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Unit 2 Sequence of Tenses

Пели в главном предложении стоит глагол в прошедшем времени, то в придаточном предложении также должен быть употреблен глагол в одном прошедшем времени. Чаще всего согласование времен имеет место при пере­воде прямой речи г, косвенную.


I Ее says that, he works for this company. / He said that he worked for that company. I lc says that he i&orked for this company. / He said that he had worked for that

company. I lc says thai he has worked there for 5 years. / He said that he had worked there for

5 years. I lc says he will work for this company. / He said he would work for that company.

Past Simple

Past Continuous

Past Perfect

Past Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect

Present Simple

Present Continuous

Present Perfect

Present Perfect Continuous

Past Simple



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Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect Past Perfect

Past Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous

Future Simple Future in the Past

Ряд слов при согласовании времен также меняются: Today - that day; tomorrow - the day after, the following day; this - that! here - there etc.

f" * Exercise 1.

L^ Open the brackets, using the correct grammar form.

1. David said he (to meet) his father at 3 p.m. 2. Michael confessed that (not to hear) the name of the composer before. 3. Steve promised that he (to buy) the patent if they (to sell) it. 4. Chairman said they (to hold) the meeting already. 5. He said he (to write) the article for 3 weeks. 6. The secretary explained that she (to work) at this company now. 7.1 (not to agree) to their offer because they often (to let me) down. 8. He (to say) that they (to take part) in that conference at that! time. 9. This company always (to expand) cooperation with overseas banks.

  1. I want to thank you because I (not to have) an opportunity to do it before.

  2. How long you (to attend) such meetings? - For 2 weeks. 12. He was tired because he already (to attend) a lot of lectures. 13. This is a reliable company. We (to buy) goods from them for 7 years. 14. When we came, they still (to negotiate). 15. They said that they (to negotiate) for 3 hours. 16. I (to forget) that 1 (not lo * send) our quotations. 17. We were grateful to them because they (to enclose) very! useful documents with the letter. 18. The prices (to rise) now. 19. The prices (toJ rise) for 3 days. 20.1 didn't know that the prices already (to rise) by 5 percent. 21. II didn't know that the prices (to rise) for 5 weeks. 22. He found out that their j competitors (to extend) the guarantee period.


Working on the text <^^

Read and translate the text. Find Sequence of Tenses and explain the usage of different tenses.

"Morning to everyone", said David coming into Diana's cubicle. "Hi, David", - Diana looked up from her computer, - "How are things?" "Everything is wonderful. I've come to tell you that 5 minutes ago 1 had a call from Mr. Priestly and I must say you were great during the negotiations. I believed you would charm them, but I didn't expect such a result. They agreed to every 1 point we had discussed. I must admit you are a perfect negotiator."

"I must admit I've studied NLP."

"I've suspected something like that", David burst out laughing. "I was watching you during negotiation and I noticed some of the tricks I was familiar with myself. You are a nice girl, Diana". If he wanted to embarrass her, he failed. She gave him a sidelong glance and said simply:

"Yes, I know".

"Well", continued David, "I've also brought you a draft contract with our Suppliers. Please read it very carefully and be ready at 3.30. We are meeting with I hem at 4.00 p.m.

At 4.00 p.m. sharp David and Diana entered the conference room. They greeted their counterparts Mr. Amand and Mr. Singh, exchanged business cards, and sat down at the table. Mr. Amand asked his secretary to bring some tea, coffee ;md mineral water. After some preliminaries they got down to business.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen let's get started", said Mr. Singh. "Two days ago we emailed you our draft contract and we hope you have studied it already. Is everything clear? Have you got any questions?"

"Yes", said David, "we'd like to discuss several points. First of all, it's the warranty period. I must say it is too short, especially for items 4423 and 4424. We would like you to extend it to 12 months at least. You didn't mention anything Concerning replacement of faulty parts. I hope there won't be any faulty parts but st ill there must be such a clause in the contract".

"If we omitted the clause concerning replacement, it's our fault, of course, jlhit as far as the guarantee period is concerned I'm not sure we are in a position to i-xtend it. But I'll try to get in touch with our production manager and to ask his opinion."

