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МУ для СМ (2 часть) .doc
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The simplest freewheel device consists of two saw-toothed, spring-loaded discs pressing against each other with the toothed sides together, somewhat like a ratchet. Rotating in one direction, the saw teeth of the drive disc lock with the teeth of the driven disc, making it rotate at the same speed. If the drive disc slows down or stops rotating, the teeth of the driven disc slip over the drive disc teeth and continue rotating.

A more sophisticated and rugged design has spring-loaded steel rollers inside a driven cylinder. Rotating in one direction, the rollers lock with the cylinder making it rotate in unison. Rotating slower, or in the other direction, the steel rollers just slip inside the cylinder.

Most bicycle freewheels use an internally step-toothed drum with two or more spring-loaded, hardened steel pawls to transmit the load. More pawls help spread the wear and give greater reliability although, unless the device is made to tolerances not normally found in bicycle components, simultaneous engagement of more than two pawls is rarely achieved.


By its nature, a freewheel acts as an automatic clutch, making it possible to change gears in a manual gearbox, either up- or downshifting, without depressing the clutch pedal, limiting the use of the manual clutch to starting from standstill or stopping.

A freewheel also produces slightly better fuel efficiency and less wear on the manual clutch, but leads to more wear on the brakes as there is no longer any ability to perform engine braking.

Plan of rendering articles


Some expressions to be used while rendering an article

1. The title of the article

The title of the article is…

The article under consideration is entitled…

The article is head-lined …

The head-line of the article I have read is …

2. The author of the article, where and when it was published.

The author of the article is…

The article is written by…

It is (was) published/printed in … on the (7th of May).

3. The main idea of the article

The main idea

The key-note

The subject

of the article is …

As the title implies…

The content of the article…

The article

is about …

is devoted to …

deals with …

tells of…

touches upon …

reflects the…

depicts the…

present the general picture of …

The purpose

The aim

of the article is

to give the render some information on …

to discuss …

to show …

to provide the reader with some information (data) on …

4. Some facts, names, figures.

The author starts by telling the readers about/ that …

In the opening lines

In the very beginning

of the article the author tells about …

The author






points out



that …

The next part of the article is devoted to …

Much attention is given to …

The article describes …

According to the article …

Further the author



that …

Provides the detailed analysis of …

The article goes on to say that …

At the end of the article …

In conclusion …

The author comes to the conclusion that …

We can draw a conclusion …

In conclusion I have to add …

5. Your opinion of the article

I found the article







not worth reading

too hard to understand

I am rather impressed by this article because …