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Police authority in London

The City of London Corporation is the Police Authority for the Square Mile

The Court of Common Council is defined as the police authority for the City of London Police area in accordance with the provisions of the City of London Police Act 1839 and the Police Act 1996. Our job as a police authority is:

  • to make sure the City of London Police runs an effective and efficient service by holding the Commissioner to account;

  • to give you value for money in the way the police is run; and

  • set policing priorities taking into account the views of the community.

These, and other key duties, are specifically delegated to the Police Committee which, like most police authorities in the country, is made up of 17 members. Fifteen of the members are elected members of the Court of Common Council, thus ensuring a direct accountability to the electorate. The remaining two are independent persons drawn from the City community who are appointed through an open recruitment process. The Committee’s membership is representative of the City’s residents, businesses and the hundreds of thousands of people who come to work in the Square Mile every day.

The current Chairman of the Police Committee is Simon Duckworth and the Deputy Chairman is Henry Pollard.

The Police Committee meets eight times a year to rigorously scrutinise the work of the City of London Police. Other City Corporation committees, such as the Finance Committee and Audit and Risk Management Committee, complement this scrutiny function and secure value for money in all aspects of police work. But it is ultimately our local communities that decide how the Square Mile is policed; both the City Corporation and the City Police organise regular events to engage with residents and businesses in the City and obtain views on what our local policing priorities should be.

To achieve outcomes that matter to local people, the City Corporation is able to draw from expertise in the wide-ranging areas of services it provides and establish effective and strong partnership working, for example, through the Safer City Partnership, the City of London’s Community Safety Partnership (CSP).

At a national level, the City Corporation plays an active role at the Association of Police Authorities (APA). We are a part of the group of authorities with a national role for policing – in our case, for Fraud –, part of the group of non-geographic authorities, and the City has represented that group on the APA Board since its restructure in 2008.

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С\О № 3.

Тема: США.


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