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Анг. яз. для сферы туризма И.А. Иващенко.doc
427.52 Кб

3. Give an annotation of text 3.

4. Make up word-combinations and translate them.

to come

to spread

to report

to be sent out

to retain

to overcome





the heading



direct mailing

the established market

seasonal bias

5. Agree or disagree using the clichйs.

I agree with you.

It's quite right.

I'm of the same opinion.

I disagree with you.

That's not true at all.

I wouldn't say that.

  1. Two aims of tourist promotion have been gained in the last few years.

  2. The purposes are to retain the established market of people for whom travel is a normal form of recreation, to increase the size of the market and to attract people who haven't trav­elled much for the last few years.

  3. Publicity is known to be the only kind of promotion.

  4. Publicity consists of stories placed in newspapers and maga­zines about travels, accommodations, restaurants, and other parts of the whole tourist industry.

  5. Another kind of tourist-connected public relations comes under the heading of familiarization.

  6. Tourist advertising is a large business in itself.

  7. Media is a term used for different means of spreading infor­mation in the form of news and advertising.

  8. Radio reaches the largest market.

  9. Television serves a more limited audience.

  10. Another form of advertising is the brochure.

  11. Travel agents distribute brochures in large numbers to tour operators in the market area they are trying to reach.

  12. In addition, many brochures are sent out by direct mailing.

  13. The mailing list often includes previous customers.

  14. The least effective kind of tourist promotion is "word of mouth", what one person says to another about his or her holidays.

  15. A recommendation of a resort or hotel by one family to an­other can influence the choice people are likely to make.

6. Complete the dialogue and act it.

- I wonder what aims of tourist promotion have been gained in the last few years.

- As far as I know, they are to ... .

- Tell me, please, what organizations are involved in tourist promotion.

- I consider that they include ....

- I think ... and ...to be two main kinds of promotion.

- It's quite right. Publi­city consists of... . ... is made by means of media.

- What is the term "media" used for?

- It is used for ...

- It's interesting to know what a familiarization trip is.

- People in the tourist industry are provided with ... to ... .

- What is another form of advertising?

- It is ... . Tour opera­tors distribute ... in ... to ... of... . In addition they are sent out by ... to ... .

- I've read that the most effective kind of tourist promotion is "word of mouth".

- I'm of the same opini­on. The results of "word of mouth" can be … … .