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6.7. Read and translate the text. Dining and business etiquette

Americans socialize in their homes and backyards, in restaurants and in other public places. It's not at all unusual for social events to be as casual as a backyard barbecue or a picnic in the park. Arrive on time if invited for dinner; no more than 10 minutes later than invited to a small gathering. If it is a large party, it is acceptable to arrive up to 30 minutes later than invited. Table manners are more relaxed in the U.S. than in many other countries. If you are more comfortable eating in the Continental manner, go ahead. It will not offend anyone. Feel free to refuse specific foods or drinks without offering an explanation. Many foods are eaten by hand.

What is considered appropriate business attire varies by geographic region, day of the week and industry. In general, people in the East dress more formally, while people in the West are known for being a bit more casual. Executives usually dress formally regardless of which part of the country they are in. Casual Friday is common in many companies. High technology companies often wear casual clothes every day. For an initial meeting, dressing conservatively is always in good taste. Women can wear business suits, dresses or pantsuits. Men should wear a business suit unless you know the firm to be quite casual. The handshake is the common greeting. Handshakes are firm, brief and confident. Maintain eye contact during the greeting. In most situations, you can begin calling people by their first names. Most people will insist that you call them by their nickname, if they have one. In formal circumstances, you may want to use titles and surnames as a courtesy until you are invited to move to a first name basis, which will happen quickly. Business cards are exchanged without formal ritual. It is quite common for the recipient to put your card in their wallet, which may then go in the back pocket of their trousers. This is not an insult.

6.8. Say if the statements below the text are true or false or not mentioned in the text.

  1. Americans socialize in their homes and backyards, in restaurants and in other public places.

  2. When you are invited to an event, it is very important to respond either yes or no. Saying no is fine, but do not say you will attend and then not show up.

  3. Arrive on time if invited for dinner; no more than 10 minutes later than invited to a small gathering.

  4. Table manners are more relaxed in the U.S. than in many other countries.

  5. If you are more comfortable eating in the Continental manner, it will not offend anyone.

  6. What is considered appropriate business attire does not vary by geographic region.

  7. Americans tend to eat more quickly than people from other countries. Meals are typically served in courses.

  8. If to speak about handshakes they are usually firm, brief and confident.

  9. In formal circumstances, you may want to use titles and surnames as a courtesy until you are invited to move to a first name basis, which will happen quickly.

  10. It is not common for the recipient to put your card in their wallet, which may then go in the back pocket of their trousers.

6.9. Give the English equivalents to the following words and phrases from the text. Choose five of them and make up sentences of your own. Read your sentences aloud for other students to translate.

Проводить встречи на лужайке за домом; умение вести себя за столом; обижать кого-либо; подобающий стиль одежды; иметь прозвище; консервативный стиль одежды; обменяться визитными карточками; получатель визитной карточки; считаться оскорблением.

Text 6C

6.10. Active word list. Read the words and word combinations and memorize them.

to value-

оценить, высказать мнение, дать характеристику


откровенный, прямой, честный

to conduct business-

вести коммерческую деятельность


острый, проницательный


пунктуальность, точность

at the conclusion-

в заключении

to implement-

выполнять, осуществлять

to facet-

совершенствовать, улучшать

to the point-

по существу

to back up-

поддерживать, подкреплять

to get to your point-

переходить к сути дела, начинать говорить по существу

6.11. Read Text 6 C to find answers to the given questions.


1. What is “wasting time” for Americans?

Americans are direct. They value logic thinking and expect people to speak clearly and in a straightforward manner. To them if you don’t “tell it how it is” you simply waste time, and time is money. If you are from a culture that is more subtle in communication style, try not to be insulted by the directness. Try to get to your point more quickly and don’t be afraid to be more direct and honest than you are used to.

2. What should you know about holding business meetings?

Americans will use the telephone to conduct business that would require a face-to-face meeting in most other countries. They do not insist upon seeing or getting to know the people with whom they do business. Arrive on time for meetings since time and punctuality are so important to Americans. In the Northeast and Midwest, people are extremely punctual and view it as a sign of disrespect for someone to be late for a meeting or appointment. In the Southern and Western states, people may be a little more relaxed, but to be safe, always arrive on time, although you may have to wait a little before your meeting begins.