"I am sorry to interrupt you," Diana intervened, "but this is our trial order, isn't it? And to my mind, you must do your best to satisfy our requirements, otherwise we can find another Supplier. A lot of companies just queue up to make us place an order with them, because they understand that we are a well-■tablished company and if we are satisfied with our partners work we will be doing business for life. Moreover, we usually buy in bulk."

"By the way", interrupted David, "in your offer you mentioned a quantity discount. But I couldn't find anything on it in your draft contract."

"We didn't mention anything concerning the discount because we didn't know the exact quantity you were going to order."

"OK, we'll discuss it later."

"One more point that is very important, for us is the terms of payment. You ask for advance payment, I think, we could agree for repeat orders only. As I have already said, this is our trial order and we will open a Letter of Credit in your pvour."

Mr. Singh and Mr. Amand exchanged glances. Then Mr. Amand spoke for f lie first time.



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"Can you give us a first-class bank guarantee for your L/C?" "We'll do better than that", David assured him, - "we'll open you a Letter ol Credit with the first class bank. Will Chase Manhattan Bank suit you?"

"I think it will, but we'll give you our final answer in two days. Is that all right?" asked Mr. Amand.

"Sure", - said David and Diana together. They looked at each other and smiled. Their counterparts smiled too.

"There is one more thing we would like to

discuss", continued Diana. "It's the inspection

clause. We want you to include it in the contract."

"Well, I don't think it will be much of a

problem, anything else?"

"As far as the terms of delivery are concerned, I believe CIF New York will suit us. On the other hand, we have our own shipping facilities and I'd like to see FOB prices too. Please send them to me tomorrow and we'll make our final decision. That's all, I think."

"Fine. We'll forward you our FOB prices. Please inform me of your decision so that 1 could start drawing up a new contract." "OK, thank you very much, I believe our talks were productive", David said. "Oh, we are sure they were," agreed Mr. Amand and Mr. Singh. "We believe we'll strike a deal to our mutual benefit".

They shook hands and Mr. Amand kissed Diana's hand. David and Diana left the office.

When they were getting into the car David said: "I owe you a drink, Diana. It was a clever idea of yours to include the inspection clause. I had not thought about it myself. That is why I am taking you to dinner tonight."

Diana did not object because she was tired and hungry.

David had to admit to himself that he found her company more than pleasant. She talked with humor and intelligence and listened well when he talked about his business. As the evening wore on he became aware that what he already felt for her was not a passing attraction, nor even simple lust. He admired her. She had an inner calmness, a self-composure, a serenity that rested and relaxed him.

He found himself talking to her more and more freely about the things he usually kept lo himself - his financial affaires, his boredom with the society. She seemed not so much to know as to understand, which is far more important in a young woman than mere knowledge. They were still talking quietly at the corner table after midnight when the restaurant wanted to close. She declined in the


nicest possible way his invitation to come up to his penthouse for a nightcap which had not happened to him for years.

David drove Diana in silence to the block of flats where she was staying. He didn't, get out of the car to open the door for her. She thanked him for the evening, bade good night, and left the car very quickly. When she got home she understood how tired she was. The lines from a famous song Mere dancing in her mind:

When somebody loves you, you feel it in your heart,

When somebody loves you, you know it from the start.

Diana wanted to cry.

She was taking a shower when the telephone rang. It was the land line. After hesitating for a moment she picked up the receiver. It was Bob.

Exercise 1.

Find English equivalents in the text.

Переговоры, должен признать, расхохотаться, смущать, косой взгляд, проект контракта, поставщики, предварительные замечания, перейти к делу, замена бракованных частей, это наша вина, пункт контракта, продлевать, свя­заться, делать все возможное, удовлетворять требования, выстраиваться в оче­редь, скидка, условия платежа, условия доставки, взаимная выгода, что касает­ся..., направить, финансовые дела, «стаканчик на ночь», стационарный телефон.


Exercise 2.

Answer the questions.

