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Unit 2. Present Perfect Tense

We use the Present Prefect:

- for the action or situation that began in the past and continue in the present:

e.g. We have painted the whole house.

You have broken the window.

Time express or expressions which are often used with the Present Perfect: since, already, yet, this time (morning), ever, never, recently, yet.

Exercise 1. Choose the correct variant:

  1. He published/ has published a new book twice already.

  2. I never was/have been to Italy, but I have gone/went to England last May.

  3. I sent/ have sent them e-mail this week.

  4. Did you register/Have you registered your ticket yet?

  5. The plan from Paris has landed/landed an hour ago.

  6. How many schools did/have you studied in?

  7. The shop never made/has made any money.

  8. Did it stop/Has it stopped snowing yet?

  9. Mary called/have called her employer yesterday.

  10. She was/has been away on business since last Monday.


Exercise 2. Complete the sentence using the correct form of the Past Simple or Present Perfect of the verbs in brackets.

  1. People (begin) to watch TV about 50 years ago.

  1. I am looking for Tom. You (see) him? – I (see) him last week, but not today.

  2. He (organize) his sole proprietorship this year.

  3. This morning I (take) a little walk.

  4. We (be) to our main office since 7.30.

  5. I (knew) the owner of his company all my life.

  6. The company (change) a lot lately.

  7. How long you (be) in your current job?

  8. He (have) several jobs since he left our company.

  9. It (rain) here for weeks.

Exercise 3. Translate into English:

  1. Вона завжди давала мені багато корисних порад.

  2. Ми не бачили його вже два роки.

  3. Я щойно заплатив йому за цю роботу.

  4. Ви не одержали від нього жодного листа, чи не так?

  5. Він надіслав нам ці документи позавчора

  6. Вони інвестували в мій бізнес велику кількість грошей.

  7. Його стаття була надрукована в нашому журналі.

  8. Невже він повідомив нам цю новину?

  9. Комп’ютери стали дуже популярними останнім часом.

  10. Хто-небуть бачив мої ключі?

Unit 3. Present Perfect Continuous

We use the Present Perfect Continuous:

- to talk about actions or situations that began in the past and continue in the present:

e.g. He has been working for Loyads since 1998;

- to talk about a recent action that has a result in the present:

e.g. I have been working on the project – that’s why I am so tired.

Exercise 1. Choose the correct variant:

  1. He has developed/has been developing a new product for a month.

  2. She has worked/has been working overtime since May.

  3. My firm has sold/has been selling shares since September.

  4. Have you read/have you been reading our company development programme all day?

  5. I have waited/have been waiting for our partners since 2 o’clock.

  6. I have worked/have been working so hard that I haven’t seen my family for weeks.

  7. They have exhibited/have been exhibiting this new model since May.

  8. My friend has looked/has been looking around for a new flat, be hasn’t found it yet.

  9. How long have you worked/have you been working as a consultant?

  10. What new product have you advertised/ have you been advertising since I last visited you.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences using the correct form Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous of the verbs in brackets:

  1. I’m exhausted I (work) all day on my business plan, and (not finish) it yet.

  2. I (shop) all morning, but I (not buy) anything. I (not see) anything I’ve liked.

  3. I wait for two hours, but nobody (arrive) yet.

  4. I (listen) to you for the past half an hour, but I’m afraid I don’t understand your idea.

  5. The company (not make) any money for 2 months.

  6. This shop never (make) a profit.

  7. He (not have) a holiday for years.

  8. My friend (be) President of the holding company for 3 months now.

  9. I (read) a lot of special literature lately.

  10. The parent company (finance) its subsidiary for 2 months.

Exercise 3. Translate into English:

  1. Він ремонтує свою машину вже дві години.

  2. Вони перекладають документи вже цілий ранок.

  3. Ви п’єте дуже багато кави останнім часом.

  4. Він працює в цій компанії вже 5 років і ніколи не спізнюється.

  5. Клієнти телефонують цілий ранок, щось трапилось з комп’ютерами.

  6. Мені здається, що я стою в цій черзі цілу вічність.

  7. Президент компанії розглядає мою заяву вже тиждень

  8. Я роблю покупки в цьому магазині вже 15 років.

  9. Останнім часом виробничий сектор в Європі постійно зменшує кількість робочих місць.

  10. Вони займаються модельним бізнесом разом вже 10 років.