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Talking Points

Exercise 13. Discuss all of the ideas mentioned in the texts above. Combine the strongest points to prove the statement:

“In spite of the new technologies the drug detector dogs remain the main tool for Customs enforcement.”

Exercise 14. Class discussion. Talk about training of dogs and handlers. What Customs Dog Training Centres do you know? What breeds of dogs are used at the Customs control?

Exercise 15. Find the information how ‘four-footed’ Customs officers fight with contraband. Tell the class about them.

Exercise 16. Get ready to answer the following questions:

  1. What are Customs detector dogs trained to look for?

  2. How long does it take to train a detector dog?

  3. Where do Customs detector dogs live?

  4. How many уears does a detector dog work for?

  5. Where do the dogs go when they retire?

  6. What areas do Customs detector dog teams work in?

  7. Where do Customs agencies find detector dogs?

Exercise 17. Write down five words that come to your mind when you hear the words Canine Enforcement.

Compare your list with your partner’s. Check your word list with the given semantic map on Canine Enforcement.






Report to the class on the five words you picked. Challenge one another’s choices and give reasons for your own.

Focus on Grammar

Exercise 18. Translate into English. Pay attention to the Passives.

  1. Кинология насчитывает 400 пород собак.

  2. Многие наркотики были обнаружены при помощи специально натренированных собак.

  3. Собаки применяются на самых рискованных участках жизнедеятельности людей.

  4. Многие нарушители были задержаны при помощи милицейских собак.

  5. Служебные собаки всегда использовались на границе.

Exercise 19. Translate the sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the Passive forms of the verbs.

  1. Drug detector dogs have been trained by Swedish Customs since 2003.

  2. The dog handler is assigned a young dog (approximately 1-3 years old) and is responsible for its teaching and training.

  3. The dog is assessed entirely on the basis of its own characteristics.

  4. Characteristics that are sought include hunting and retrieval instincts, temperament, approachability, stamina, acuity, and defence.

  5. Dogs are recruited on the open market.

  6. Dogs are approved after a suitability test.

  7. A detection dog team is certified after training before they can begin their work.

  8. Each year a prize is awarded to the drug detector dog.

  9. Border Collies and an English Springer spaniel are being used in anti-drug work.

  10. K9 officers are given border assignments, which mean they patrol areas where individuals cross from one country to another.

Exercise 20. Translate into Russian. Pay attention to Modal verbs.

1. Since drug detector dog has to work at varying places, such as in ships, warehouses areas and containers, it has to have a positive attitude towards different working environments and must not be scared of loud noises.

2. Drug detector dogs must also be friendly towards people, since the dogs work amongst people.

3. The tests show whether the puppy has such problems that may be a barrier to its development into a drug detector dog.

Exercise 21. Match the halves.

1. After the initial training course the dog

2. The dogs are transported in

3. The training philosophy employed by the Police

4. The dog handlers must be

5. During demonstrations, handlers provide general information

6. All Police dog handlers are experienced

7. Dogs live at home

8. The general purpose dog is mainly used

a) on drugs and firearms, currency and food, plant and animal products and demonstrate their dogs trained abilities

b) dedicated to their dogs, while both on- and off- duty

c) with their handlers

d) to track and search for people

e) police officers with approximately five years policing experience

f) is based on positive reinforcement

g) air-conditioned vehicles

h) border services officers

Exercise 22. Put the verbs into the Passive forms.

  1. Passengers leave all sorts of things in buses. The conductors collect them and send them to the Lost Property Office.

  2. The Police dog’s skills to detect narcotics and explosives have saved millions of taxpayers’ dollars.

  3. We will prosecute trespassers (нарушители границ владения).

  4. Someone suggested that taxes should be reduced.

  5. The police shouldn’t allow people to park here.

  6. They searched his house and found a number of stolen articles.

  7. You shouldn’t leave these documents on the desk. You should lock them up.

For more information turn to Grammar reference section.


1. Excuse me, officer, _________me how to get to the Canine Enforcement Centre?

  1. may you tell

  2. could you tell

  3. you can tell

2. You _______tell lies. It’s bad.

  1. mustn’t

  2. should

  3. are able

3._________ I use your dictionary?

  1. Am able

  2. Have to

  3. May

4. I _________ do a lot of work yesterday.

  1. must

  2. had to

  3. can

5. I’m afraid I ________come tomorrow. I _________ to work late.

  1. can’t; have

  2. couldn’t; had

  3. am not able; haven’t

6. John trained a dog quite well. He perhaps _________ to work as a dog handler.

  1. must

  2. will be able

  3. can

7. All staff _______show identity cards when they enter the building.

  1. mustn’t

  2. can’t

  3. must

8. You _________take many golden things if you go abroad.

  1. has not to

  2. may not

  3. aren’t allowed

9. Susan ________read when she was four years old.

  1. could

  2. can

  3. is able to

10. _________get up early tomorrow to meet the delegation at the airport?

  1. Did you have to

  2. Had you to

  3. Will you have to

11. May I _____out?

  1. go

  2. to go

  3. going

12. He spoke very quickly and I _______understand anything he said.

  1. can

  2. couldn’t

  3. could

13. Our friends _________to visit us tomorrow afternoon.

  1. will be able

  2. can

  3. must

14. You ________follow the instructions when using the X-ray baggage scanner.

  1. mustn’t

  2. must

  3. are able

15. Passengers _________open their baggage for Customs inspection.

  1. aren’t able

  2. mustn’t

  3. should

16. Carol ________to play the piano and the violin now.

  1. could

  2. is able

  3. can

17. Children __________to watch TV only two hours a day.

  1. are allowed

  2. can

  3. must

18. After waiting for a long time they _________ visit the exhibition.

  1. hadn’t to

  2. were able to

  3. could

19. When you drive a car you ________be more careful.

  1. mustn’t

  2. has to

  3. should

20.___________ translate this difficult text?

  1. Have you to

  2. Will you be able to

  3. You are able to

21. I went to the bank this morning. There was no queue, so I ________ wait.

  1. didn’t have to

  2. mustn’t

  3. could

22. He doesn’t like his job. Sometimes he _________ work at weekends.

  1. have to

  2. mustn’t

  3. has to

23. We _________talk for a long time, because I ________go out.

  1. had to; can’t

  2. couldn’t; had to

  3. didn’t have to; mustn’t

24. They ______ to wait for their luggage.

  1. have

  2. must

  3. can

25. - Where is Smirnov?

- He is not at his Customs desk, so he __________ be at the departure hall.

a) is allowed

b) is able

c) must


Drug Abuse Problem

UNIT 6.1 Tackling Drug Addiction