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III. Home or House?

Vocabulary 1:


дом (строение)


дом (домашний очаг, уют)


}экономка, распорядительница в доме





house bound (having to stay at home)

привязанный к дому



housework (cleaning the rooms, tidying, washing up, ironing, etc.)

работа по дому

to feel (make) oneself at home

чувствовать себя уютно, как дома: не стесняться.

motherland (homeland)


home town

родной дом



home-for the elderly

дом для престарелых


домашняя работа (работа , заданная на дом или выполняемая дома)




муж, занимающийся домашним хозяйством

Training exercise:

Ex1. Answer the following questions:

  1. Do you live in the house or flat? How large is it?

  2. Do you have a housekeeper at home? Why?

  3. Whom can we call housebound?

  4. Whom do we call a housewife or a househusband?

  5. When do we usually say “Feel (make) yourself at home”?

  6. How can a person become homeless?

  7. Do you usually have much homework?

  8. What food would you prefer: restaurant or home-made?

Vocabulary 2:

an apartment house

многоквартирный дом

a multistoried building

высотное здание

(a) dwelling (house)


a dwelling place

местожительство (обычно в анкетах и документах)


большой шикарный дом

a private residence

загородный дом

a country house

загородный дом, дача

a cottage


a lodging, lodgment


a ranch-type house

ранчо, одноэтажный дом в сельской местности


жилой комплекс со своей инфраструктурой, находящийся в собственности жильцов

counsel house

жилой дом, находящийся в собственности городских властей

tenement house

дешевый многоквартирный дом, сдаваемый в наем






барак, казарма


студия (квартира, не разделенная на отдельные помещения)

a detached house

отдельный дом, не примыкающий стеной к другим

Training exercises:

Ex.1. Choose the correct words from the list above for the following definitions:

  • an apartment house with cheap flats to let;

  • a house owned by the city administration;

  • a private block of flats owned by the dwellers, which has its own infrastructure;

  • usually a one- or two-storey private house;

  • a house out of town;

  • a large house owned by someone;

  • a house with many flats;

  • a place to live (general word);

  • a house of more than 20 floors;

  • a luxurious house or apartment;

  • a shabby one- or two-storey house for several families to live in, actually it is the block of flats;

  • a house which stands alone and is not joined to any other;

  • a flat which is not divided into rooms.

Ex.2. Translate the following extracts; pay attention to the types of dwellings mentioned in them. Find adequate Russian words to render the meaning correctly. Consult the vocabulary list above.

1. Houses or flats? Every New Town has to face this problem. It was accepted that some proportion of the dwelling to be built should take the form of flats; but what should the proportion be? Some attempts had been made to assess the probable dimensions of the demand for flats. There are certain categories of tenants who are likely to prefer a flat and not want to be bothered with gardening: unmarried people of either sex, and the elderly or infirm; but the majority are clear that what they want is a house and garden. A little guidance was also forthcoming from the sociologists. A young couple should start their married life in a flat.

2. In many parts of England cottages are built in a long new, each house joined to the next one and each with a small yard at the back, and a still smaller one at the front.

3. American apartments are usually described as one-bedroom (studio apartments) two-bedroom or three-bedroom apartments. Two- and three-room apartments usually have a connecting living room; frequently they have two bathrooms.

There are two types of apartments: a rented apartment and a condominium, which an individual owns rather than rents. In addition there are tow-houses which are joint houses or apartments in a compact planned group in a town.

4. A mobile home is the cheapest form of housing that can be purchased. Mobile homes can be moved from place to place by trucks. Mobile homes are located in special mobile home parks, which are sometimes called mobile villages. They are usually on the outskirts of cities. Retired people and young people with low income reside in mobile homes which can be purchased or rented.

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