3. What is the procedure of conducting negotiations in the USA?

Meetings may appear relaxed, but they are taken quite seriously. If there is an agenda, it will be followed. At the conclusion of the meeting, there will be a summary of what was decided, a list of who will implement which facets and a list of the next steps to be taken and by whom. If you make a presentation, it should be direct and to the point. Visual aids should further enhance your case. Use statistics to back up your claims, since Americans are impressed by hard data and evidence. With the emphasis on controlling time, business is conducted rapidly. Expect very little small talk before getting down to business. It is common to attempt to reach an oral agreement at the first meeting. The emphasis is on getting a contract signed rather than building a relationship. The relationship may develop once the first contract has been signed.

6.12. Give the English equivalents to the following words and phrases from the text. Choose five of them and make up sentences of your own. Read your sentences aloud for other students to translate.

Логическое мышление; говорить откровенно; начинать говорить по существу; иметь привычку; вести коммерческую деятельность; деловая встреча лицом к лицу; пунктуальность; знак неуважения; быть в безопасности; в заключение встречи; выполнять последовательные шаги; по существу; приступать к делу.

6.13. Fill in the blanks with proper words given below.

  1. try to get to your point

  1. formal circumstances

  1. to conduct business

  1. regardless of

  1. straightforward manner

  1. to back up your claims

  1. getting down to business

  1. to attempt

  1. Americans will use the telephone …. that would require a face-to-face meeting in most other countries.

  2. They value logic thinking and expect people to speak clearly and in a … .

  3. Expect very little small talk before … .

  4. Use statistics… , since Americans are impressed by hard data and evidence.

  5. … more quickly and don’t be afraid to be more direct and honest than you are used to.

  6. It is common … to reach an oral agreement at the first meeting.

  7. Executives usually dress formally … which part of the country they are in.

  8. In… , you may want to use titles and surnames as a courtesy.

6.14. Prove that it is easy or isn't easy to negotiate with Americans.

6.15. Render the following text in English using active vocabulary.

Американские дружелюбие - основная составляющая их натуры. Это нация, для которой самой устойчивой формой человеческих взаимоотношений является поверхностное знакомство. В Америке принято обращаться друг к другу просто, неофициально, даже если между собеседниками большая разница в возрасте и общественном положении. Широкая улыбка - обязательный атрибут приветствия и любого общения у американцев. Американская манера резко приступать к делу и сразу расставлять все точки на "и" часто приводит к замешательству деловых партнеров других стран, также как раздражает быстрое и прямое обсуждение деловых проблем на ранних завтраках и "ленчах", стоя. Американцы верят, что каждому человеку импонирует, когда его называют просто по имени. Быстрый переход на личное имя шокирует и смущает многих партнеров.

Чтобы облегчить взаимодействие с американскими партнерами необходимо создать не слишком официальную атмосферу ведения переговоров. Американцев мало волнует разница в статусе. При решении проблемы они обсуждают не только общие подходы, но и детали. Так как все члены американской делегации люди высокопрофессиональные и компетентные, то во многом они относительно самостоятельны при принятии решения. Если с самого начала партнеры четко называют, кто они, что делают, почему именно с их компанией выгодно взаимодействовать, то американцы с вами будут считаться.




Situation 1.

Imagine you are on a tour of the USA. It’s the tenth day of your tour, you are in New York and you are phoning your friend. You are full of impressions. Your friend is interested in everything concerning the Americans’ way of life. The fact is he has applied for a job in America via Internet.

Situation 2.

You are an American businessman or woman attending an international conference in a European city. You arrived only yesterday and are still suffering from jet-lag. Tonight you are going out with a small but international group of colleagues. You want to have dinner somewhere where you can try the local cuisine and then perhaps attend a quiet concert. And then you want to return to your hotel. Try to convince the others in your group.

Situation 3.

You are a European businessman or woman attending an international conference in the European city where you live. Tonight you plan to spend the evening with a small but international group of colleagues. Since your company will pay your expenses, you want to eat at an expensive restaurant with fine foods and wines and then do something exciting, such as seeing a good show or going to a casino. Try to convince the others.

Use the functional phrases (see p. 77): introducing people, starting a conversation, asking for information, asking to repeat, expressing surprise, showing interest and supporting what someone else has said.

Unit 7



  1. What is the capital of Germany and its official language?

  2. Do you know any peculiar features of Germans?

  3. What is German business culture characterized by?

7.1. Guess the meaning of international words.

Industrialization; innovator; specific; planning; personal; demarcation; communication; individualism; traditional; chocolates; rose; to symbolize; romantic; salad; to compliment; toast; wine; academic; emotion; protocol;

bureaucratic; process; detail- oriented; tactics; conservative.

