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Задание9. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст . Найдите и запишите русские эквиваленты подчёркнутых слов и словосочетаний. Произнесите английские слова и сочетания.

The First Settlers in North America

The United States of America was opened to European colonization by the first voyage of Christopher Columbus in 1492. But he believed that he had found the Far East. The American continent was named after Amerigo Vespucci. He was a noble man from Florence and helped to organize Columbus’s second voyage in 1493. As early as 1532 most Europeans were calling the new continent “America”. But the USA was originally peopled by Indians. They had probably arrived 10,000 to 30,000 years before and came from Asia to North America by way of Bering Strait.

The first permanent white settlers in North America were founded at St. Augustine in Florida by the Spaniards in 1565, and the first permanent English colony Jamestown was established in 1607 in Virginia. It was named after the English king James I. The history of English settlement in America began on a beautiful April morning in 1607. At that time three ships anchored near the mouth of Chesapeake Bay. The men went ashore and found “fair meadows, and good tall trees” and much fresh water. Soon the white settlers found out from the Indians how to grow tobacco. Tobacco was very popular in Europe and Virginia became a rich colony. The Red Indians did much to help the white settlers in the new land. Then the whites began to take their lands and the Indians began to fight for their rights. So terrible wars started. The Indians did not have the weapons and were defeated. An important event in the colonization of North America took place in 1620. A group of colonists, the Pilgrim Fathers, came to North America on the famous ship the Mayflower. The Pilgrim Fathers were Separatists in England, or members of the Puritan movement. They wished to purify the Church of England. They tried to make religious services simpler and discipline stricter. This is why they were called Puritans. They were persecuted by English officials, and so many of them had to leave England for the New World on the ship the Mayflower. These Puritans began to call themselves Pilgrims because of their wanderings in search of religious freedom. After 65 days at sea the ship landed in Provincetown Harbour at Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The Pilgrim leaders had to organize their lives in the new land. So they decided to establish rules of their behaviour. They had a meeting and chose their first governor. They also signed a special document. It was known as the Mayflower Compact. The document was the first agreement for self-government in America.

Задание 10. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты русских слов и сочетаний. Запишите их в тетрадь и произнесите.

  1. самоуправление

  2. произойти

  3. церковная служба

  4. причалить

  5. уехать из…в…

  6. строгая дисциплина

  7. сойти на берег

  8. морское путешествие

  9. бороться за права

  10. король Яков I

  11. назвать в честь

  12. быть разгромленным

  13. поселение

  14. европейцы

  15. испанцы

  16. преследовать

  17. в море

  18. подписать документ

  19. в поисках

  20. прибыть в

  21. установить правила поведения

Задание 11. Запишите в тетрадь перевод английских слов и сочетаний из текста. Произнесите английские слова и сочетания.

  1. colonization, colony, colonist

  2. noble

  3. voyage

  4. to people

  5. originally

  6. permanent

  7. to settle, settler,settlement

  8. to establish, to establish rules of behaviour

  9. to name after sth, smb

  10. to go ashore

  11. to find out from smb

  12. to grow (3 forms) (tobacco)

  13. to fight for ( rights)

  14. weapons

  15. to take place

  16. religious service, religious freedom

  17. strict discipline

  18. this(that) is why

  19. to persecute

  20. to leave …for… (to leave Great Britain for America)

  21. because of sth, smb

  22. wanderings

  23. in search of smb, sth

  24. to choose (3 forms) , to choose governor

  25. to sign, to sign a document, to sign an agreement

  26. self-government

Задание 12. Напишите по-русски 5-6 предложений со словами и сочетаниями из упр.3. Попросите друг друга перевести их на английский язык.

Задание 13. Переведите русские части предложения на английский язык.

1.(Христофор Колумб) made 2 voyages to the American continent. 2. Since 1532 (европейцы) began to call the new continent “America”. 3. Indians arrived in North America from (Азии). 4. The first permanent English colony was named after the English king (Яков I ). 5. Indians(сражались за свои права). 6.TheIndianshadno(оружия) .7. Puritans tried to make (церковные службы) simpler and discipline (строгой). 8. English officials (преследовали) Puritans. 9. Puritans (уехали из) England (в Новый Свет). 10. Piligrims decided (установить правила поведения). 11. They (выбрали) the first governor and (подписали) a special document “Mayflower Compact”. 12.Itwasadocumentfor(самоуправления)inAmerica.

Задание 14. Запишите вопросы на английском языке и письменно ответьте на них.

1. Кто «открыл» Америку для европейцев? 2.Сколько морских путешествий к Американскому континенту совершил Колумб? 3. Когда на Американском континенте появились индейцы? 4. Откуда они прибыли туда? 5. Первые колонисты прибыли в Северную Америку в 16 или 17 веке? 6. Почему Вирджиния стала богатой колонией? 7. Помогали ли индейцы колонистам? 8. Почему начались войны между индейцами и колонистами? 9. Что означает слово «пилигрим»? 10. Сколько времени провели колонисты в море на корабле «Мейфлауер»? 11. Что ты знаешь о документе «Мейфлауерский договор»?

Задание 15. Закончите высказывания, выбрав правильный вариант. Запишите полные предложения.

1. Amerigo Vespucci was a noble man from… .

a) France b) Italy c)Portugal

2. The American continent was opened to European colonization in… .

a) the 14th century b) in the 15th century c) in the 16th century

3. The first settlers of America were… .

a) Spaniards b) the English c) Red Indians

4. The Mayflower ship landed in Provincetown harbour in… .

a) 1565 b) 1607 c) 1620

5) The Pilgrims were mostly… .

a) Catholics b) Protestants c) Presbyterians

6) The Pilgrims’ voyage on the Mayflower lasted for almost … .

a) 2 months b) 2,5 months c) a month