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schedule - назначать leak - утечка

boardroom зал заседаний minutes - протокол

stride (strode, stridden) - шагать contribution - вклад

cue - радиосигнал buzz - гул

agenda - повестка дня abstain - воздерживаться

circulate - раздавать unanimous - единогласно

purchase - покупка jubilee - юбилей

source - источник hold - проводить

invention - изобретение charity - благотворительность

solution - решение auction - аукцион

definitely - определенно coverage - освещение

wrap up - заканчивать donation - пожертвование

extent - степень bear - нести

set up - учредить landmark - веха

jet - самолет (реактивный) fair - ярмарка

streamline - усовершенствовать accommodate - снабжать

Word combinations

to give the floor to - предоставить слово

to take (keep) the minutes - вести протокол

to get along - поладить

joint venture - совместное предприятие

to keep mum - хранить молчание

I wonder — интересно (вводное предложение)

it's out of the question - это невозможно

in the circumstances - при сложившихся обстоятельствах

your contributions are welcome — предлагаю вам высказаться

to put smth to the vote - поставить на голосование

to be in favour of - быть «за»; выступать за что-то

highlight (hit) of the program - гвоздь программы

to bear in mind - помнить, хранить в памяти

to be tax exempt - быть освобожденным от налогов

to go along with - принять

to bring together - сводить вместе; собрать воедино



Grammar: The Passive Voice of Continuous Tenses

Unit 1 The Passive Voice of Continuous Tenses

To be being + Participle I

Present Continuous Passive





I am being invited

I am not being invited

Am I being invited?

You, we, they

They are being invited

We are not being invited

Are you being invited?

He, she, it

He is being invited

She is not being invited

Is he being invited?

Past Continuous Passive





I was being invited

I was not being invited

Was I being invited?

You, we, they

We were being invited

They were not being invited

Were you being invited?

He, she, it

He was being invited

She was not being invited

Was he being invited?

Продолженные времена в страдательном залоге не имеют формы буду­щего времени. В остальном значения настоящего продолженного и прошедше­го продолженного в страдательном залоге совпадают со значениями действи­тельного залога.

Exercise 1.

Read and translate the following sentences Explain the mage of Tenses.

1. I am being watched. 2. They are being followed. 3. Advertising materials are being printed tomorrow. 4. The vessel is being loaded now. 5. When he came into the boardroom the first item was still being discussed. 6. While my car was being repaired I was given another one.

Exercise 2.

Open the brackets using the correct form of the Passive Voice.

1. Many orders (place) every year with our company. 2. A new contract (to discuss) today and it (sign) tomorrow. 3. Business letters usually (write) on letterheads. 4. The goods (not to deliver) on time. 5. A Letter of Credit (to open) in your favour two days ago. 6. The answer to the Buyer (not to send) yet. 7. A new model (to test) now. 8. When David returned to the hotel his room (to clean). }). The inspectors (invite) already to the plant when you called me. 10. They promised that the equipment (to show) in operation during the conference. If. The mail (to receive) just. 12. This model (to produce) still?

Exercise 3.

.l£1 Translate from Russian into English using Passive Voice of the Continuous Tenses.

1. Письма уже напечатаны? Нет, их еще печатают. 2. Новая гостиница строится сейчас рядом с моим домом. 3. Неужели меня все еще ждут? 4. Ваше­го друга сейчас обыскивает (search) полиция в аэропорту. 5. Когда Диана во­шла в офис, обсуждались условия контракта. 6. Мой компьютер ремонтирова­ли, когда я пришла па работу. 7. Она почувствовала, что за ней наблюдают.

Unit 2 Working on the text ^/л

The White Rose Ball was a great social event of the year. Diana had been very busy lately helping to organize it. The price for the entrance ticket started with $3,000, depending on the row where your table was. Places of honour were reserved for sponsors in the first row.

Diana had not seen David for a week. He was too busy to call her and she was glad. Deep in her heart she hoped against hope that everything would be fine but she couldn't explain to herself what "fine" really was. She did her duty to the family. She learnt their principles of management and marketing and managed to get invaluable information for Bob. It was his turn now to use the information successfully. She did her best and it was time for her to leave. Instead she was standing on the balcony looking down at the arriving guests. She recognized quite a few celebrities. The Mayor of the city was officially in charge of the Ball and together with his wife he was welcoming the guests at the entrance.

The ball room was heavily decorated with flowers, where white roses dominated. There was light fragrance of roses in the air that made Diana feel a bit dizzy. It was her birthday today and it was for the first time in her life that she was separated from her parents on that special occasion for her. At eight o'clock in the morning she received a large basket of flowers from her parents followed by a call from London. There were a lot of other calls from her friends in England with

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congratulations and wishes of "many happy returns of the day". In the evening she was to go out with Bob and Margaret to celebrate her birthday and the end of her work for Commodities United Ltd. She wondered what time she would be able to leave the party to join her relatives.

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Barbara from PR department.