7.2. Translate the sentences paying attention to the words and phrases in bold type. Consult a dictionary.

  1. In many respects, Germans can be considered the masters of planning.

  2. Careful planning, in one's business and personal life, provides a sense of security.

  3. In general, wait for your host or hostess to introduce you to a group.

  4. Germans do not need a personal relationship in order to do business.

  5. Expect a great deal of written communication, both to back up decisions and to maintain a record of decisions and discussions.

  6. Letters should be addressed to the top person in the functional area, including the person's name as well as their proper business title.

  7. Appointments are mandatory and should be made 1 to 2 weeks in advance.

  8. Initial meetings are used to get to know each other.

Text 7А

7.3. Active word list. Read the words and word combinations and memorize them.



to account for-

составлять (определённую) часть от общего количества


должным образом, как следует, правильно



to occur-

происходить, случаться, совершаться


единственно, исключительно

to affiliate-

присоединяться к кому-либо


происхождение, биографические данные

to take (a) pride (in)-

гордиться чем-либо


титул, звание


положение, должность

to negotiate-

вести переговоры

7.4. Read Text 7А. Answer the questions.

  1. Is Germany the world's second largest exporter?

  2. Why can Germans be considered the masters of planning?

  3. What provides a sense of security for Germans?

  4. What is the surest way to lead a structured and ordered life?

  5. What do Germans take great pride in?

  6. What is the one place in Germany where more informal communication may occur?

  7. What is it necessary to do if your company is going to do business in Germany?

  8. What should you keep in mind designing your business card?


Germany is the largest national economy in Europe, the fourth-largest by nominal GDP in the world, and fifth by GDP (PPP) in 2008. Since the age of industrialization, the country has been an innovator and beneficiary of an ever more globalised economy. Germany is the world's second largest exporter with $1.474 trillion, €1.06 trillion exported in 2011 (Euro zone countries are included). Exports account for more than one-third of national output. The official language of Germany is German, with over 95% of the population speaking German as their first language. In many respects, Germans can be considered the masters of planning. This is a culture that prizes forward thinking and knowing what they will be doing at a specific time on a specific day. Careful planning, in one's business and personal life, provides a sense of security. Rules and regulations allow people to know what is expected and plan their life accordingly. Germans believe that maintaining clear lines of demarcation between people, places, and things is the surest way to lead a structured and ordered life. Work and personal lives are rigidly divided. There is a proper time for every activity. When the business day ends, you are expected to leave the office. If you must remain after normal closing, it indicates that you did not plan your day properly. Germans take great pride in their homes. They are kept neat and tidy at all times, with everything in its appointed place. In a culture where most communication is rather formal, the home is the place where one can relax and allow your individualism to shine. Only close friends and relatives are invited into the sanctity of the house, so it is the one place where more informal communication may occur.

If your company is going to negotiate in Germany it is necessary to bring plenty of business cards. Unless you are exclusively dealing with Germans, it is unnecessary to have the reverse side translated into German. Germans, like other Europeans, write their first names before their last names and should be addressed by the academic title given on their card (e.g. "Dr."). Include your full title or position, and any university degrees you hold or optionally professional organizations with which you are affiliated. When designing your card keep in mind that German businesspeople will want to learn as much about your background and qualifications as possible.

7.5. Give either Russian (A) or English (B) equivalents to the following



  1. объяснять что-либо

  1. sense of security

  1. происходить, случаться

  1. properly

  1. исключительно

  1. in many respects

  1. гордиться чем-либо

  1. the masters of planning

  1. глобальная экономика

  1. forward thinking

  1. страны еврозоны

  1. demarcation between people

  1. разделять личную жизнь и работу

  1. sanctity of the house

  1. вести упорядоченную жизнь

  1. a reverse side of a business card

  1. вести переговоры

  1. academic title

10.биографические данные

  1. to keep in mind

7.6. Give the English equivalents to the following words and phrases from the text. Choose five of them and make up sentences of your own. Read your sentences aloud for other students to translate.

Страны еврозоны; насчитывать одну-треть общего объема продукции; во многих отношениях; считаться профессионалами планирования; высоко оценивать дальновидное мышление; планировать должным образом; чувство безопасности; разделять личную жизнь и работу; гордиться своими домами; неприкосновенность дома; вести переговоры; биографические данные и квалификация.

