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Unit 6. Past Prefect Continuous

We use the Past Perfect Continuous:

To talk about an action which had been in progress before another.

We often use it with for and since:

e. g. I had been visiting this company for several weeks before they solved my problem.

Exercise 1. Choose the correct tense:

  1. We had been walking/walked for hours before we saw the lake.

  2. My uncle had been living/ had lived ten years before he moved to California.

  3. I had been revising/ had revised the texts for two hours, when he rang me up yesterday.

  4. My friend smoked/ had been smoking for twenty years when he finally gave it up.

  5. She had been reading/read the book for two hours when I came.

  6. It had been raining/ rained for half and an hour when I left home.

  7. I said that I had been staying/ was staying all the day.

  8. Jane explained that she had been taking/took that medicine for a long time.

  9. When I came they had been discussing/ were discussing this question for over an hour.

  10. I was told that your friend had been waiting/ was waiting for half an hour before you rang me up.

Exercise 2. Translate into English:

  1. До нашого приїзду йшов сильний сніг.

  2. Ми обговорювали цю проблему дві години, коли повідомили про цю новину.

  3. Коли я увійщов, я зрозумів, що вони обговорювали умови контракту цілий ранок.

  4. Він відстає від усіх студентів, так як не готовувся належним чином весь час.

  5. Він шукав свій ноутбук весь ранок, поки не знайшов його у себе під ліжком.

  6. Вона сказала, що працювала над документами з ранку.

  7. Я вивчав англійську два роки, до того як я поїхав в США.

  8. Секретарка шукала документі півгодини, коли задзвонив телефон.

  9. Ми інвестували цей бізнес три роки, до того як він збанкрутів.

  10. Я робила аналітичний огляд ринку цілий ранок, до приходу директора.

Unit 7. Future Continuous and Future Perfect

We use the Future Continuous to talk about:

  • actions or events that will be in progress at a specific time in

the future:

e. g. This time next week I’ll be flying to London;

- something that will definitely happen in the future, either because it is already planned or because it is part of a normal routine:

e.g. We’ll be using the Internet in ten years’ time.

We use the Future Perfect to talk about actions or events that will be finished before a certain time in the future:

e. g. I’ll have written the report by Sunday.

Exercise 1. Choose the correct variant:

  1. I won’t have time to solve this problem tomorrow because I’ll working/ I’ll have worked all morning.

  2. The interviewers will be finishing/ will have finished the selection of the best candidates for this job by 6 o’clock.

  3. Don’t come to the office at eight because we won’t have arrived/ we won’t be arriving by them.

  4. This time next week I’ll be taking/ I’ll have taken my entrance exams.

  5. By the time I retire I’ll be working/ I’ll have worked here for thirty years.

  6. Will you be using/ will you have used your computer this evening?

  7. I expect the meeting will be starting/will have started by the time we get to the conference hall.

  8. We won’t have finished/won’t be finishing this work by the end of the month.

  9. By that time we get to the stadium, the game will be/ will have started.

  10. We’ll have held/we’ll be holding our annual meeting soon, so we can make a decision then.

Exercise 2. Translate the sentences:

  1. Я буду працювати, коли ви повернетесь.

  2. Не спізнюйся. Він буде тебе чекати о 5 годині на вокзалі.

  3. Якщо ти зателефонуєш мені о 12, я буду спати.

  4. Коли ти будеш їсти, я продивлюсь всі документи.

  5. Я виправлю всі помилки доки вони прибудуть.

  6. Вони будуть вечеряти, коли ми прийдемо.

  7. Завтра о цій порі вони прибуватимуть до Києва.

  8. Я боюсь, що я не встигну зробити все вчасно до твого приходу.

  9. Директор скаже нам про це до ради директорів.

  10. Я повинен відкласти цю зустріч, так як я буду працювати цілий день.