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Meet Mr. English.doc
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Tasks to the text:

Task 1. Consult the text and choose the correct answers.

  1. What officers do you have to face on arrival in the USA? (your airline representative, a customs officer, the police, an immigration officer, your consulate representative).

  2. What information is necessary to fill out the forms? (your home address, your spouse's name, your place of birth, your passport number, your address in the USA, your occupation, date and place of issue of your passport).

Task 2.

a) Find in the text the sentences beginning with:

You are supposed to …; Nothing terrible seems to … ; You are quite likely to … ; They certainly seem to … ; You are entitled to … .

And translate them into Russian.

b) Now combine the phrases from columns A,B,C to produce similar sentences.


You is supposed to remember my passport


Jim are expected to be late as usual.

Passengers is likely to hand the forms in.

I is certain/sure to arrive at 6 p.m.

The plane am supposed to be very tired.

The officers seems to stay in the USA six weeks.

We are entitled to ask you to open your bags.

Your passport happen to have expired

c) Imagine your talk with an airport official. How would he/she answer your question? Use the words in brackets.


  • Why do I have to show my passport? (to suppose)

  • You are supposed to show your passport to for me to identify your personality.

  1. When am I to go through passport control? (supposed)

  2. What questions will the customs officer ask? (likely)

  3. When do you think the plane will land? (expected)

  4. How long may we stay in the USA? (entitled)

  5. What address should I write on the immigration form?(supposed)

  6. Who has the right to check my visa? (entitled)

  1. When shall I check in for my flight? (supposed).

D. Read the following dialogues and dramatize them.

Dialogue 1.

On board a Plane.

A. Are we coming into London already?

B. Yes. Our plane is going down. I can see the runway lights. We’d better fasten our belts.

A. So it is the stewardess is telling us to fasten seat belt, straighten our seats & not to smoke. We are just on time. And what do we do with our landing cards?

B. They are for the immigration officer on arrival.

A. Oh, but I haven’t filled my in yet. Would you mind lending me a pen?

B. Not at all. Here you are.

Dialogue 2.

Airport official: Your passport, please.

Visitor: Here you are.

A.O. How long are you staying in London?

V. Ten days. I’m here on business.

A.O. Your passport and visa are in order. Have a pleasant stay.

Dialogue 3.

Passenger: Do I check in for the flight to Moscow here?

Clerk: Yes, that’s right. Your ticket & passport please. And put your luggage on the scales.

P. Here are my ticket & passport. Shall I weigh in this small bag?

C. Certainly, sir. Oh, it’s too heavy. I’m afraid there’ll be an excess luggage, sir and you’ll have to pay extra. You know the limit for business class is 30 kilos.

P. All right.

(Ten minutes late)

C. Here are your ticket and passport and your boarding pass. Your luggage tag is attached to your ticket.

P. Which way am I to go now?

C. The departure lounge is straight ahead. Your boarding gate is No 5. Listen to the announcement over the radio. You flight number is F 357 for Rome.

P. Thank you!

Dialogue 4.

Passenger 1: Excuse me, what did the stewardess say?

Passenger 2: She asked us to fasten seat belts.

P.1 Why? Is anything wrong?

P.2 Don’t worry. We’re probably going through some bad weather.

P.1 Are you feeling all right?

P.2 Not very. I’m afraid it’s a bit rough. I get airsick easily.

P.1 Shall I call the stewardess?

P.2 Yes, please, and would you mind lowering the back of my seat, please?

P.1 Thanks.

Dialogue 5.

What Can I Do for You?

(at the Consulate)

PETERS: Please take a scat. What can I do for you, Dr. Rensky?

RENSKY: Oh, you're very kind. I've come to apply for a visa to the United States. I've received an invitation to work at Stanford University for a semester under an exchange agreement. They are expecting me in late August.

PETERS: You have your passport ready, I guess?

RENSKY: Both the passport and the photographs.

PETERS: Then you'll just have to fill out the visa application form.

RENSKY: No problem.

Dialogue 6.

Confirming a Flight

DELTA: Hello? Delta Airlines at your service. Thank you for calling Delta.

RENSKY: Oh, uh, hello, I wonder if you could help me. I'd like to confirm my flight to New York.

DELTA: Certainly, sir. Can you tell me the date and flight number, please?

RENSKY: It's the twenty-third of October, and the flight number is DL 33206.

DELTA: Thank you sir. Would you mind holding while I check?

RENSKY: Not at all.

(A few moments later)

DELTA: Are you there, sir? Your flight has been confirmed for the twenty-third of October, number DL 33206.

RENSKY: Thanks... Er, something else I'd like to know... When do I have to be at the airport?

DELTA: At least an hour before the flight. Don't be late for check-in, sir!

RENSKY: Thank you so much.

Dialogue 7.

Checking in

CLERK: Next, please!

RENSKY: Here's my ticket, flight DL 33 206 to New York.

CLERK (taking the ticket and looking at the computer screen): Everything's OK. Would you like an aisle or window seat?

RENSKY: Window seat, please.

CLERK: Smoking or non-smoking section?

RENSKY: Non-smoking. I gave up smoking years ago.

CLERK: Good idea! ... Here's your ticket and boarding pass. Your flight departs from gate G5 on the upper level.

RENSKY: Where do I have my luggage inspected?

CLERK: The luggage inspection area is right in the center of the hall. Anything else I can do for you?

RENSKY: Well, in fact there is one other thing. How do I go about changing planes at Frankfurt?

CLERK: Oh, that's easy. The first thing you have to do is listen to what the flight attendant will say on the PA (public address system) system; make sure you remember the gate number, OK?


CLERK: Fine! Now the next thing you do when you get off the plane is go to the gate. At the gate you will have your luggage inspected.

RENSKY: All my luggage?

CLERK: Only your carry-on luggage. The rest will go directly to the plane. After you've done that, you can either stay in the waiting area or go shopping, but after that they will want to look through your luggage once more. Do you see what I mean? You'll have your passport and ticket checked again. So be careful to have them handy. Is that clear?

RENSKY: Absolutely! Thank you!

Dialogue 8.


CUSTOMS OFFICER: Is thus all your luggage, sir?

RENSKY: Yes, just these two bags.

OFFICER: Do you have anything to declare — liquors, cigarettes?

RENSKY: I don't think so. No oranges or apples, either.

OFFICER: Would you mind opening this bag, sir.

RENSKY: Not at all. Is there anything wrong?

OFFICER: What's this gray plastic thing?

RENSKY: Oh, It's my laptop computer. Do you want me to open it?

OFFICER: Please open it and turn it on... Thanks.

RENSKY: You don't leave much to chance, do you?

OFFICER: Well, you see security has been tightened recently.

RENSKY: Is everything OK now?

OFFICER: Yes, sir. That will be all.

RENSKY: Excuse me, one question. I'm changing planes here. What do I do with my luggage?

OFFICER: You will have to check it in again.

RENSKY: Thanks.

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