7.7. Complete the following sentences from the text and translate them into Russian.

  1. Germany is the largest national … .

  2. Germany is the world's second largest … .

  3. The official language of Germany … .

  4. Germans can be considered … .

  5. Careful planning in one's business and personal life provides … .

  6. If you must remain after normal closing … .

  7. Their homes are kept … .

  8. Only close friends and relatives are invited into … .

  9. Unless you are exclusively dealing with Germans, it is unnecessary … .

  10. Germans, like other Europeans, write their first names before their last names… .

7.8. Give the main idea of the text in one sentence.

Text 7B

7.9. Active word list. Read the words and word combinations and memorize them.

to stare-

пристально глядеть, уставиться

out and out-

полный, совершенный, несомненно, совершенно


тем не менее, всё же

to necessitate-

делать необходимым, неизбежно влечь за собой


автоматически, машинально

to offend-



широкая распространённость

to denote-

указывать (на факт), свидетельствовать

to symbolize-




to view-

обозревать, оглядывать, осматривать

to detain-


faux pas-

ложный шаг

7.10. Read and translate the text.


Eye contact during introductions is serious, direct, and should be maintained as long as the person is addressing you. Even in public, eye contact between strangers or out and out staring can be direct and not necessarily smiling. It would be wrong, however, to assume that all stares in public are meant to be threatening. Nonetheless, do not expect direct eye contact to necessitate some greeting, the German will likewise not expect anything from you. This is one of the most typical communication patterns immediately observed by visitors to Germany. If you do not speak German, be careful of automatically addressing a person in English. While Germans generally speak very good English, some may feel offended. There is some noticeable resentment, especially among the 45 to 60 age group, which generally doesn't feel as secure in the language as the younger generations, which have grown up with a prevalence of English introduced into many aspects of German commercial life. Greetings in Germany are formal. A quick, firm handshake is the traditional greeting. Titles are very important and denote respect. Use a person's title and their surname until invited to use their first name. You should say Herr or Frau and the person's title and their surname. In general, wait for your host or hostess to introduce you to a group. When entering a room, shake hands with everyone individually, including children. If you are invited to a German's house, bring a gift such as chocolates or flowers. Yellow roses or tea roses are always well received. Do not give red roses as they symbolize romantic intentions. Do not give carnations as they symbolize mourning. Do not give lilies or chrysanthemums as they are used at funerals. If you bring wine, it should be imported, French or Italian. Giving German wines is viewed as meaning you do not think the host will serve a good quality wine. Gifts are usually opened when received. If you are invited to a German's house:

  1. Arrive on time as punctuality indicates proper planning.

  2. Never arrive early.

  3. Never arrive more than 15 minutes later than invited without telephoning to explain you have been detained.

  4. Send a handwritten “thank you” note the following day to thank your hostess for her hospitality.

7.11. Say if the statements below the text are true or false or not mentioned in the text.

  1. Eye contact during introductions is serious, direct, and should be maintained as long as the person is addressing you.

  2. Еye contact between strangers or out and out staring must be direct and it is necessary to smile.

  3. Fifteen minutes of speaking about weather would be considered a very serious faux pas and could mean a shaky start to any potential business relations.

  4. If you do not speak German, be careful of automatically addressing a person in English.

  5. Practically every person in Germany can speak the English language which has been introduced into many aspects of German commercial life.

  6. Titles are very important and denote respect.

  7. When entering a room, shake hands with everyone individually, including children.

  8. If you are invited to a German's house, you can bring any gift.

  9. If it is the very first meeting for you in Germany or in a particular company and you are unsure about in-house procedures, do not hesitate to ask your host in private what you should expect or do.

  10. If you are invited to a German's house, send a handwritten “thank you” note the following day to thank your hostess for her hospitality.

7.12. Give the English equivalents to the following words and phrases from the text. Choose five of them and make up sentences of your own. Read your sentences aloud for other students to translate.

Зрительный контакт во время приветствия; стиль / модель общения; открыто, публично; чувствовать себя обиженным; заметное чувство обиды; стиль общения; быстрое крепкое рукопожатие; широкое распространение английского языка; свидетельствовать об уважении; символизировать романтические намерения; благодарить за гостеприимство.

