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Meet Mr. English.doc
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Proper names:


Seventh Avenue

Los Angeles (L.A.)

Questions and tasks:

1. What news did Harry have for Susan and Michelle?

2. What dilemma did the family face?

3. Did Grandpa advise something to Susan to solve the problem?

4. What was Michelle’s opinion about her family moving to Los Angeles?

5. What decision did the family finally make? Why?

Vocabulary to episode 22 “career choices”

to wrestle with the question to stay at home and be a full-time

be torn mother

to go back to work to be disappointed

to pursue the career in fashion design to respect one’s decision

a full-time mother custom-designed dresses

to arrange the schedule around to do the pricing at the boutique

one’s schedule a big market in wedding dresses

to accept the offer to expand to all kinds of dresses

to have two career opportunities to make the right decision

at the same time

to watch over the baby

to hire a woman to watch over the baby

to give full-time attention to raising a child

to need money

to be wound up

the career as a fashion designer versus the career as a mother

to the best of one’s ability

to establish something out of the home

to make (or design) the dresses at home

to do the selling at the boutique

to benefit financially

Training exercises on the vocabulary:

1. Find out the expressions connected with the topic “Career” and translate them into Russian.

2. Find out the expressions related to “the career of a full-time mother’ and translate them into Russian.

3. Decipher the meanings of the following expressions:

to wrestle with the question

to be torn

to arrange the schedule around one’s schedule

to hire a woman to watch over the baby

to be wound up

to the best of one’s ability

to benefit financially

to be anxious to see somebody

custom designed dresses

a big market in wedding dresses

to expand to all kinds of dresses

Proper names:


Rita Mae

Questions and tasks:

1. Why has Merylin been torn recently? What question has she been wrestling with?

2. What did Susan advise to Merylin? What was Ellen’s experience concerning raising a baby?

3. What was Merylin’s final decision about her career?

4. Are two incomes usually necessary to support a family in your country? Do many mothers work outside the home?

5. Would you prefer a working career being a mother or a career of a full-time mother? Why?

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