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III. Practical task

Task I. Point out the subject and say what it is expressed by. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. At that moment the postman, looking like a German army officer, came in with the mail. 2. The clock struck eight. There was no sign of any of the other guests. 3. Now there is something peculiarly intimate in sharing an umbrella. 4. Together we walked through the mud and slush. 5. Something impersonal and humble in that action seemed to reassure the Consul. 6. The sight of them, so intent and so quick, gave Berta a curious shiver. 7. Eight o’clock in the morning. Miss Ada Moss lay in a black iron bedstead, staring up in the ceiling. 8. Still, the good of mankind was worth working for. 9. Sometimes the past injects itself into the present with a peculiar force. 10. Forgetting some things is a difficult matter. 11. To cross from one end to the other was difficult because of the water.

Task II. Say where the predicate is simple and where it is compound (nominal or verbal).

1. Two young girls in red came by. 2. Demetrius came alive and pressed a flock of inquiries. 3. He tried to be both firm and friendly. I’ve felt dependent on him. 4. No one was here to meet Dick. He felt a twinge of disappointment. 5. He was vaguely aware of his father standing by the kitchen-range with his coat off. 6. The day of our wedding came. He was to call for me to choose the furniture. 7. Michelangelo remained silent. 8. I gave up the attempt and went upstairs to unpack. 9. I looked at the photograph above the mantelpiece and saw my own face for the first time. 10. Giovanni looked crestfallen. 11. He was beginning to sound really angry.

Task III. Point out the predicative and say what it is expressed by.

1. Annette was completely dazed. 2. Their highest concept of right conduct, in his case, was to get a job. 3. Sally, herself, was quite content for a while to enjoy becoming acquainted with her son, washing and feeding him, taking him for walks in the bush, singing him to sleep. 4. Your resemblance to your mother is very striking. 5. Their interests were hers as well as the interests of everybody. 6. Either course seemed unthinkable, without any connection with himself. 7. The best thing for you is to move in with me and let the young lady stay with your mother. 8. How do you feel physically? 9. Who are you? 10. The Irish are a philosophic as well as a practical race. Their first and strongest impulse is to make the best of a bad situation.

The recommended list of literature

1. Blokh M.Y. A Course in Theoretical English Grammar / M.Y. Blokh. – М.: Высшая школа, 1983.

2. Morokhovskaya E.J. Fundamentals of Theoretical English Grammar / E.J. Morokhovskaya. – K.: Вища школа, 1984.

3. Каушанская Л.В. Грамматика английского языка. Морфология. Синтаксис / Л.В. Каушанская. – M.: Высшая школа, 2000.

4. Kobrina N.A. English Grammar. Morphology. Syntax / N.A. Kobrina. – M.: Просвещение, 1986.

5. Паращук В.Ю., Грицюк Л.Ф. Практикум з грамматики англійської мови / В.Ю. Паращук, Л.Ф. Грицюк. – Вінниця, 2002.

6. Хаймович Б.С., Роговская Б.И. Теоретическая граматика английского языка / Б.С. Хаймович, Б.И. Роговская. – М.: Высшая школа, 1967.