"Listen, Diana... we have a problem. One

lady who was going to demonstrate a necklace has

suddenly fallen ill. We want to ask you to do it."

"Oh, no, please. I want to leave early tonight."

"Don't worry! You know the program. After the Mayor has finished his speech everyone will go to the tables with refreshments and the auction starts."

"Barbara, as far as I know' all lots have been allocated in case there is nobody to outbid the price. I don't want to look silly if the person who was going to buy it doesn't come."

"That is one of the reasons we want you to wear it. A new face will stimulate prospective buyers, and besides it will perfectly match your dress. Let's go I'll show it to you."

Diana followed Barbara reluctantly.

Diana was sitting in the first row (the privilege of being a sponsor) listening to the Mayor, when she felt subconsciously that someone was looking at her. She turned her head and her eyes met David's. For a long minute they were looking into each other's eyes and she could see deep inside him fire and passion that gave her a thrilling sensation of understanding. Diana was the first to divert her eyes.

"Hi," he said huskily, taking a seat next to her. "Haven't seen you for ages, you look a million dollars today!"

"Thank you, David". She smiled charmingly at him "You also look smart! How was your trip to Chicago, by the way?" His face darkened.

"I'm afraid it was a complete failure. But I don't want to discuss the business matters now. Let's enjoy the party."

The auctioneer called for attention:

"Ladies and gentlemen! The moment, that we

have been waiting for so long, has come! I ask you to

open your hearts and your checkbooks and


remember that every dollar collected at this auction


will go i>n cancer research. Now, if you turn to catalogues you'll find there a complete list of articles with their descriptions."

There could be heard rustling of pages as the guests started to look through their catalogues.

"Ladies and gentlemen! The first lot is a small drawing by Pablo Picasso. The starting price is $40.000. Your bids are invited!"

A second later the auctioneer nodded with satisfaction:

"Mr. Stallone puts in the bid of $40.000! Who will bid against?"

Several minutes later the drawing was sold at a hammer price of $ 57.000. The second article was put up for auction. It was a lamp by Tiffani with a starling price of $ 50.000. While the auctioneer was putting up new lots for auction Diana was enjoying herself listening to David's comments on the people who were bidding against each other.

"Have you been told about the tradition that has been supported for 150 years already?" David enquired.

"Do you mean the tradition of demonstrating jewelry on the necks of the guests?" asked Diana.

"If you put it like this..." David couldn't help laughing. At this very moment the auctioneer put up for auction the first lot "for ladies". A beautiful young lady with red hair rose from her seat at the nearby table. She was wearing a wonderful diamond necklace and her husband put in the first bid for the lot. His neighbor bid against, then appeared a third bidder and the race continued for some time, accompanied by bursts of laughter. Diana understood that the friends of the husband were just having fun trying to make him put in the highest bid for the necklace. Diana's turn was coming and she suddenly felt nervous. When the auctioneer called her name she didn't understand it at first. Her set consisted of diamond earrings and a necklace. The starting price was $15,000.The first bid came from a far end of the room and Diana sighed with relief. At least somebody was going to buy it. The second bid was put in by an old gentleman who was sitting two rows behind her. Diana gave him a thankful smile. Then a third person joined. That was David. His bid was $50,000 and he was sure the set was his. But the counterpart from the far end doubled his bid and made it $100,000. The set was sold for $100.000. Diana was happy to get rid of the necklace. She came up to the auctioneer to take it off and was trying to unlock it with trembling fingers.

"Don't be upset, I'll buy you a better one as an engagement present", murmured David into her ear. She didn't have time to answer, as she heard a familiar voice from behind:

"Don't take it off Diana, it's yours. Happy birthday dear", Bob kissed her lightly on the cheek extending a check to the auctioneer.

"Do you... do you know him?" David was obviously taken aback. Diana wished the earth could swallow her up.

"Yes, we know each other and quite well", Bob said triumphantly. "And now, if you don't mind I'll take Diana to dance."

"No, I don't", David said.

Diana and Bob were dancing silently when Diana broke the silence.

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"Why have you done it, Bob?" Diana felt that her legs were failing her. If Bob had not held her, she would have fainted.

"Why have you done it?"

"I haven't been able to refrain from showing him that our day has come!"

"I wanted to leave gracefully, without a scandal, and you spoiled everything". The dance was over and Bob accompanied Diana to her table. When he was helping Diana to sit down he said intimately into her ear:

"See you at the restaurant".

David was sitting silently drinking whisky.

"David..." Diana started, "it's not what you are thinking about..."

"Really? And what should I think about a lady who accepts presents that are worth $100,000?! That she is not a lady at all!" He rose up to leave.

"David", she told to his back, - "I am really sorry. It's just business, nothing personal".

Exercise 1.

Find English equivalents in the text.

