, hug, kiss on the cheek, press fists together, or even rub noses. In some countries, people greet their friends, relatives, and business associates in the same way. In today’s fast-paced, high-tech world people tend to forget the importance of simple human contact and kindness - remembering people’s names, trying to make a good first impression and greeting people with a firm hand-shake. Being able to introduce people and explain who they are makes everyone feel comfortable in a new situation and is one of the most useful skills you can acquire in the business world. The ability to introduce yourself or others confidently demonstrates that you are at ease and you set others at ease too.

  • Deciding who makes the introductions

The rules of who makes introductions depend on the situation. In formal business situations, your host (generally, the most senior executive from the company that planned the event) meets, greets and introduces you to other guests. If your company is hosting the event, and you’re the only or most senior representative of your company in a group, your job is to assume the role of host and make introductions.

  • Understanding the pecking order

Traditionally, in social situations a man is introduced to a woman. The most common mistake made in introductions is the failure to keep all honorifics equal. In business, introductions are based on a person’s rank and position in a company. Whether that person is a man or a woman, young or old, makes no difference. You always introduce or present a “lesser” person to a more senior person. You name the senior person first and the person who is being introduced or presented, last.

If you’re introducing a junior account executive named Alex Goldberg to the vice president of your division, Joanne Michaels, the proper form is: “Joanne Michaels, I’d like to introduce Alex Goldberg. He is an account executive with Jones & Co. and Joanne Michaels is our division’s vice president.”

If someone uses her first and last names when introducing herself, the proper response is to still use her proper honorific or title and her last name: “Hello, my name is Janice Jones.” Response: “Hello, Ms Jones” or “How do you do, Ms Jones.” Don’t use her first name unless she invites you to do so. If the person is of equal rank, you can feel comfortable using both his first and last names, if that’s how the person introduces himself.

3.5. Give the English equivalents to the following words and phrases from the text. Choose five of them and make up sentences of your own. Read your sentences aloud for other students to translate.

Быстроменяющийся мир; важность человеческого контакта; производить какое-либо; впечатление при первой встрече; приветствовать кого-либо; представлять, знакомить; чувствовать себя удобно; пожимать руки; взять на себя (роль, ответственность); выражение почтения; кланяться; не иметь никакого значения; занимать равное служебное положение; крепко обнимать.

3.6. Match English and Russian pairs of words or word-combinations.

  1. pecking order

  1. быстроменяющийся мир

  1. to shake hands

  1. представитель компании

  1. to be at ease

  1. старшинство

  1. to keep all honorifics equal

  1. представлять людей

  1. fast-paced world

  1. пожимать руку

  1. representative of a company

  1. взять на себя роль к.-л.

  1. to introduce people

  1. звание и должность человека

  1. a person’s rank and position

  1. приобретать какие-либо навыки в бизнесе

  1. to assume the role of.

  1. выражать почтение и уважение

10.to acquire skills in business

  1. чувствовать себя удобно



  1. Can you call your boss by his/her first name in your country?

  2. Are nicknames common in your country? Do you have a nickname?

  3. Does a woman take her husband's family name when she gets married?

  4. Is eye contact important when having a conversation in your country?

  5. How far apart do people usually stand when having a conversation in your country?

  6. What topics of conversation would you discuss or avoid at a party or other social activity in your country? (e.g.politics, religion, family, money, work, etc.)

Text 3B

3.8. Active word list. Read the words and word combinations and memorize them.


титул, звание

to note-

отмечать, принимать к сведению


обыкновенно, обычно

to reply-


at a time -

за один раз, за один приём

to call-

называть, давать имя



to relate to-

относиться, иметь отношение


разговор, беседа


позиция, должность

to address-

обращаться к кому-либо, говорить с кем-либо


служебное положение, ранг

to take precedence of. -

занимать более высокую должность

3.9. Read text 3B to learn how to introduce your boss to a client.


The way people use names and titles also differs from country to country. So, it should be noted a client always takes precedence over your boss or the owner or president of your company. You introduce the president of your company, Chris Rosati, to the vice-president of your client’s company, Myra Pay, as follows:

“Ms Pay, I’d like to introduce Mr. Rosati, the president of Acme Graphics.” You use “Ms Pay” if you normally address her this way. If you normally address your client as “Myra,” then the introduction should be “Myra Pay, I’d like to introduce Chris Rosati, the president of Acme Graphics. Ms Pay will say, “How do you do, Mr. Rosati.” Mr. Rosati will reply, “How do you do, Ms Pay.” They may both say, “Please call me Myra/Chris.”

