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needs - потребности benefits - преимущества sift - просеивать assessment - оценка underestimate - недооценивать inspire - вдохновлять invincible - неуязвимый devise - изобрести weapon - оружие execution - выполнение impose - навязывать will - волю offensive - наступательный

complete - заканчивать

manage - справляться

congratulate - поздравить

appreciate - оценить

appointment - встреча

silence - молчание

intend - намереваться

intention - намерение

transcend - проходить сквозь

found - обосновывать

fight - сражаться

cornerstone - краеугольный камень

casually - небрежно


authority - полномочия response - ответ abundance - изобилие household - домохозяйство ultimate - конечный consumer - потребитель demand - спрос profitable прибыльный goods - товары trend - тенденция intermediary - посредник grading - сортировка package - упаковка tangible - осязаемый intangible - неосязаемый persuade - убеждать advertising - реклама publicity - известность

playfully - игриво

insincerely - неискренне

hate - ненавидеть

enemy - враг

honour - чтить

tenet - принцип; догмат

intelligence - разведка

steady - устойчивый, неизменный

secure - надежный

occupy - занимать

unleash - дать волю

faith - вера

assemble - сборка

refine - очищать

acquisition - приобретение

consumption - потребление

wholesale - оптовый

retail - розничный


to apply to somebody for smth - обратиться к кому-л. за чем-л.

to break the silence - нарушить молчание

to come to the conclusion — прийти к заключению

to feel embarrassed - чувствовать неловко

to be at a loss - растеряться

it's common knowledge - общеизвестно

marketing mix - совокупность затрат на маркетинг (маркетинг-микс)

to bring together interested parties - свести вместе заинтересованные сто-

channels of distribution - каналы сбыта




Lesson 10. Negotiations

Grammar: The Past Perfect Continuous Tense; Sequence of Tenses

Unit 1 The Past Perfect Continuous Tense

had been + Participle I (имеет одну форму для всех лиц)

Had you been reading?

Had he been reading? Had she been reading?

Had we been reading?

Had they been reading?

Had I been reading

I had been reading

You had been reading

He had been reading

We had been reading

They had been reading

She had been reading

I had not been reading

She had not been reading

You had not been reading

He had not been reading

We had not been reading

They had not been reading

The Past Perfect Continuous Tense употребляется для выражения дей­ствия, которое началось в прошлом и продолжалось до какого-то момента в прошлом на протяжении некоторого времени. Это время подчеркивает про­цесс и длительность действия.


We had been waiting for him for an hour before he arrived.

Exercise 1.

Make up one sentence out of mo, using Past Perfect Continuous, according to the pattern.

Pattern: I began cooking dinner. After 2 hours the guests came. I had been cooking dinner for 2 hours when the guests came.

  1. He began driving. After 10 minutes his car broke down.

  2. She went for a walk. After half an hour she met her friend.

  3. They began negotiating. After 2 hours they signed the contract.

  4. We went on holiday to the Crimea. After 2 weeks our friends joined us.

  5. She went shopping for a blouse. After an hour she found it.

  6. 1 looked for a key. After 10 minutes 1 found it.

  7. She began learning French. After half a year she went on business to France.

8. My brother began to give me driving lessons. After 3 days he gave up his idea. 9.1 began working at the library. Half an hour later the library closed.

  1. Our company looked for good partners. After 2 months we found them.

  2. We produced this model of cars. After 5 years we modified it.

  3. They began advertising their goods. 2 months later their sales increased.

Exercise 2.

Open the brackets using Past Simple or Past Perfect Continuous.

  1. He (to emphasize) that their company (to make) achievements for 2 years.

  2. I (to know) that they (to advertise) their goods for 2 months.

  3. She (to say) that she (to wrap) up the present for half an hour.

  4. The company (to ensure) us that they (to make) tests for 2 weeks.

  5. He (to be late) because he (to explain) the matter to the police for an hour.

  1. The secretary (to say) that she (to wait) for the call from our partner the whole morning.

  2. The manager (to persuade) me to buy their products because they (to sell) lliem for 5 years.

  1. Before I (to take a decision) I (to discuss) it with everybody for a month.

  2. How long you (to look for) information before you (to write) a report?

  1. I (to be) very grateful to my mother because she (to cook) for my birthday party all day.

  2. How long you (to persuade) the clients before they (to make) a purchase?

12. He (to wait) for his girlfriend for half an hour when she (to come) at last.