Общественное мероприятие; почетное место; теперь его очередь; сделать все возможное; аромат; чувствовать легкое головокружение; пойти в ресторан; ожерелье; распределять; перебивать цену; закуски; неохотно; страсть; отвести глаза; шелест страниц; просматривать каталог; выставить цену; предлагать бо­лее высокую цену; окончательная цена; выставлять на аукцион; развлекаться; избавиться; расстраиваться; готов провалиться сквозь землю; у нее подкаши­вались ноги; все испортить.

Speaking ГШ^

Exercise 2.

Answer the questions.

1. Did Diana manage to do anything for her family from business point of view? 2. Why did she go to the White Rose Ball? 3. How did the day start for her? 4. What were Diana's plans for the day? 5. What did Barbara ask Diana to do? 6. What was the purpose of the auction? 7. Was there any chemistry between David and Diana? 8. What was the first lot and what was its hammer price? 9. Why did Diana feel nervous? 10. Who was bidding against each other for Diana's lot and why? 11. Who bought the set? 12. Did Diana appreciate it? 13. What was David's reaction? 14. Can you find any symbols of the White Rose Ball in Diana's appearance?

Exercise 3.

  1. Describe Diana's appearance using the picture.

  2. Tell about the ceremony of the White Rose Ball.

  3. Describe the auction.

  4. Retell the text.


Exercise 1.

Fill in the gaps with suitable words.

a) to confirm; b) auctions; c) steadily raised; d) puts up; e) participants; f) price level; g) bid against; h) puts in; i) auctioneer; j) market; k) starting price; l) hammer price; m) bids. .

There are three main types of 1 : English, Dutch, and Japanese. At the

English auction the auctioneer 2 a lot for auction at some starting price and

then 3 are invited. Participants 4 each other until someone 5 the

highest bid for the lot. Then the article is sold at a 6 . The Dutch auction is a

sale at which the highest price is given at the beginning of the auction and then it is

reduced by the 7 until a buyer is found. Such auction is exercised at the

flower 8 . The Japanese auction is a kind of sale where a 9 is announced

by the auctioneer and then it is 10 . In order to remain 11 prospective

buyers have 12 their further participation by sending their applications at

every new 13 .

Exercise 2.

Fill in the gaps with articles where necessary. Retell the text.

1. ... restaurant where Bob had reserved ... table for tonight was located in ... Broadway street. 2. Diana decided to leave ... ball without saying good bye to anyone so as not to attract ... additional attention. She called ... taxi and asked ... driver to take her first home to change and then to ... restaurant. When Diana arrived at... restaurant Bob was waiting for her in ... lobby. They went upstairs to... Rosy Hall. When she entered ... hall she found herself in ... atmosphere of ... nineteenth century. ... windows were draped with ... pink velvet curtains which matched ... tablecloth.... heavy crystal chandeliers were hanging from ... ceiling. ... tables were at... considerable distance from each other to secure ... privacy. At one table she saw Margaret speaking to ... elegant lady. Suddenly Diana recognized ... lady. She got overwhelmed with ... joy and ... happiness throwing herself into her mother's arms. Her father appeared from behind ... large bunch of... flowers which was standing in ... vase in ... middle of... table.

"Surprise!" he said cheerfully.

"Oh, Dad, you won't believe how glad I am to see you! This is ... best present I've ever had!"

"What about... necklace and ... earrings, that I've bought for you today?!"

"It was you then? Of course, they are lovely, but I'm afraid they have ruined my life."

"Is anything wrong, dear?" her mother asked anxiously.

"Oh,... mother I have so much to tell you!"

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"Sure, you have, Diana," her father interrupted.

"But now let's have ... champagne, ... mirth and ... laughter, ... sermons and ... soda water ... day after. I hope you remember Lord Byron".

Exercise 3.

Translate from Russian into English using the vocabulary of the lesson.

1. Вы часто посещаете общественные мероприятия? 2. Я надеюсь, вы выполни­ли свой долг, не так ли? 3. Ему удалось достать бесценную информацию. 4. Мне бы хотелось куда-нибудь сходить, чтобы отмегить свой день рождения. 5. Кто эта эле­гантная дама, у которой берет интервью корреспондент. 6. Эта новость сейчас всеми обсуждается. 7. Диану пригласили принять участие в показе драгоценностей во время аукциона, и она неохотно согласилась. 8. Пока она демонстрировала комплект, за ней с любопытством наблюдали. 9. Что вы выставили на аукцион? 10. Прежде чем самая высокая цена за лот была предложена, участники аукциона сражались друг с другом в течение получаса. 11. После того как аукционист объявил стартовую цену, он пригла­сил участников предлагать свою цену. 12. Окончательная цена данного лота составила 200.000 долларов. 13. Кто предложил самую высокую цену за ожерелье? 14. После то­го, как Диана сняла с себя золотое платье и избавилась от розочек в волосах, она по­чувствовала себя гораздо лучше. 15. Когда она пошит, что родители пересекли Атлан­тический океан, чтобы вместе с ней отметить ее день рождения, ее затопила волна ра­дости и счастья.

Exercise 4.

Write a composition " What is the end of the story?".