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I. Use the words from the box to complete the sentences.




land forms




New Zealand



1. is an island country, 1000 miles of Australia.

is the Waikato /425km/.

  1. The original name of NZ is Aotearoa - of the Long Cloud.

  2. This mountainous island nation lies in the South Pacific southeast of

  3. The highest in NZ is Mount Cook /3764 ml.

  4. There are forests of --like cauri trees.

  5. The longest

  6. New Zealand has hundreds of

9. The two principal

10. Small .

_Falls is 580 m high -it is the 5lh highest waterfall in the world. are North Island and South Island.

are uninhabited.


II. Scan for details and circle the correct letter.

  1. New Zealand has a/ 14, b/ 40, c/ 400 earthquakes a year.

  2. The climate is temperate, with plenty of sunshine and a/ little, b/ adequate rainfall.

  3. The country is a/ well, b/ badly watered.

  4. Summer temperature is a/ 32, b/ 23C.

  5. The seasons are a/ opposite, b/ the same as those in the Northern Hemisphere.

  6. January is in the middle of a/ summer, b/ winter.

  7. New Zealand has a/ many, b/ no snakes.

  8. Kiwi is so popular that it became a a/ name, b/ nickname for a New Zealander.

III. Put questions to these answers.

1. The capital of New Zealand is Wellington. 2.. Its population is 325,000.

  1. British settlers founded Wellington in 1840.

  2. The capital was moved because of Wellington's central location. _

  3. Wellington is also a port and manufacture center.

  4. It lies along the harbor of port Nicholson.

  5. The port of Wellington handles foreign trade.

  6. Wellington is the home of Victoria University

  7. Places of interest include parliament and the National Art Gallery.


IV. Discuss the answers to the questions with your classmates.

  1. What kind of economy has New Zealand?

  2. The country is the world's largest producer of kiwi fruit, isn't it?

  3. What are the Chief crops of Australia?

  4. Where does most of the timber come from?

  5. Is New Zealand the world's largest exporter of wool?

  6. What are the chief fish in New Zealand water?

  7. Where are rock lobster trapped?

  8. Is oyster farming developed in New Zealand?

  9. Where is the Real Domestic Product higher in Australia or New Zealand?

  1. What is the preferred mode of transportation in New Zealand?

  2. What side do they drive in New Zealand?

  3. What is one of New Zealand's major concerns nowadays?


Choose one of the topics below and add more information to your reference book. Kiwi- a wingless bird. Wellington-the capital of New Zealand. Agriculture.

Lesson 8

1. Ties of Ukraine with English-speaking Countries.

Reading and speaking.

You are going to read about U.S. - UKRAINE:


Pre-reading task.

Is the success of Ukraine important to the U.S?

What is business development program?

Is Ukraine a new strategic partner of the U.S?