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Meet Mr. English.doc
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    1. Education

Vocabulary 1:

to receive full-time education

получить среднее образование

nursery school

дошкольное образование

primary school

начальная школа

infant school

I ступень начальной школы

junior school

II ступень начальной школы

secondary school

средняя школа

free education from public funds

бесплатное образование за счет государства

private fee-paying schools

boarding schools

частные платные школы

selective schools

школы, где мальчики и девочки учатся раздельно

compulsory education

обязательное образование

to increase the right of parents to find a school for their children

расширить права родителей на выбор школы для их детей

to make informed choices

сделать правильный выбор (основанный на достоверной информации)

to express (have ) the preference for a school

выбирать школу по своему усмотрению

state schools

государственные школы

to be presented on school governing bodies

участвовать в управлении школой

to appoint staff

подбирать кадры

to manage school budgets

заниматься (управлять) школьным бюджетом

to meet national standards

отвечать государственным стандартам

national school curriculum of different subjects

государственный образовательный стандарт по различным предметам

to withdraw the children from some classes

отказываться от некоторых уроков

GCSE – General Certificate of Secondary Education

Сертификат о среднем образовании

advanced education

дальнейшее образование

the main standard for entry to university education

основной стандартный (единый) экзамен для поступления в ВУЗ (ЕГЭ)

professional training

профессиональное образование

to take full-time post-school education

поступить на дневное отделение после школы

supervised job experience

работа под контролем преподавателя

parents’ contribution to their children education

вклад родителей в образование своих детей

to be eligible for an educational loan

иметь право на образовательный кредит

residential and non-residential University

университет, предоставляющий и не предоставляющий жилье

correspondence tuition

(tuition by correspondence)

заочное обучение

local study centres

местные обучающие курсы (центры)

to be embedded in the curricula

быть внесенным в школьные программы (учебные планы)

    1. Read and translate the text. There are 6 parts in it. While reading it match the heading to each part of it.

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All children and young people between the ages of 4 or 5 and 16 must receive full-time education. About a half of 3 and 4-year old children receive nursery education attending nursery. Children between 5 and 11 go to the primary school, which is divided into the infant school (for 5-7-year-olds) and the junior school (for 7-11-year-olds). Children aged between 11 and 18 go to the secondary school. About 95% of British children receive free education from public funds and the rest attend private fee-paying schools. Boys and girls are taught together in most schools (except Northern Ireland where secondary schools are largely selective).

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The government measures in the mid-1980s have increased the rights of parents to find out more about schools and make informed choices about their children’s education. Parents have a statutory right to express a preference for a school. Tables are published giving information about school examination results. All state schools have to give parents a written annual report on their child’s progress. Parents are represented on school governing bodies, which appoint staff and manage school budgets. Under new reforms, all state schools in England and Wales are increased by independent inspectors to ensure that they meet national standards. Parents are given a readable summary of the inspection report.

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Educational standards are being raised by the introduction of a national school curriculum consisting of English, math, science, history, geography, technology, music, PE classes. In Wales the Welsh language forms a part of national curriculum. Similar reforms are being introduced in Scotland and Northern Ireland. Religious education is available in all schools, although parents have the right to withdraw their children from such classes.

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The main school examination, the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), is taken at around the age of 16. If pupils are successful, they can continue to more advanced education or training. After a further 2 years of study the General Certificate of Education Advanced level exam is taken at the age of 18 and can be combined with the Advanced Supplementary level exam to provide a wider range of subjects. These exams are the main standard for entry to university education and to many forms of professional training.

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The proportion of young people entering university and other advanced education was 1 in 4 in the year 2000. Around 1.5 min students in Britain are taking full-time post-school education courses providing a combination of full-time study and supervised job experience. Over 90% of students on first degree and comparable advanced courses receive awards covering tuition fees and maintenance. Parents also contribute, the amount depending on their income. In addition, students are eligible for an interest-free loan. There are some 80 universities; they enjoy complete academic freedom.

The Open University is non-residential and offers degrees and other courses for adult students of all ages in Britain and other parts of Europe. Its teaching method is a combination of printed texts, correspondence tuition, TV and radio broadcasts, audio and video courses and residential schools. There are also local study centres. No formal qualifications are required for most courses.

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Considerable cooperation takes place between business and the education system. As a result of a number of initiatives, matters relating to industry and commerce are being embedded in school, college and university curricula. The Government wants all pupils to have at least two weeks’ work experience before leaving school. Businessmen and women are represented on school governing bodies and other institutions.

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