“How do you do” is not really a question. The correct response is “How do you do” or “Hello,” but never “Hi.”

In a large group, introduce several people to one person at a time, following the hierarchy by using the “important” person’s name first. Depending on the rank of the people in the group, the “important” person’s name is first; the person or persons being introduced, or presented to the important person, is named last.

“Mr. Rogers, I’d like to present Lauren Lundsten and Michele Swanberg. They’re summer interns from USC working for our firm for the next three months. Lauren and Michele, this is Mr. Andrew Rogers, the senior partner of our law firm.”

If you’re in a group and making many introductions, it’s helpful to give people a little information about one another to help them start a conversation. You don’t want to make an introduction without offering something about each other’s company or position and how they may relate to each other. You might say, “Mr. Raymond Godfrey, I would like to present Mr. Dwight Schaffer, who is the president of our company. Mr. Godfrey is the president of Express Shipping, and also serves on the International Shipping Council.”

3.10. Give the English equivalents to the following words and phrases from the text. Choose five of them and make up sentences of your own. Read your sentences aloud for other students to translate.

Служебное положение; принимать к сведению; соблюдать иерархию; обыкновенно; отвечать на чью-либо реплику; занимать более высокую должность; начинать разговор; представлять несколько людей одновременно; позиция; обращаться к партнеру.

3.11. The following four dialogues are in the wrong order. Rearrange them to make a natural flow of conversation.

Dialogue 1

  1. Really? What did you expect?

  2. No, I've been to the States before, but this is the first time in Atlanta.

  3. So, what do you think of Atlanta?

  4. Fine. I'll see what I can arrange.

  5. Well, it's not what I expected.

  6. There is a part like that. You must let me show you around.

  7. Well. I suppose I thought it would be more traditional.

  8. That would be interesting.

  9. Is this your first trip over here?

Dialogue 2

  1. I'm sure. I hope to get back here again.

  2. That's a pity. There's a lot to see.

  3. Good. Are you here on business then?

  4. Are you staying long?

  5. Really? That's interesting. What line are you in?

  6. No, just a couple of days.

  7. Yes, we're thinking of setting up an office here.

Dialogue 3

  1. That would be nice.

  2. That's interesting. My son is an editor on the local paper.

  3. I believe you are in journalism. Really? I expect I'll meet him.

  4. Yes, that's right. On the editorial side.

  5. Yes, what about joining for a drink? I could introduce you to him.

Dialogue 4

  1. Scotland. This time of year it's pretty cold.

  2. A bit warmer than back home.

  3. Well, if you do come across, you must visit us.

  4. Oh, so where do you come from?

  5. Yes, that's right. The best time to visit is in the summer.

  6. I can imagine. I've never been but people tell me it's very beautiful.

  7. How do you find the weather here?

  8. Maybe I'll get across next year.



Your delegation has just arrived to your partner’s office. You are met by the president of the company, Mr. Charter. You are invited to the conference hall where preliminary talks will start in some minutes. Before the talks, introduce your delegation (vice-president, finance director, sales manager and production manager).

Use the functional phrases (see p. 77): introducing people, starting a conversation, asking for information, asking to repeat, expressing surprise, showing interest and supporting what someone else has said.

Text 3C

3.13. Active word list. Read the words and word combinations and memorize them.

at the onset-

в начале (встречи)

to suffice-

быть достаточным, хватать, удовлетворять

to refer to-

обращаться к чему-либо, ссылаться

to glance-

бросить взгляд, взглянуть мельком

to slide-


to go for-

относиться к кому-либо

to acknowledge-

подтверждать, признавать


благодарность, признательность


сообразительность, понимание

to savvy-

понимать, соображать

to do smb. a favour -

оказать кому-либо услугу

office cubicle -

рабочее место в офисе, отделённое перегородкой (Am.)

