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Lesson 1. Introducing oneself

(Jrammar: Personal and Possessive Pronouns; To Be; Word Order; Demonstrative Pronouns; Single and Plural Number of Nouns; Interrogative Pronouns

Unit 1 Personal and Possessive Pronouns (Личные и притяжательные местоимения)



I (я)

my - мой, моя, моё

you (Вы)

your - ваше


his - его

she (она)

her - её

it (оно, это)

its - его, её (неодуш.)

we (мы)

our - наше


their - их

Спряжение глагола to be (частица to является показателем инфинитива, т.е. неопределенной формы глагола)

Успехов Нам к изучении курса!


we are

you are

you are

he is

they are

she is

it is

Exercise 1.

Read and translate the following sentences.

I am a student. She is a doctor. You are a student too. We are friends. They • ire from Moscow.

She is your sister. They are relatives. He is a teacher. I am your friend. We are Russians. They are Americans. My friend is a doctor. 1 am Japanese and my wife is Chinese.

В английском повествовательном предложении фиксированный поря­док слов: подлежащее, сказуемое, дополнение, обстоятельство.



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Exercise 2.

Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Когда Стив наконец добрался до университета, лекция уже началась. 2. Мы завершили выполнение тестов к 5 часам. 3. Он был уверен, что никогда не встречался с этим человеком. 4. Мне показалось, что раньше я ее где-то ви­дела. 5. Не успел Дэвид позавтракать, как ему позвонила его секретарь. 6. Если бы только она это знала раньше! 7. Я бы предпочел, чтобы ты этого не сделал. 8. Хотел бы я, чтобы ничего этого не произошло.

*—s> Make up 10 sentences with Past Perfect in different meanings, using the

;*"*"<* Exercise 3.


cabulary of the previous lesson.

Unit 2

Working on the text «^^

Read and translate the text. Find Past Perfect and explain its meaning.

David was in high spirits and everyone in Chicago office noticed that. It was a usual quarterly meeting on benchmarking, but it was going unusually very smoothly. David was listening silently to the division directors without interrupting. It had always been difficult for them to report their assessment of competitors' performance and give their views on how their company stood in relation to a recognized brand and business standard leader. In every area of business there are companies who are accepted as being a leader in a particular field based on a number of parameters such as reputation, quality of product, quality of processes and procedures, reliability of product, training and professionalism of employees, ability to meet deadlines, customer focus and care, and competitiveness of pricing policy. With every product introduced on the market David wanted to be a leader not a follower. He always believed that:

if conditions, facilities, equipment and methods were of good quality;

if good training was provided for all the staff;

if staff were motivated and rewarded;

if production and service standards were

continuously monitored and improved;

if internal communications, both vertically and horizontally, were good and everyone knew the company policy, strategy and direction;

and if problems were resolved quickly and efficiently, then other organizations would use Commodities United Ltd as a benchmark.

After the last speaker had finished, David rose to sum up the results:

"Well, ladies and gentlemen, taking into account ilul (hose were just our interim results, I must say I am jllisfied with the work done. Thanks, Many thanks. But I Would also like to remind you that organizations can only iicliii've and maintain a competitive edge through their employees. Best management practice is based on И liicving levels of mutual respect and trust. Without a l.iir system of appraisal and assessment, covering pay, prospects and promotion, people become disappointed and disenchanted. I don't want it to happen in our company. I ftrongly believe in the concept that the most efficient and motivated workforce is the one where people are given ■creasing levels of responsibility. The feedback you give your team about their work is fundamental to their iliolivation. Don't forget to offer recognition of the effort pinch has been put. into the work. Please prepare your pggestions by tomorrow and email them to me."

The meeting was over, but David had three more on his schedule today, and In I he evening he was dining with his family. He was wondering if his father would approve of his new assistant or not.

Exercise 1.

Find English equivalents in the text.

