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Focus on Grammar

Exercise 28. Open the brackets using Passives.

1. Drugs often (portray) as a threat of enormous proportions.

2. More and more extreme measures (introduce) to win the war on drugs.

3. Interdiction efforts (direct) at drug trafficking across the globe.

4. Most of the current media and public attention (focus) on the matter of terrorism.

5. The cocaine, stored in metal drums marked as containing polyester resins, (discover) in the false walls of six containers.

6. Colombian authorities (aid) by a recent cooperation agreement with the United States aimed at strengthening narcotics detection.

7. A broad ring of people (involve) in organized illegal drug activity. Exercise 29. Change the sentences into Indirect Speech.

Start with “The Customs officer told the passenger…”

  1. “Show me your passport, please”.

  2. “Open your case for examination, please”.

  3. “That’s all right! You may pass on”.

  4. “You’ll have to pay duty on this”.

  5. “I must confiscate these goods”.

  6. “Please, fill in this form”.

Exercise 30. Change the sentences into Indirect Speech.

Start with “The passenger said…”

  1. “This is my hand luggage”.

  2. “I have only personal belongings”.

  3. “I have only got some presents”.

  4. “I’d like to phone to the embassy”.

  5. “Here is my passport. I need an interpreter”.

  6. “I need legal help”.

  7. “This is a gift for a friend”.

  8. “I’m travelling with my family”.

  9. “I’m visiting my relatives”.

  10. “I have nothing to declare”.

  11. ”I plan to stay here for two weeks”.

Exercise 31. Choose the correct tense forms of the verbs in brackets.

  1. They (work) in the restaurant at the weekends?

  2. She (listen) to the radio in her bedroom at the moment.

  3. They (not come) to the academy every day.

  4. You (work) now?

  5. The children (go) to bed at eight o'clock.

  6. I (leave) the office every day at five.

  7. I’m sorry I can’t talk to you now. I (go) out.

  8. Customs inspectors (work) at the airport at the moment?

  9. They (not go) to the meeting very often.

  10. You (go) into the office every month?

For more information turn to Grammar reference section.

Unit 6.4 Illegal Drug Trafficking in Russia

Starting Up

Exercise 1. Use your knowledge to answer the questions:

  1. Is Russia is notorious for drug production and smuggling?

  2. What are the main drug routes to Russia?

  3. Is anyone you’ve known addicted to drugs?

  4. Is it possible to solve the problem of drugs in Russia?

Word Study

Exercise 2. Match left and right.

1) drug addicts (drug users)

a) разбогатеть, нажиться на коррупции

2) the main drug route

b) закрывать глаза на что-либо

3) Federal Drug Control Service

c) вызов национальной безопасности

4) to stamp out extortion

d) маковая соломка

5) challenges to the national security

e) наркоманы

6) to win the war on drugs

f) защита криминальных группировок

7) to thrive on corruption

g) достойная работа и заработная плата

8) poppy straw

h) эпидемия наркотиков

9) to turn a blind eye

i) основной маршрут наркотиков

10) decent jobs and salaries

j) выиграть войну с наркотиками

11) protection to the criminal gangs

k) ликвидировать вымогательство

12) a drugs epidemic

l) Федеральная служба по контролю за оборотом наркотиков (ФСКН)