Text 7C

7.13. Active word list. Read the words and word combinations and memorize them.

academic credentials-

академический уровень

deference -

уважение, почтение


подозрительный, недоверчивый


обязательный, принудительный

to jeopardize-



заслуживающий доверия, надёжный

to adhere-

придерживаться чего-либо

to ruffle-

беспокоиться, нервничать


подтекст, намёк

7.14. Read Text 7C to find answers to the given questions.


1. What will Germans want to know before doing business with you?

Germans do not need a personal relationship in order to do business. They will be interested in your academic credentials and the amount of time your company has been in business. Germans display great deference to people in authority, so it is imperative that they understand your level relative to their own. Germans do not have an open-door policy. People often work with their office door closed. Knock and wait to be invited in before entering. There is a strict protocol to follow when entering a room: the eldest or highest ranking person enters the room first. Men enter before women, if their age and status are roughly equivalent.

2. What things are critical to building and maintaining business relationships?

German communication is formal. Following the established protocol is critical to building and maintaining business relationships. As a group, Germans are suspicious of promises that sound too good to be true, or displays of emotion. Expect a great deal of written communication, both to back up decisions and to maintain a record of decisions and discussions. Appointments are mandatory and should be made 1 to 2 weeks in advance. Letters should be addressed to the top person in the functional area, including the person's name as well as their proper business title. If you write to schedule an appointment, the letter should be written in German.

3. What should or should not you do before the negotiations?

Punctuality is taken extremely seriously. If you expect to be delayed, telephone immediately and offer an explanation. It is extremely rude to cancel a meeting at the last minute and it could jeopardize your business relationship. Meetings are generally formal. Initial meetings are used to get to know each other. They allow your German colleagues to determine if you are trustworthy. Meetings adhere to strict agendas, including starting and ending times. Maintain direct eye contact while speaking. Although English may be spoken, it is a good idea to hire an interpreter so as to avoid any misunderstandings. At the end of a meeting, some Germans signal their approval by rapping their knuckles on the tabletop.

4. What other helpful hints should you know while getting down to business with Germans?

Do not sit until invited and told where to sit. There is a rigid protocol to be followed. Meetings adhere to strict agendas, including starting and ending times. Treat the process with the formality that it deserves. Germany is heavily regulated and extremely bureaucratic. Germans prefer to get down to business and only engage in the briefest of small talk. Make sure your printed material is available in both English and German. Contracts are strictly followed. You must be patient and not appear ruffled by the strict adherence to protocol. Germans are detail-oriented and want to understand every innuendo before coming to an agreement. Business is hierarchical. Decision-making is held at the top of the company. Avoid confrontational behaviour or high- pressure tactics. It can be counterproductive. Once a decision is made, it will not be changed.

7.15. Give the English equivalents to the following words and phrases from the text. Choose five of them and make up sentences of your own. Read your sentences aloud for other students to translate.

Придерживаться установленного протокола; подозрительно относиться к обещаниям; демонстрировать уважение; политика "открытых дверей"; отменять встречу в последний момент; назначить встречу; рисковать деловыми отношениями; заслуживать доверие; приглашать переводчика; выражать одобрение, постукивая пальцами по столу; избегать тактики давления; быть контрпродуктивным.

7.16. Fill in the blanks with proper words given below.

  1. academic credentials

  1. the established protocol

  1. regulated

  1. suspicious

  1. jeopardize

  1. а strict protocol

  1. trustworthy

  1. adhere to

  1. to cancel

  1. innuendo

  1. bureaucratic

  1. ruffled

  1. Germans will be interested in your … and the amount of time your company has been in business.

  2. There is … to follow when entering a room: the eldest or highest ranking person enters the room first.

  3. Germans are … of promises that sound too good to be true, or displays of emotion.

  4. Following … is critical to building and maintaining business relationships.

  5. It is extremely rude … a meeting at the last minute and it could … your business relationship.

  6. Initial meetings allow your German colleagues to determine if you are….

  7. Meetings … strict agendas, including starting and ending times.

  8. Germany is heavily … and extremely... .

  9. You must be patient and not appear … by the strict adherence to protocol.

  10. Germans are detail- oriented and want to understand every… before coming to an agreement.

7.17. Render the following text in English using active vocabulary.

В настоящее время Россия очень тесно сотрудничает с Германией во многих областях: торговых, промышленных, коммерческих. При общении с партнерами из Германии следует обратить внимание на то, что немцы отличаются прилежанием, бережливостью, рациональностью, педантичностью, стремлением к упорядоченности, и, наконец, организованностью. Поэтому, готовясь к встрече, большое внимание следует уделить её организации.