Быть в приподнятом настроении; эталон; оценка деятельности конку­рентов; в отношении; ряд параметров; промежуточные результаты; дать свою Бочку зрения; надежность товара; мотивировать и вознаграждать; подводить апог; принимать во внимание; перспективы и продвижение по службе; достичь уровня взаимоуважения и доверия; справедливая система; обратная связь (информация о результатах деятельности); одобрять.


Exercise 2.

Answer the questions.

  1. Describe David's behavior during the meeting.

  2. What kind of meeting was it?

  3. What is benchmarking?

  4. What are the parameters that make a company a leader?

  5. What did David believe in?

  6. What are the necessary conditions to make a company a leader?

  1. Was he satisfied with the results?

  2. What is the best management practice to his mind?

  3. Do you agree that efforts of employees must be recognized?


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Exercise 3.

Fill in the gaps with suitable words.

a) targets; b) improvement; c) completion; d) motivation; e) staff; f) constructive; g) a manager, h) highlight; i) achievement; j) expectations; k) feedback.

1. As 1 you set targets and it has a dramatic effect upon your team's;

sense of 2 . 2. Ideally, you should provide a series of 3 which are easily

recognized as stages towards the ultimate 4 of the task. 3. The 5 you givcj

your team about their work is fundamental to their 6 . 4. Your 7 need to

know where they stand, and how they are performing against your reasonable

8 . 5. Your feedback must be honest, simple, and always 9 . 6. Follow the

simple formula: 10 something good, point out what needs 11 , suggest!

how to improve.

Exercise 4.

Translate the sentences from Russian into English.



1. Наша встреча прошла очень гладко. 2. Мы всегда оценивали деятель­ность нашей компании по сравнению с лидером. 3. Это - признанный бренд, с ним трудно соперничать. 4. Приоритетом в их компании является забота о клиенте. 5. Он всегда хотел быть лидером, а не последователем. 6. Персонал необходимо мотивировать и награждать, иначе сотрудники будут разочарова­ны. 7. Необходимо постоянно контролировать и улучшать стандарты ирои; водства и обслуживания. 8. Вы должны принять во внимание, что это всеп лишь промежуточные результаты. 9. Признание хорошо сделанной работы очень важно для сотрудников.


Exercise 5.

Retell the text.

Listening сц|)|)

Listen to the speaker and answer the following questions:

  1. What are the main objectives for a German manager?

  2. Do German companies compete with each other?

  3. What are the watchwords for most German managers?

  4. What does product orientation mean for a German manager?

  5. What is the difference between American and German management?

Unit 4

Working on the text %//

Read and translate the text.

Diana was furious. She was ready to murder Bob for his "brilliant" idea to involve her in this stupid adventure. She had already familiarized herself with the materials of 3 projects thai were under way, but the largest file with tender Documents was still waiting for her. Kverything was more or less clear Willi the first, three projects, but she li.nl not had any experience in conducting tender and she began to ■pic. She had nobody to turn to for [help. Bob warned her that it was common practice for employees to [report the mistakes of their colleagues to the boss, and Diana was too proud и) leave the company ignominiously.

She got so absorbed in reading Documents, that she didn't notice it was time to go home. It was Silvia who informed her that everybody had already left.

"Well, Diana, I can see you are a hard working girl, are you staying here for (the night?"

"I'd love to, but I have to change", they both laughed. Diana thought it was jllie right moment to ask Silvia a few questions.

"Silvia, I'd like to ask you something if you don't mind..."

"I don't mind at all", Silvia interrupted her, "but let's go to a cafe and have мине dinner. I'll become more talkative after I have eaten something."

"I am also very hungry, I've forgotten about my lunch."

They left the office and hurried to a nice cafe near a small garden. After they bad eaten their starter Silvia said:

"Well Diana, what do you want to know?"

"I just wanted to ask you about the style of management in your company."