3.14. Read Text 3С to find answers to the given questions.


1. How should you present your business card?

The proper exchange of business cards at a meeting is significant. Most businesspeople speak English, so your English business card probably will suffice for most places you’ll go. You’ll do yourself a real favor, however, by printing your business card in English on the front and in your host’s native language on the back. Present the side printed in her language to your host. The giving of business cards is typically done at the onset of a meeting, so the recipient will have something to refer to throughout the meeting.

2. What should you do when you are handed a business card?

When you meet with several people, be sure to give your card to each person. The biggest mistake you can make when you receive someone’s business card is to glance at it and then slide it into a pocket. This treatment shows little respect for the other person, regardless of their position and rank. When you’re handed a business card, read it thoroughly. You may want to repeat the person’s name for pronunciation and acknowledge the person’s company as being well respected, or ask something about the company or his position. Finally, express your gratitude for being given this information.

3. What shows your savvy of correct business etiquette in handling the handshake?

The handshake is the physical greeting that accompanies a verbal greeting. Because the handshake is used universally in business, knowing when to shake hands and how to shake hands confidently is vital. Handshaking is a form of nonverbal communication that says a lot about a person. When someone makes an introduction, always remember to stand (if you’re seated at the time) so that you can shake hands on an even level. That rule goes for women as well. If you happen to be seated at a table where reaching the other person is difficult or awkward, however, you don’t have to stand. In this situation, mention how regretful you are that you cannot stand to meet them properly. By doing this it shows your savvy of correct business etiquette.

4. In what situations should you shake hands?

Knowing when to shake hands the answer is, all the time. When in doubt, offer your hand. Shaking hands is appropriate when you’re:

  • Renewing an acquaintance

  • Acknowledging someone who enters your office, cubicle, or home

  • Greeting a client, new coworker, host, or others you know or are meeting for the first time

  • Meeting someone you already know outside work or home

  • Concluding a transaction

  • Leaving a business or social event

In fact, because you should shake hands more often than not, the real question is, when don’t you shake hands? Mainly, you should avoid shaking hands when the other person has his hands full or when the person is of a certain culture or religion.

3.15. Give the English equivalents to the following words and phrases from the text. Choose five of them and make up sentences of your own. Read your sentences aloud for other students to translate.

Подходить для любого случая; вначале встречи; совершать ошибку; взглянуть мельком; демонстрировать неуважение к кому-либо; выражать благодарность; рабочее место в офисе; не считаясь с чем-либо или не обращая внимания на что-либо; оказывать кому-либо услугу; засовывать в карман; выражать признательность; возобновлять знакомство; демонстрировать знание делового этикета.

3.16. Render the following text in English using active vocabulary.

Первое, что необходимо сделать при встрече с иностранной делегацией - это представиться друг другу, познакомиться. Существует набор так называемых стереотипных фраз приветствия: “Здравствуйте”, “Рад вас приветствовать”, “Добрый день!” и т.п. Затем нужно назвать себя: “Меня зовут Василий Алексеевич”, “Моя фамилия Игнатьев”, “Будем знакомы. Владимир Петрович Смирнов” (имя и отчество, а потом фамилия). Более официально: “Разрешите представиться: Соболев, президент фирмы”, “Анна Петровна Зилова, член оргкомитета”, “Власов, начальник управления” и т.п.

При приветствии необходимо пользоваться не только вербальными, но и невербальными средствами: поклоном, кивком, взмахом руки и т.п. При официальном знакомстве принято пожимать друг другу руку однако необходимо помнить, что не младший подает руку старшему, а старший - младшему, не мужчина женщине, а женщина мужчине. Женщина может не протягивать руку, а ограничиться легким поклоном.

Часто деловая встреча начинается с вручения визитной карточки. Получив визитную карточку, следует внимательно прочитать имя и отчество партнера, если есть затруднения, переспросить (это лучше, чем коверкать имя), и постараться их запомнить.

