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Meet Mr. English.doc
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Tasks to the text:

Task 1. Answer the following questions.

1. What can you say about New York airports? 2. What procedure do you go through on your arrival? 3. What should you remember to do if you have a connecting flight? Why is it important? 4. What is an airport shuttle bus? 5. Where should you go if you feel like having a cup of coffee, if you lost your umbrella, if you want to find out how you can get to the air terminal you need, how to get to Manhattan? 6. You hear the announcement about the departure of your flight. How do you get to your aircraft?

Task 2. Revise Text B, listen to some additional information in the Texts “Welcome to America”, “Making a phone call”, “Lost and found” and answer the following questions:

1. You have arrived at an airport. What will you do with your baggage before you board the plane? 2. You have boarded the plane. What sign will appear on the screen before the aircraft takes off? 3. What forms will you be asked to fill out on board if you are flying to a foreign country? 4. What will the passengers be asked to do when the aircraft is about to land? 5. What kind of control will you first go through after you have arrived at a foreign airport? 6. What will you do as soon as you have gone through the passport control? 7. You are to transfer to another flight and have to wait at the airport for some time. What services will you use until the time of your departure?

Task 3. Describe your own experience of traveling by air. The following questions may be helpful.

1. What big airports have you been to? What services did you use there? What do you think of them? 2. Have you had a connecting flight? Did you have any difficulties in changing planes? What were they, if any? 3. Have you ever had any un­pleasant experience during your flight (your baggage was lost or delayed, you were late for your flight, you lost your purse or wal­let, etc.)?

Vocabulary 2. At the Customs

to go through the Customs – проходить таможню

to examine (to inspect, to check) the passenger’s luggage – досматривать багаж

to bring duty - free – провозить беспошлинно

to have smth to declare – вносить в декларацию

custom’s inspector (custom’s officer) – таможенник

to go through the green (red) section (corridor channel) – проходить по зеленому (красному) коридору

to go through the passenger’s luggage carefully – тщательно досматривать багаж

to prevent smuggling – предотвращать контрабанду

to fill in (out) a declaration form – заполнять декларацию

the expiry date of one visa – срок окончания действия визы

to extend visa – продлить визу

C. Read the text and be ready to discuss it.

Immigration and customs

On the plane to the USA you will be given an immigration form and a customs form to fill in. (It's a good idea to have a pen and your passport handy – unless you have memorized the number, date and place of issue of your passport.)

On your immigration form there is a small space in which you are supposed to write your address in the USA, which is rather inconvenient if you are going to be traveling about the country. In that case it is best just to put down where you are staying the first night.

On arrival in the USA the immigration officer will check your visa and the immigration form. You will be given a copy of this form to keep in your passport – often they staple it in for you. You are supposed to hand this copy in when you leave the country (unless you are leaving to visit Canada or Mexico and intend to return to the USA within thirty days before going back home). This is generally done at the airline desk when you check in for your return flight, as there are usually no passport checks when you leave the USA. However, nothing terrible seems to happen if you don't hand the form in.

The immigration officer will stamp on the immigration form how long you are entitled to stay in the USA. Make sure that he or she knows how long you want to stay.

After immigration comes customs, and somewhere along the line you will be relieved of your customs form. Although there is now a red channel/green channel system (red if the traveler has something to declare, green if he/she doesn't) as in many other countries, you still actually have to come face to face with the customs officer. You are quite likely to be asked to open your bags – perhaps American customs officers aren't as busy as those in Europe, for they certainly seem to think that they have time to do this. Keep your passport out: they give returning Americans a much harder time than visitors.

It is important to note that you are not allowed to take into the USA any fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, butter, milk, fresh meat or plants.

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