На переговорах немцы профессиональны и официальны. Они обычно ожидают от вас того же. Обращаться к ним следует по фамилии, например, "господин Бауер" (на немецком языке: Herr Bauer), а не по имени, как принято у американцев.

В Германии очень редко приглашают деловых партнеров домой. Если же Вам окажут такую любезность, и Вы получите такое приглашение, то не забудьте букет цветов или небольшой сувенир из России для хозяйки дома. Особое внимание уделяется пунктуальности. Непунктуальность понимается как невежливость, поэтому при встрече с немецким представителем рекомендуется иметь запас времени.

Шутки, отвлечение на посторонние темы, невнимательность в деловых переговорах приветствоваться немцами не будут. Большинство переговоров в Германии заканчиваются достижением консенсуса. Как правило, переговоры проходят напрямую, основываясь на ясном "нет" или ясном "да". Немцы предпочитают контролировать всё. Тот, кто действует против немецких стандартов, вызывает подозрение и даже раздражение.




You are in Germany, just leaving an important negotiation with a German company. The press is at the door. You see representatives of a number of journals with questions for you. You must speak to them and be polite, but try not to tell them everything (except that a statement will be issued soon). After your meeting with journalists your Press Secretary makes a press statement.

Here are some word expressions to help you:

The press (first pronounce the title of the journal you represent):

• Could I ask you a couple of questions?

• Could you say if the negotiations were a success, from your point of view?

• Could you tell us what will be in the statement?

• Are you pleased to be in Germany?

• What are your impressions about the country?

• So, do you think the negotiations have been good for your company?

• Is it true that you said you expect to get everything you want from these negotiations?

How to say nothing:

• I’m afraid I can’t comment at the moment.

• A statement will be issued shortly.

• I’m sorry but I can’t comment at this stage.

• Yes, I’m pleased to be in your country.

• I did not say that at all.

• I would rather not answer that question at present.

• Do you have any other questions?

Press Statement:

This has been a useful meeting. Both parties have expressed their views clearly, and the meeting has taken place in a spirit of cooperation. Further details cannot be given at present, but we hope that the increased understanding resulting from this meeting will be of assistance in resolving the present situation. Thank you.

Use the functional phrases (see p. 77): introducing people, starting a conversation, asking for information, asking to repeat, expressing surprise, showing interest and supporting what someone else has said.

Test Your Business Etiquette

Social and business etiquette can be tricky, and making the right moves can make a big difference. Take this quiz and see how you fare in the following business situations.

  1. Your boss, Ms. Alpha, enters the room when you're meeting with an important client, Mr. Beta. You rise and say "Ms. Alpha, I'd like you to meet Mr. Beta, our client from San Diego."

Is this introduction correct?

  1. You're hosting a dinner at a restaurant. You've pre-ordered for everyone and indicated where they should sit.

Are you correct?

  1. A toast has been proposed in your honor. You say "thank you" and take a sip of your drink.

Are you correct?

  1. You're at a dinner and champagne is served with the dessert. You simply can't drink champagne yet know the host will be offering a toast. Do you:

a) tell the waiter "no champagne"

b) turn over your glass

c) ask the waiter to pour water into your champagne glass instead

d) say nothing and allow the champagne to be poured

5. You're invited to a reception and the invitation states "7:00 to 9:00 PM."

You should arrive:

  1. at 7:00 PM

  2. anytime between 7:00 PM and 9:00 PM

  3. between 7:00 PM and 7:30 PM

  4. go early and leave early

6. You're greeting or saying good-bye to someone. When's the proper time to shake their hand?

  1. when you're introduced

  2. at their home

  3. at their office

  4. on the street

  5. when you say good-bye

7. You're talking with a group of four people. Do you make eye contact with?

  1. just the person to whom you're speaking at the moment?

  2. each of the four, moving your eye contact from one to another?

  3. no one particular person (not looking directly into anyone's eyes)?

8. The waiter's coming toward you to serve wine. You don't want any. You turn your glass upside down.

Are you correct?

9. When you greet a visitor in your office, do you:

  1. say nothing and let her sit where she wishes?

  2. tell her where to sit?

  3. say "Just sit anywhere".