В деловом разговоре надо уметь дать ответ на любой вопрос. Даже на простейшие, задаваемые ежедневно по несколько раз “Как дела?”, всегда необходимо помнить о чувстве меры. Ничего не ответить невежливо; буркнуть “нормально” и пройти мимо тоже невежливо, если не грубо; пуститься в долгие рассуждения о своих делах - прослыть занудой. В таких случаях деловой этикет предписывает отвечать примерно следующее: “Спасибо, хорошо”, “Спасибо, пока жаловаться грех”, и в свою очередь поинтересоваться: “Надеюсь, что и у Вас все обстоит хорошо?”.



You never get a second chance to make a first impression! If you give people a favourable first impression of yourself, you will find them much easier to deal with. A welcoming smile and a friendly greeting puts people at their ease, even if they have had a bad journey, or if they are feeling tired, worried or cross. So, using the expressions from the following charts, act out your own dialogues.

Introducing yourself



Good morning/


How do you do?


Let me introduce myself. My name's_____

My name's_______

I am ___________


Pleased to meet you. I'm______

Nice to meet you. Mine's________

Nice to meet you.

I am___________

Introducing someone else

Request for introduсtion



Could you introduce me to__________?

I haven't met____

I don't know anybody here. You'll have to introduce me.

Of course. Let me introduce you to___

I'm sorry. This is___

Of course. I'll introduce you to_______

This is___________

_____Let me introduce you to , this is__

Nice to meet you.

Very nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too.

Exchanging job information



What do you do?

I work as a factory manager (job title).

I work for an electronic firm (company sector).

I'm retired.

Who do you work for?

I work for Ebor Electronic (name of employer).

Actually, I'm self-employed.

What do they do?

We/They make telephone equipment (activity).

Where are you based?

I am based in Barcelona (location).

And what exactly do you do?

I'm responsible for/in charge of our financial services consultancy.

How many people do they employ?

Oh, about 8 000 all over Spain.


You work for a car manufacturer. An German customer is visiting your place of work next week. Together with your colleagues think of the processes to show him the presentation of your product, the place to have lunch, the way to entertain him. Consider any specific Russian ways and traditions in welcoming and entertaining guests. Work out the scenario.


  • who the visitor is (potential client/supplier, etc.)

  • what the purpose of the visit is (to get acquainted with new equipment/ to sign the contract on ordering spare parts)

  • what you want to tell the visitor about your organization

  • (the company has been in business since…/ to introduce a new process of making car bumpers/ the factory floor where we manufacture the bumpers/ the computer that arranges the production schedule/ the way we test the bumpers/ a new conveyor, etc)

  • which people the visitor should talk to (Research and Development Manager – responsible for developing a new product/ Programmer – responsible for arranging the production schedule/ Product Manager – responsible for promoting a new line of product etc.)

  • what social programme you’ll offer (having dinner together at the restaurant to get to know each other/ taking the trip round the city/ attending a reception given by Managing Director etc. Why not go to…? Does it suit you? )

Plan an itinerary for the visit with times, places and people to meet.

Act out the visit. The host(s) should make the visitor(s) welcome and take them to the places on the itinerary. The visitor(s) should ask questions about the things they see.

Use the functional phrases (see p. 77): introducing people, starting a conversation, asking for information, expressing agreement, disagreeing politely, asking to repeat, showing interest, etc.

Unit 4



  1. Is it so necessary to know proper dining etiquette?

  2. Is it advisable to combine business and meal?

  3. Can you use impeccable table manners? If you can, demonstrate some of them.

4.1. Guess the meaning of international words.

Restaurant; minute; typical; special; detail; comfortable; positive; religion; social; object; allergic; demonstrate; default; lobby; system; combination.

4.2. Translate the sentences paying attention to the words and phrases in bold type. Consult a dictionary.

  1. The actual invitation can be phrased like this: “Chris, I’d like you to be my guest at lunch next week. Would Wednesday or Thursday work for you?”

  2. Arrive at the restaurant about ten minutes ahead of your guest to make sure you aren’t seated near the kitchen door or in some other inappropriate location.

  3. If your guest is a light eater, so are you.

  4. You won’t starve.

  5. So, everyone may order as many or as few courses as they want.

  6. Unless the need to transact business is urgent and you and your guest have agreed to get right down to business, don’t discuss business matters until the end of the meal.