"I think, I can call it management by objectives. I mean that the boss defines objectives to each employee, and directs their performance against the objectives lliat have been set. The global aim is to increase the performance of the organization. He always uses SMART method, that is:

S — specific,

M - measurable,

A - achievable,

R - realistic,

T - time related"

"I thought you implement the concept of "Management by Walking Around."


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"Do you mean Twelve Principles? Such as:

Do it to everyone.

The real power of the technique lies in the time you spend with those in lower levels of your area of responsibility.

Do it as often as you can.

Go by yourself. When you visit employees alone, it encourages more honcsij dialogue and speaks loudly of your personal commitment to the idea.

Don't circumvent subordinate managers. Some employees may takd advantage of your presence to complain about a supervisor who is yotifl subordinate. Counsel them to discuss the issue fully with their supervisor first.

Never show to the employee you are not satisfied with the supervisor, but] follow up privately with the supervisor.

Ask questions. Ask your employees to tell you a little bit about the files] projects or duties they are working on.

Watch and listen. Listen to the words and tone of employees as they speak] to you and to each other. You'll learn a lot about their motivation and their level! of satisfaction.

Share your dreams with them. Tell them about the organization's vision lorj the future, and where your vision for the department/unit/section fits in with tbd "big picture." Reveal the goals and objectives that you want them to help you fulfill) together as a team. Ask them for their vision, and hold an open discussion.

Try out their work. Sample their job just enough to show your interest in itj and to understand how it goes.

Bring good news. Walk around armed with information about recenl successes or positive initiatives. Increase their confidence and brighten their] outlook.

Have fun. Joke around, and show your softer side without being disrespectful or clowning around. Show employees that work should be fun and] that you enjoy it too.

Catch them in the act of doing something right. Look for victories rather! than failures.

Well, I can't say we use all these principles, just some of them."

"I am glad you don't use "Mushroom Management methodology".

"What is it?" Silvia wondered.

"Oh, it's very simple. Employees are likened to champignons which grow in the darkness. Those who raise their heads are just cut. That is all."

"Oh, no!" Silvia protested. We are Americans and we reward the initiative."

Exercise 1.

Find English equivalents in the text.

Быть в бешенстве; глупое приключение; ознакомиться с материалами; более или менее; проводить тендер; покинуть компанию с позором; быть по-! глощенной чтением; остаться па ночь; переодеваться; перебивать; стать разго-


tan. »ч ивой; обходить; воспользоваться преимуществом; наблюдать и слушать; пронести дискуссию.


Exercise 2.

Answer the questions.

  1. How many types of management are mentioned in the lesson? What are they?

  2. Why was Diana furious?

  3. Why did she miss her lunch?

  4. What did Diana want to speak with Silvia about?

  5. What kind of management does the company practice?

  6. What is MBO?

  7. What is MBWA?

  8. How many principles are there in MBWA?

  9. Do you agree with all of them? Why?

  1. What is Mushroom Management?

  2. What management style would you prefer and why?

  3. What kind of management do Russian companies use?

  4. What do you know about Japanese management?

  5. What is SMART?

  6. Do you know any other types of management?


Неисчисляемые существительные употребляются без артикля, когда они ыражают отвлеченные понятия в общем смысле. ___


While there is life there is hope.

Exercise 3.

Fill in the gaps with articles where necessary.

1. One of... prominent features of... Japanese management is ... practice of...

permanent employment. 2.... Career promotion is highly predictable, regulated and

automatic. 3. ... Japanese managerial style and ... decision-making emphasizes ...

How of information and initiative from ... bottom up, making ... top management...

[facilitator rather than ... source of ... authority. 4. Decisions are made by ...

' consensus. Maintaining... harmony in the company is ... very important task too.

'"'* Exercise 4.

Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Вы уже ознакомились с материалами этих проектов? - Нет еще. Я сейчас работаю над документами тендера. 2. Основным методом управления в нашей фирме является метод постановки задач. 3. Ваш босс определил вам задачи, перед 11-м как уехал в командировку? 4. Генеральный директор посоветовал обсудить

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