10.You've forgotten a lunch with a business associate. You feel terrible and know he's furious. Do you:

  1. write a letter of apology?

  2. send flowers?

  3. keep quiet and hope he forgets about it?

  4. call and set up another appointment?



a) introducing people

Let me introduce…

Allow me to introduce - Разрешите представить Вам…

I want you to meet my colleague - Познакомьтесь с моим коллегой…

May I introduce you to Mr. Brown? - Познакомьтесь с мистером Брауном.

May I introduce myself? - Разрешите представиться…

Will you introduce me to…? - Познакомьте меня, пожалуйста, с…

b) agreement /disagreement

Precisely so. / Quite so.- Именно так.

I quite agree with you here. - Я в этом с Вами полностью согласен.

That goes without saying. - Это само собой разумеется.

I think so. /I believe so. / I suppose so.-Думаю, что да.

Most likely./ Most probably.- Весьма вероятно.

I don’t quite agree with you. - Я не совсем с Вами согласен.

I’m afraid you are wrong (here)/ - Боюсь, что Вы неправы.

One never can tell. / One never knows. - Никогда нельзя сказать с уверенностью.

c) expressing surprise

Do you really mean it? – Вы действительно это имеете в виду?

Well? It is a surprise! - Это поистине неожиданно!

It’s news to me. - Это для меня новость!

Believe it or not - Хотите верьте, хотите нет.

Just fancy (фам.) - Можете себе представить!

d) discussing and planning things

It so happened that - Случилось так, что…

I wonder how it’s going to work out. - Интересно, что из этого получится.

I’ll arrange it over with - Я договорюсь об этом с…

I can’t make up my mind - Я не могу решить.

If the worst comes to the worst. - В худшем случае.

It’s worth trying. - Стоит попробовать.

I take you at your word. - Ловлю Вас на слове.

e) getting information, asking people’s opinion

What do you think of…? - Что Вы думаете о..?

How do you like it? - Как Вам это нравится?

What impression did it make on you? - Какое это произвело впечатление?

What sort of things did they discuss? - Что они обсуждали?

What is it all about? - О чем весь этот разговор?

What do you make of it? - Как Вы это понимаете?

f)starting ,resuming, and winding up a talk; changing the subject

By the way - Между прочим…

I’ve been thinking/wondering - Я вот думаю…

That reminds me - Да, кстати…

To begin with - Прежде всего…

Where were we? - На чем мы остановились?

Well, to continue/to proceed - Ну, продолжим наш разговор…

Back to - Возвращаясь к…

We are wandering./ We are getting away from the subject.- Мы отклоняемся от темы.

That’s beside the point. - Это не по существу.

Don’t beat about the bush. - Говорите прямо.

Spare me the details. - Избавьте меня от подробностей.

It’s a matter of opinion. - У каждого свое мнение.

You should take it into consideration. - Вы должны принять это во внимание.

There is something in what you say. - В том, что Вы говорите, есть доля истины.

To sum it up - В итоге…

That’s all there is to it.- Вот и все.

But enough of this. - Но довольно об этом.

In conclusion, I’d say that the discussion was rather construc-tive/fruitful/useful for…

g) being emphatic

Much to my surprise - К моему великому удивлению…

Strange enough - Странно, но…

Funny enough - Смешно, но…

On top of all that - В довершение всего…


  1. Sue Fox., Business etiquette for dummies. 2nd edition. Wiley Publishing, Inc.,2008. 378p.

  2. Блажина М.Г., Ермоленко Г.Н. Деловые переговоры на английском языке: учебное пособие. Часть 1.Московский государственный университет коммерции. 2001, 48с.

  3. Зверева Н.М. Doing business across cultures: учебно-методическое пособие. Кемерово: Кемеровский институт (филиал) ГОУ ВПО «РГТЭУ», 2007. 76с.

  4. URL: http://www.livestrong.com/article/10361-dress-job-interview/

  5. URL: http://www.gradview.com/articles/careers/etiquette.html

  6. URL:http://www.kwintessential.co.uk/articles/china/chinese-food-culture/1777

  7. URL:http://www.kwintessential.co.uk/resources/country-profiles.html

  8. URL: http://cindyking.biz/resources/useful-resources/culture-quotes/

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Шоркина Ольга Дмитриевна


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Гарнитура «Times». Усл. печ. л. 5. Тираж 50 экз. Заказ № 2

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