Text 4A

4.3. Active word list. Read the words and word combinations and memorize them.


находящийся или проживающий за городом


план (мероприятий), повестка дня (собрания)


to imply-

невыполнение (обязательств), несоблюдение (правил)

предполагать, подразумевать

to appeal (to)-

привлекать, нравиться

to work out-

разрабатывать, составлять (документ)

to confirm-


to make sure-

убедиться, удостовериться


вестибюль, приемная, фойе

course -



закуска (кушанье, подаваемое перед горячими блюдами)


безупречный, совершенный

business matters-

деловые вопросы

to keep in mind-

(за) поминать

to get down (to)-

приступать к чему-либо

to transact business-

заключать сделку с кем-либо

table manners-

умение вести себя зa столом

4.4. Read text 4A. Answer the questions.

  1. What are the most typical business meals?

  2. What business meal is considered to be preferable for discussing business matters?

  3. What details should you keep in mind to choose a proper restaurant?

  4. When should you arrive at the restaurant?

  5. How many courses should you order at a restaurant?

  6. If your guest is a light eater, what should you do?


The most typical business meals are breakfast and lunch. Dinner usually is reserved for special occasions or out-of-town guests. Breakfast meetings are good if your time is limited and your agenda is short, but keep in mind that not everyone is an early bird. Lunch is the default business meal. Its neutrality implies neither the informality of a breakfast meeting nor the formality of a dinner meeting. Choosing the restaurant is your business, though you can make a couple suggestions for your guest and let him select one. If possible, select restaurants that you have been to, or choose a couple of restaurants that you think will appeal to your guest. Also, the restaurant location should be convenient to your guest, not to you. The actual invitation can be phrased like this: “Chris, I’d like you to be my guest at lunch next week. Would Wednesday or Thursday work for you?”

After you’ve worked out the details, call the restaurant to confirm your reservation. Days before the meeting, check with your guest and confirm the date, time, and location with either an e-mail or phone call, and confirm the reservation with the restaurant. Arrive at the restaurant about ten minutes ahead of your guest to make sure you aren’t seated near the kitchen door or in some other inappropriate location. If you’ve not been seated at the table before your guest arrives and you’ve met him in the lobby, allow him to have the best seat. Guests should never sit looking at a mirror or toward the kitchen door.

Always order the same number of courses your guest does. If your guest orders an appetizer, for example, you should too. This action prevents the awkward situation that arises when one of you is eating and the other is not. If your guest is a light eater, so are you. You won’t starve. Once your food has arrived, be sure to use impeccable table manners. Ordering at a business lunch has relaxed some in recent years. So, everyone may order as many or as few courses as they want. Unless the need to transact business is urgent and you and your guest have agreed to get right down to business, don’t discuss business matters until the end of the meal. But in certain fast-paced businesses, this rule is broken so frequently that it’s no longer a rule.

4.5. Give the English equivalents to the following words and phrases from the text. Choose five of them and make up sentences of your own. Read your sentences aloud for other students to translate.

Гости, проживающие за городом; быть“ранней пташкой”; сделать пару предложений; разрабатывать детали; подтверждать предварительный заказ; мало есть; безупречные манеры за столом; заказывать несколько блюд; соглашаться что-либо делать; приступить к чему-либо; обсуждать вопросы бизнеса; предотвращать неловкую ситуацию.

4.6. Complete the following sentences from the text and translate them into Russian.

  1. The most typical business meals are…

  2. Breakfast meetings are good if…

  3. Dinner usually is reserved for…

  4. The restaurant location should be convenient to…

  5. After you’ve worked out the details…

  6. If your guest orders an appetizer…

  7. Guests should never sit…

  8. Unless the need to transact business is urgent…

4.7. Give the main idea of the text in one sentence.

Text 4B

4.8. Active word list. Read the words and word combinations and memorize them.

to embrace-

научиться использовать, охватывать

experience -

опыт, случай, событие


благосклонно, любезно


служебная записка, докладная записка

cell phone-

сотовый телефон


портативный компьютер

to cater(for)-

обеспечивать, обслуживать

to interfere-

вмешиваться, быть помехой


спор, разногласия

on the average-

в среднем

to book-

заказывать, бронировать


умно, разумно, благоразумно

to conduct a meeting-

вести, проводить (собрание, встречу)

4.9. Read and translate the text.