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КСР Ассимиляции (3 сем).doc
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V. Учебно-методический блок.

  1. Повторите все звуковые явления.

  2. В парах подготовьте презентации звуковых явлений и звуковых упражнений:

- Loss of Plosion and Nasal Plosion (p.p. 47-48)

- Lateral Plosion and Loss of Aspiration (p.p. 48 – 50)

- Alveolar Consonants before Inter-dental and Linking [r] (p.p. 51, 55)

- Consonant Clusters with [r] (p. 52)

- Consonant Clusters with [w] and Elision (p. 53, 57-58)

- Absence of Assimilation (p.p. 54-55)

  1. Подготовьте выразительное чтение упражнений Ex.4, p49, Ex.2, p51-52, Ex.3, p52-53, Ex.2, p53, Ex.2, p54, соблюдая правильность артикуляции звуков и все типы ассимиляций.

  2. Составьте мини-диалоги, употребляя звуковые явления в устной речи.

VI. Вопросы для самоконтроля.

Answer the following questions about different types of assimilations.

  1. How are English consonants modified in the position before sonorants [w] and [r]?

  2. How is the sonorant [r] modified when combined with different consonants?

  3. Explain the difference between complete and partial Loss of Plosion. Give examples.

  4. Explain the phenomena of Nasal and Lateral Plosions.

  5. What are the principles of pronouncing plosive consonants and fricative [s]?

  6. In what consonant clusters do we observe no assimilation? How should such clusters be pronounced?

  7. What happens to different consonants in their combination with inter-dental sounds [θ, ð]?

  8. In what cases are English words linked together in the speech flow with the help of the sonorant [r]?

  9. In what cases do we observe stronger (and weaker) assimilations?

  10. When is it possible (and when is it not) to omit sounds in speech?

VII. Контрольный блок.

  1. Prepare reading for a mark of Ex. 2, p. 56 (both texts)

  2. Do the final test.