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Reading and Speaking

Exercise 5. Ask your friend about:

  • how the objects are described in the Customs form;

  • what the term “for official use” means;

  • why these remarks are important.

Exercise 6. Complete the text below using the words from the box.

through the “red corridor”, purchases, be questioned, to avoid, false, laws, subject to declaration, stamped, renewable, the border, identifies, amount

Text 1 Customs Declaration

W hen a person goes on business abroad he is to fill in the Customs declaration and to keep it for the duration of his stay abroad. It is not (1) ______ in case of loss. What is a ‘Customs declaration form’? It’s a simple form that (2) _______ who the person is, where he lives and whether or not he has made any (3) ________ that are to be declared.

Just like travelling anywhere outside the country, passengers are allowed a certain (4) _______ of tobacco, liquor that can be brought into the country. Persons giving (5) ______ information in the Customs declaration or to Customs officers shall render themselves liable under the (6) ____ of the country.

If the traveller has any goods or items that are (7) _______, he should fill in a special Customs declaration form and pass (8) ________ at the Customs point at the border. If he doesn’t have anything to declare, he may cross (9) ______ through the ‘green corridor’.

If the passenger brings in something that he thinks may (10) _______ when he comes out of the country, it’s better to declare it. The traveller must keep the (11) ________ declaration until the end of the trip (12) ______ problems when leaving the country.

Exercise 7. Read Text 2 to find the English equivalents for:

широко практиковаться в мире; каналы связи; представлять; законодательные акты; постепенно; таможенные органы; участники ВЭД; декларирование через Интернет; осуществлять таможенное оформление; выпуск товаров; декларант; электронное уведомление; квитанция; ускорять процедуру таможенного оформления; набор документов; подвергать риску; воспользоваться преимуществами; принимать электронную декларацию; воплощать программы.

Text 2* Electronic Customs Declaration

The electronic Customs declaration of goods is widely practiced in the world today. It is submitted to the Customs office in electronic form via the electronic communications channels. For these purposes the Customs offices should be adequately equipped.

In Russia, the first electronic Customs declaration was submitted in 2002.

In 2004, the Federal Customs Service adopted several legal acts determining the procedure for electronic declaration. Then it gradually began to be used by the Customs authorities, and certain participants in foreign trade switched to that form of declaration. Later the Federal Customs Service developed the means for electronically declaring goods through the Internet.

Thanks to the Internet declaration there is usually no need for the declarant to be personally present at the Customs office. In that case Customs clearance is performed rather quickly, taking as little as 15 minutes to release the goods after the electronic declaration is sent out.

After sending the electronic declaration, the declarant receives electronic notifications concerning all the stages of the declaration movement: receipt at a Customs office, acceptance, release, etc.

The Internet declaration, for instance, ED2 (Internet declaration in legal language) really speeds up the Customs clearance procedure. However, using the Internet declaration is not as simple as merely switching on the Internet. The declarant must sign the relevant agreement with the Federal Customs Service. His information systems must meet certain information security requirements and pass a special test.

Not all the Customs offices can currently accept electronic Customs declarations in the ED2 form yet, especially because they are inadequately equipped with the necessary hardware. However, the Federal Customs Service has worked out and is implementing the programme for gradually introducing ED2 throughout Russia. The list of Customs offices that are adequately equipped is being continuously renewed on the official web site of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

Customs authorities intend to carry out an experiment in the remote release of goods. Its results will be used to decide whether that technology of Customs clearance should extend to all the Customs offices.

(“The Moscow Times”, 01 December, 2009)

Exercise 8. Read the text again to answer the following questions:

1. When was the electronic Customs declaration submitted in Russia?

2. What are the advantages of Internet declaration?

3. In what case does an Internet declaration speed up the Customs clearance?

4. What does the abbreviation “ED2” stand for?

5. What are the barriers for overall acceptance of electronic Customs declaration?

Exercise 9. Match right and left.


to adopt

to implement

to equip

to pass


to determine

the stages


to meet

to exercise


Customs service


the programme


certain requirements

of declaration movement

legal acts

the procedure

with necessary hardware

a special test

Exercise 10.Translate the text into Russian.

Most of the major airlines offer Web Check-In. Passengers may use online check-in from their home computer, office, or anywhere they access the Internet to check-in for their flight. The Web Check-in form can only be completed by residents of the following countries: United States, Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Dominican Republic and Venezuela.

Exercise 11. Complete the following sentences:

  1. Incoming passengers must fill in _________ which is to be presented to _________.

  2. Incoming passengers must pass through ___________.

  3. The main points of the entry declaration include ____________.

  4. The entry declaration must be kept by ____________.

  5. The entry declaration is not renewed in _____________.

  6. The passenger must present it together with ____________.

  7. The Customs inspector may ask you to open your bags for __________.

  8. This is the passenger’s responsibility to __________.

  9. The passenger must declare all __________.

10. Personal belongings can be brought in or taken out __________.

11. The owner of the baggage must answer all the questions of the Customs officer on ___________.

Exercise 12. Rewrite the sentences below translating the Russian parts into English:

  1. Nowadays people who go on business mostly travel by air, as it is самый быстрый способ передвижения.

  2. Passengers are requested to arrive at the airport за два часа до отправления на международных рейсах (линиях) и за час на внутренних (местных) линиях.

  3. Each passenger of more than two years of age могут перевозить свой багаж бесплатно (беспошлинно) в пределах установленной нормы.

  4. Багаж сверх нормы (излишки багажа) must be paid for except for some articles - that can be carried free of charge.

  5. Each passenger is given a посадочный талон to be shown при выходе на посадку.

  6. Landing formalities and таможенные правила are more or less the same in all countries.

  7. После выхода из самолета, officials will check his passport and виза.

  8. When these формальности have been completed the passenger goes to the Customs для досмотра багажа.

  9. It sometimes happens that a passenger’s luggage is carefully gone through in order для предотвращения провоза контрабанды.

10.После того, как вы пройдете все таможенные формальности, the inspector will put a stamp on each piece of luggage or сделает отметку мелом.