  1. How did David estimate Diana's participation in the negotiation?

  2. Was he satisfied with the negotiation? 8. What did he ask her to do?

  1. With whom did David have an appointment at 4 p.m. and why?

  2. What did David want to clarify?

  3. Was Diana's manner aggressive? Why?

  4. What arguments did Diana offer to make their counterparts agree?

  5. How many points were discussed during the negotiation? What are they?

  6. Why did David suggest going to the restaurant?

10. Did they spend a nice evening?

Exercise 3.

Fill in the gaps with suitable words.

a) negotiation; b) counterparts; c) handshake; d) conditions; e) talks; f) to strike a deal; g) mutual benefit; h) in advance; i) parties; j) to make concessions.


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1. The usual purpose of negotiation is 1 . 2. Normally both parlies are

interested in reaching an agreement of 2 . 3. 3 can occur spontaneously

(at a trade fair) or may be planned 4 . 4. Hence the 5 make an

appointment and the 6 start. 5. During negotiations the 7 usually

discuss terms and 8 , exchange their views, trying to outbargain each other.

6. If counterparts are ready 9 they will have a greater chance of finding

common ground and reaching a final 10 .

Exercise 4.

Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions.

of; by; atx2; for, with x 3; on; inx3; about; upx2; tox5; out.

1. He could talk ... his father... everything. 2. We'll forward our offer... you ..1 Monday morning. 3. I want to invite you ... my place ... a nightcap. 4. You shall open a L/C ... Citibank ... our favour. 5. We can agree ... the terms ... payment, butj we can't agree ... you that advance payment is always dangerous. 6. Please get touch ... me as soon as you have drawn ... the contract. 7. We arc not... the position to discuss this matter. 8. They looked ... each other and burst ... laughing. 9. We want you to increase the discount... least... 5%. 10. Will you extend the guarantee period ... 18 months?


Диана не звала, что Дэвид уже встречался с индийской стороной и обсуждал с ними условия доставки. 3. Они недуг переговоры с 14.00 и еще не закончи.'!и. 1. Они обменялись визитными карточками и после предварительных замеча­ний перешли к делу. 5. Свяжитесь со мной как только решите вопрос с про­длением гарантийного срока. 6. В вашем контракте нет пункта касающегося замены бракованных запчастей. 7. Если наш пробный заказ пройдет успешно, вы можете рассчитывать на повторные заказы. 8. Мы не ожидали, что вы предложите нам такую маленькую скидку. 9. Дэвид надеялся, что противопо­ложная сторона сделает все возможное, чтобы удовлетворить их требования. 10. Они боялись, что мы разместим заказ у их конкурентов. 11. Клиент заве­рил поставщиков, что сделает авансовый платеж. 12. Надеюсь, вы собираетесь заключить взаимовыгодную сделку. 13. Что я вам должен? - Ничего. 14. Вы | всегда обсуждаете свои финансовые дела публично? 15. Вы всегда вмешивае­тесь в чужие дела?

Exercise 2.

Fill in the gaps with articles where necessary.

1. Diana lay awake thinking of David and her family. 2. She had to admit that be was ... man whom she could admire. 3. She prized ... drive, ... determination, ... leadership above all. 4. He was ... power-hungry alpha male,... sort of personality ... [companies would like to have, because such people can transform ... business. 5. In ... other circumstances she would like to work for him and to learn from him. 6. On [,.. other hand she had to perform her duty and save her aunt's business. 7. There was no ... alternative. 8. It was ... one way ticket for her. 9.... telephone interrupted her gloomy thoughts. 10. This time it was her mobile phone.

Exercise 5.

Retell the text.

Unit3 Listening cfah

Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions:

  1. What did Bob want from Diana?

  2. What did she promise to him?

  3. What information did Diana get? Is this information important?

  4. Could this information help Bob to develop his business? In what way?

  5. Do you think Diana will do her best to get this secret information?

Exercise 1.

Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Дэвид попросил Диану просмотреть проект контракта, который ему прислали поставщики. 2. Он сказал, что у них назначена встреча на 16.00.


Listening с$Л),\

Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions:

  1. Who called Diana and why?

  2. Was the person serious or not?

  3. How did Diana react?

""» Exercise 3. L-£L Will Diana betray David and help Bob? Write a composition, explaining your I point of view.


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