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In enumerative combinations the last element, in distinction to the foregoing elements, can be introduced by a conjunction, which underlines the close of the syntagmatic series:

e.g. All about them happy persons were enjoying the good things of life,

talking, laughing, and making merry.

(S. Maugham)

The same is true about combinations formed by repetition:

e.g. There were rows of books, books and books everywhere.

Dominational connection, as different from equipotent connection, is effected in such a way that one of the constituents of the combination is principal (dominating) and the other is subordinate (dominated). The principal element is commonly called the "kernel" or "head-word". The subordinate element is the "adjunct" or the "adjunct-word".

Dominational connection is achieved by different forms of the word (categorical agreement, government), connective words (prepositions, i.e. prepositional government), word-order.

Dominational connection, like equipotent connection, can be both consecutive and cumulative:

e.g. definitely out of the point - out of the point, definitely; will be helpful in any case - will be helpful - at least, in some cases.

The two basic types of dominational connection are bilateral (reciprocal, two-way) domination and monolateral (one-way) domination. Bilateral domination is realized in predicative connection of words, while monolateral domination is realized in completive connection of words.

The predicative connection of words, uniting the subject and the predicate, builds up the basis of the sentence. The reciprocal nature of this connection consists in the fact that the subject dominates the predicate determining the person of predication, while the predicate dominates the subject, determining the event of predication, i.e. ascribing to the predicative person some action, or state, or quality.

Syntagmatic are immediate relations between units in a segmental sequence, or string:

e. g. The spaceship was launched without the help of a booster rocket.

In this sentence syntagmatically connected are the words and word-groups “the spaceship”, “was launched”, “the spaceship was launched”, “was launched without help”, “the help of a rocket”, “a booster rocket”.

Morphemes within the words are also connected syntagmatically: space/ship, launch/ed, with/out, boost/er.

Phonemes are connected syntagmatically within morphemes and words, as well as at various juncture points (the process of assimilation and dissimilation).

The combination of two words or word-groups one of which is modified by the other forms a unit which is referred to as a syntactic “syntagma”.

There are four main types of notional syntagmas:

― predicative (the combination of a subject and a predicate);

― objective (the combination of a verb and its object);

― attributive (the combination of a noun and its attribute);

― adverbial (the combination of a modified notional word, such as a verb, adjective, or adverb, with its adverbial modifier).

The other type of relations, opposed to syntagmatic, is called paradigmatic. These relations exist between elements of the system outside the strings where they co-occur. These intra-systemic relations find their expression in the fact that each lingual unit is included in a set or series of connections based on different formal and functional properties.

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