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Meet Mr. English.doc
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A. Read the text and do the given tasks. Get acquainted with Henry!

Henry is a clerk in an office in town. He’s also a health freak. He wants to live to be a hundred, so health is very important to him.

He gets up at five o’clock in the morning and lifts weights for thirty minutes. For breakfast he eats spinach and a raw egg with garlic and chilli pepper. It tastes disgusting, but he thinks it’s good for him. Then he runs for an hour in the park, even if the weather is bad. He leaves for work at seven o’clock/ he never goes by bus or by train and he thinks that cars are extremely dangerous. So he walks everywhere – with a mask over his nose and mouth. He also wears a uniform which he designed to protect himself from dust and dirt.

At the office he washes his hands ten times a day and he wears gloves to pick up the telephone in case it’s dirty. He takes his lunch to work with him. He eats fifteen sunflower seeds and one onion. He is sure that the lunch which the firm provides isn’t good for him.

After work he rushes home to water the plants. He has hundreds of plants because they provide oxygen. In the evening he sometimes listens to the radio, but he never watches television because it might damage his eyesight.

On Monday he goes to a deep breathing class and on Thursdays he goes to a vegetarian cookery class. He rarely goes to the cinema or to the theatre – there are far too many germs (a small living thing which can make you ill). He goes to bed early. In summer he sleeps in a tent in the garden. At the weekend he goes camping in the country, but he never sits in the sun. on the first day of every month he goes to the doctor’s, just to make sure that he isn’t ill. After all, he doesn’t want to find himself in hospital.

Task 1. What about you? Make a list of ten differences between your lifestyle and Henry’s. The example below can be helpful:

I don’t lift weights before breakfast.

I don’t _________________________________________________


Besides I don’t ___________________________________________


More than that I never _____________________________________


Task 2. Work with a friend. Henry is giving an interview for a health magazine. Imagine that you are Henry and the interviewer. Ask and answer 10 questions about Henry’s routine and lifestyle. For example:

Interviewer: What do you have for breakfast?

Henry: I always have spinach for breakfast.

Interviewer: What time do you go to bed?

Henry: I never go to bed later than 9 o’clock.

Task 3. More about Henry

Complete the sentences with the proper article

Note: Если в предложении вы можете твердо ответить на вопросы: какой? который? чей? (предмет, объект или состояние), смело употребляйте определенный артикль the. Если такого ответа нет, и вы можете ответить только какой-то, один или один из, некий, неопределенный, всякий, употребляйте a(an) с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе или не употребляйте никакого артикля перед исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе и неисчисляемыми.

  1. ___ lemons have a lot of vitamin C, so Henry eats ten _____ day.

  2. Visitors to his house have to take off their shoes and leave them at ___ door.

  3. Henry cleans his teeth six times ___ day.

  4. For ___ supper he has a huge bowl of beans and yoghurt.

  5. He believes that sitting in ____ sun even for some minutes is extremely dangerous.

  6. ______ health is his favourite topic of conversation.

  7. On ___ Friday he goes to a yoga class.

  8. He once went to ____ cinema, but he wore his mask.

  9. He is frightened of __ hospitals.

  10. He sometimes listens to __ news on __ radio, but it makes him nervous.

  11. He is afraid that he will end up in ___ hospital.

  12. He always goes to ___ bed early, even at ___ weekend.

  13. He goes to __ doctor’s at least once __ month.

  14. He hates ___ buses, __ cars and ___ planes.

  15. He wears __ gloves to open __ doors and to pick up ___ telephone.

  16. His colleagues at ___ work think that he is mad.

Task 4. Write a questionnaire with the title “Have you got a healthy lifestyle?” Write at least 10 questions which include some of the following phrases:

for breakfast/lunch how many … a day/week?

to/at University in the morning/afternoon

in the park to/in bed

by bicycle/bus at the weekend

watch television on foot

in summer/winter take exercise

Task 5. Complete the following story with the words from the list and you’ll get to know how people in America try to keep fit.

exercise stress parks instructions shoes

dancing bestsellers fruit terrible

fit chocolate slim young

Everybody doing it, old and young, men and women. They’re jogging, dancing, jumping up and down, bending and stretching. _____ is in fashion. Everybody wants to be _____, look ______, and stay ______.

It started with jogging. Millions of Americans put on their new coloured sports- and fashionable jogging suits and ran through the _____ or along the ____ for half an hour a day. Some prefer to get fit at home. For them, there’s a big choice of books, cassettes and video programmes with music and _____. Sometimes the action is more like _______ than exercises.

Taking exercises is only one part of keeping fit. You’ve got to get slim too. Books and magazines about slimming are ____ these days. Some people eat nothing but ____ for two or three days a week. It sounds ____. Why not forget about keeping fit, sit down, and have another ______ biscuit?

Task 6. Write down as many ways of keeping fit as you can think of. Your ideas may be serious and funny as long as they keep you fit. Give reasons of your ideas.

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